rlr (05/17/82)
Such harsh reaction among the "progressive" hip-type folk at the chic Mudd Club??????? I guess the preppie Hollywood rich-kid crowd just isn't ready for real music. When Snakey and the gang played at City Gardens in Trenton NJ, it was a packed house with real Ralph aficionados galore. No, those guys are NOT the Residents!!!!! But they were quite good. And the films.... You have to see them to believe them. I actually went to the show specifically to see the films, but I have to admit I was really impressed by Snakey. In addition to the tunes mentioned in cornell!bob's article, he performed "Beatnik Party" from his new album (what a cut) and his cover of Kraftwerk's "The Model", partially sung in German. (I just noticed you already mentioned that one, Bob) Although most people at this show seemed to like it all because it was "weird", it proves that there is a market for real progressive music outside of the realm of guitar heroes, flamboyant synthesizer wizards, bare-chested goons, drug-induced hippies, and elitist jazz/classical "artistes". Anyone wishing to learn what these guys at Ralph (Residents, et al) should listen to the Residents Commercial Album. rlr