gls@odyssey.ATT.COM (g.l.sicherman) (01/08/88)
Copy Mode in Vr2 (at least) troff does not work as documented. According to Ossanna, the only bash-interpretations in Copy Mode are \n, \*, \$, \NEWLINE, \", \t, \a, \., and \\. According to the source code, \e, \ , \|, \^, \{, \}, \', \`, \_, \-, \&, \c, \!, \%, and \g are translated as well. That is, they are interpreted as escapes, though the escape functions are not performed at once. Repeat by: .de W This is a bashdash \-. .. '\" Disable bash-escaping. .eo This is a bashdash \-. .W Since this bug or feature interferes with the .ec/.eo feature, it ought to be documented. (I discovered it while writing a dump-macro macro.) -- Col. G. L. Sicherman ...!ihnp4!odyssey!gls