[comp.text] DVI--> ASCII?????

bowen@sunybcs.UUCP (Devon E Bowen) (06/09/88)

In article <780003@hpcea.CE.HP.COM> marvit@hpcea.CE.HP.COM (Peter Marvit) writes:
>I'm looking for a DVI-ASCII program (with assorted macros) which will
>eventually allow TeX to produce formatted flat ascii files.  In other
>words, I'd like to duplicate the troff/nroff capabilities using TeX.
>Please e-mail me or post if you have such a beast.  A thousand thanks are
>due you if you're able to answer this perennial problem...

Please post. I'm interested also. Thanks.

Devon Bowen			Packet:    KA2NRC@WA0PTV
University at Buffalo		BITNET:    bowen@sunybcs.BITNET
				Internet:  bowen@cs.Buffalo.EDU
UUCP: ...!{ames,boulder,decvax,rutgers}!sunybcs!bowen