[comp.text] How does CommonTeX work on smaller machines?

exodus@uop.edu (G.Onufer) (01/28/88)

I received CTeX from the TeX distribution tape and got it compiled on
my Atari ST without _any_ problems.  But it is _huge_!!  How is one 
supposed to use it on a small machine (1 Meg memory/35 Meg hard drive)??

Can all of the Static memory allocations be changed to dynamic memory
allocation at run-time (as opposed to compile time as it is now)?? 

Without a core dump facility and undump, how do you run the thing?  I have 
been helping with getting real TeX working on our Sun 3 network, but 
do not really understand everything that goes on 'inside'... HELP!!!

Thank you in advance.

Greg Onufer
University of the Pacific