[comp.text] re : INformation on SGML

ludo@squawk.uucp (Ludo Van Vooren) (07/28/88)

In article <14674@shemp.CS.UCLS.EDU> Dan Berry (dberry@CS.UCLA.EDU) writes :

>The American Association of Publishers.... what is the address of the
>organization, and how does one order copies of the set ?

The Publications from the Association of American Publishers in the
Electronic Manuscript Series are :

 - Standard for Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup
	(The AAP standard in detail (i.e. the Document Type
	Declarations), including a very useful tutorial
	 on SGML, how to read Document Type Declarations, and the
	 explanations of *these* Document Type Declarations in
	 particular. For programmers.)

 - Author's Guide to Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup
	(This book is for writers, not programmers: a good example of
	 what exactly a user in an SGML environment has to be told,
	 as distinct from what a programmer maintaining that environment
	 has to know.)

 - Reference Manual on Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup
	(A much more detailed version of the Author's Guide, which
	 really does teach the author how to use certain features of
	 SGML to simplify his task or to deal with special problems.
	 Lists *all* the AAP element-types and entities.)

 	[Note: an SGML element-type is like paragraph or list-item or section.
	An SGML entity is analogous to a combination of troff's string (\*x),
	macro (.XX), special-symbol ( \(xx ), and file-inclusion (.so) all
	rolled into one (and referenced by a single syntactic device).]

 - Markup of Tabular Material
	(Describes how AAP wants authors to type tables (far more general than
	 "tbl" can handle), and also gives the AAP's Document Type Declaration
	 for tables.

 - Markup of Mathematical Formulas
	(Similar to above but for equations.)

These publications are available from

	Association of American Publishers
	2005 Massachussets Avenue, NW.
	Washington, DC 20036

	Tel : (202)232-3335

Ludo Van Vooren                               {utai,utzoo}!sq!ludo
SOBEMAP representative                            or
SOFTQUAD, Toronto, Canada                     ludo@sq.com