[comp.text] LaTeX Floating Bodies Question

wallace@hpisoa1.HP.COM (Kevin G. Wallace) (04/06/88)

Here's another question for some LaTeX (or TeX) wizard.

I'm writing an article that has numerous tables and relatively little
text.  I use the 


constructs.  The problem I have is that the tables float beyond the section
in which they are defined.  For example, in the the first section of the
article, I have 10 tables.  The first two fit on the first page.  There
isn't enough room remaining on the page for the third table, so LaTeX puts
the header and text for the second section at the bottom of the page.
It looks rather strange to discuss tables found several sections away.

What I'm looking for, I believe, is a way to flush all pending tables,
especially before the beginning a new section.  Actually, I wouldn't mind
if the tables didn't float at all and just appeared exactly where they
appear in the text.  I really don't want to insert \clearpage at the
appropriate places.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Kevin Wallace
Information Software Division

ken@cs.rochester.edu (Ken Yap) (04/06/88)

Sorry, I don't have the answer to your question but there is a mailing
list called TeXHax which Lamport reads and sometimes answers questions
on. Send mail to texhax-request@score.stanford.edu to join. On bitnet,
do this:

%%% subscribe, simply send a one line mail message to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET
%%% that reads:
%%%  SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your "real time" name>

Warning: make sure you have really looked for the answer before you
pose a question. Lamport will flay you alive if you haven't done
your homework.

I suggested a while back TeXHax should be gatewayed into comp.text.tex
or something, but nothing came of it. If you think this is a good idea
and feel inclined, poke the net gods a little.
