[comp.text] TeXhax Digest V88 #94

TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU (TeXhax Digest) (10/24/88)

TeXhax Digest   Monday, October 24, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 94

Moderator: Malcolm Brown

Today's Topics:

            Rotating portions of TeX output (in TeXtures)
                      Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #90
                       typographical calculator
                      footnote numbering macros
              DVI-driver for HP DeskJet and HP Paintjet
      Font attributes (Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #88 (LaTeX notes))
                           Rotating output
                           TeXtures vs TeX
                        PC Ramdisk Performance
                      Troff to LaTeX conversion
                             flow charts
                    Remark on Volume 88, Issue 92
                           TeX on a Mac II
               re: computer modern for aps typesetter.


Date:	  Mon, 17 Oct 88 14:24:28 PDT
Subject:   Rotating portions of TeX output (in TeXtures)

Various DVI drivers allow you to insert graphics into TeX output.  However,
it's not always possible to include TeX labels because the labels need to
be rotated.  (E.g., the label of the y axis would normally be rotated by 90

The following macros implement rotation of TeX labels by arbitrary angles.
(I expect rotations by multiples of 90 degrees to look best.)  These
probably only work with TeXtures (TeX for the Mac).  However, it may also
work with other PostScript drivers.  These make use of the \special
{postscript ...} to insert PostScript code into the output.  This is used
to rotate the coordinate system, so that subsequent TeX output appears

These macros work with both Plain TeX at LaTeX.

    Charles Karney

% Rotation of TeX output with TeXtures (and maybe? other PostScript drivers)

% Written by 
%   Charles Karney
%   Plasma Physics Laboratory   Phone:   +1 609 243 2607
%   Princeton University        MFEnet:  Karney@PPC.MFEnet
%   PO Box 451                  ARPAnet: Karney%PPC.MFEnet@NMFECC.ARPA
%   Princeton, NJ 08543-0451    Bitnet:  Karney%PPC.MFEnet@ANLVMS.Bitnet

% The following assumptions are made about the PostScript that TeXtures
% generates:
% (1) A single transform is used for all TeXtures output.
% (2) The PostScript \special is bracketed by gsave ... grestore. 
% (3) Immediately after the gsave, the coordinate system is translated so the
%     origin is at the current point; and the y axis is flipped.
% (4) TeXtures doesn't leave anything on the stack for long periods.  (This
%     simplifies restoring the default coordinate system.)

% Usage:
%   abc {\rotate 90 def} ghi
% On a non-postscript printer this will print the same as ``abc def ghi''.
% With TeXtures, the ``abc'' and ``ghi'' will appear on the page in the
% same place as before, however the ``def'' is bodily rotated counter-
% clockwise by 90 degrees.  The rotation is about the bottom left corner of
% the ``d''.  The braces serve to delimit the extent of the rotated text.
% The rotation angle is specified as an integer number of degrees.  It can
% be negative.  \rotate should always appear within a group (not at top-
% level). Rotations can be stacked, e.g.,
%   abc {\rotate 90 def \rotate 90 ghi} jkl
% would print as
%   ihg
%      f
%      e
%      d
%   abc         jlk
% except that the letters ``def'' would be sideways, and ``ghi'' would be
% upside down.

\catcode`\@=11                  % We we can use @ in macro names
  0 0 transform                 % Get current location in device
                                % coordinates.
  grestore                      % Undoes TeXtures gsave.
  matrix currentmatrix          % Save current transform on stack for use
                                % by \@unrotate.
  3 1 roll                      % Put transform at back of current location.
  itransform                    % Current location in TeXtures coords
  dup 3 -1 roll                 % Duplicate the location; x y ==> x y x y
  dup 4 1 roll exch
  translate                     % Translate origin to current location
  1 -1 scale                    % Flip y coordinate
  \the\count@\space rotate      % Rotate by \@rotation
  1 -1 scale                    % Unflip y coordinate
  neg exch neg exch translate   % Translate origin back
  gsave}}                       % To match grestore
  grestore                      % Undoes TeXtures gsave
  setmatrix                     % Set current transform to value saved on
                                % stack.  (Hopefully, it's still there.)
  gsave}}                       % To match grestore

% A small test...


\null\vskip 2in
\hskip 2in
\def\r{\rotate -10 }
{\rotate 90
This \r is \r a \r test \r of \r text \r rota\r tion.
$\r \alpha \r + \r \beta \r =\r \gamma.$  Note that math mode counts as

\vskip 1in
AAAA{\rotate -45 BBBB{\rotate -15 CCCC}DDDD}EEEE \bye


Date:  Mon, 17 Oct 88 20:03:49 EDT
From: spooky!witr@bu-it.BU.EDU
Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #90

In this issue, Chris Torek <chris@mimsy.umd.edu> makes the claim:

	For whatever reasons, at least one common VMS TeX has chosen
	to violate the proper DVI file encoding.  A DVI file is
	supposed to end with between 4 and 7 bytes of 223's.

This is a common and unfortunate misconception.  Section 591 of 
``TeX: The Program'' states that the end of the postamble (following
the post_post byte) has an id byte ``followed by four or more bytes
that are all equal to the decimal number 223''.  Any number of these
bytes are allowed as long as at least 4 are present.  This misconception
has caused much grief to users who attempt to use DVI file interpreters
that enforce the 4 to 7 byte rule.

Robert Withrow, R.W. Withrow Assoc., 27 Greenwood Ter., Swampscott, MA 01907
           witr%spooky.UUCP@buita.bu.edu, (Work) +1 617 593 8452.


Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 09:25 GMT
From: Peter Flynn UCC <CBTS8001%IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: typographical calculator

I have put together a simple spreadsheet-based typographic calculator for TeX
on the PC. Currently it runs in InstaCalc(tm) from FormalSoft (Sandy, Utah)
because that happens to be what I use, but I guess it could easily be ported
into other systems. Here is the screen as it appears when popped up:

 |TeXcalc  Typographic design calculator for TeX         Enter units below   |
 |                                                                           |
 |Faces:        Typeface:cmr10                     Units:pt                  |
 |   cmr     Design Size:      10 pt              (1pt =        1 pt)        |
 |  cmbx         Scaling:\magstep   0             (    =        1 truept)    |
 |  cmsl    Scale Factor:    1000                 (      at current scaling) |
 |  cmti        x-Height:   4.310 truept                                     |
 |  cmtt      Quad Width:  10.000 truept                          Valid Units|
 |  cmmi                                     Dimension   Unit            pt  |
 |(10/12/17 pt)                                                          pc  |
 |                \hsize=     6.5 in             469.755 truept          in  |
 |                \vsize=     9.5 in             686.565 truept          bp  |
 |----------------------------------------------------------------       cm  |
 | Enter your dimension:        1 in              72.270 truept          mm  |
 |----------------------------------------------------------------       dd  |
 |              \parskip=       0 pt               0.000 truept          cc  |
 |            \parindent=      20 pt              20.000 truept          sp  |
 |         \baselineskip=      12 pt              12.000 truept          em  |
 |                                                                       ex  |
 |Fractions            1   over    64   =       0.015625 decimal         mu  |

You can change the typeface (design size is picked up from the name altho you
could change that too, if you want), scale factor (\magstep), and the units
you want everything expressed in. Then just stick in the dimension you are
trying to calculate and the answer is worked out. The nice thing is it is
memory resident, so you can pop it up and down during your edit session and
it's small enough for PC-TeX to run with it loaded.

I have sent the normalised (.SPS) file (plain text) and the .INS (binary) to
the PUBLIC archive at KIRK.ASTON.AC.UK, and the LISTSERVs at Heidelberg
(DHDURZ1.BITNET) and Texas A&M (TAMVM1.BITNET): if it's any use to anyone,
maybe someone can walk it over to the InterNet. I guess I can send copies
individually if people have problems attaching to the servers. InstaCalc
itself can be downloaded from SIMTEL-20 (via TRICKLE@DKTC11.BITNET for
European users).

...Peter Flynn <pflynn@vax1.ucc.ie> | <cbts8001@iruccvax.bitnet>


Date:    Tue Oct 18 13:43:27 MET 1988
From:    XITIJSCH%DDATHD21.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: footnote numbering macros

In TeXhax #89 I have ??? to my macros which do the numbering of footnotes
per page. Chris Thompson has written to me (and to TeXhax, but this
issue I have not get until now):

> [...] As not all of
> us can access such file servers, could someone post a brief description
> of the techniques used to achieve the effect (which, offhand, I would
> unwisely have claimed to be impossible).

Well, here are the techniques. The description is copied verbatim
from the macro file -- it appears there as the macro documentation.
The documentation parts for the housekeeping macros and the influence
of the \output routine are not shown here.

The implementation strategy is the following: Because
the contents of one page is determined at (nearly) random places
with an asynchronous invogation of the output routine, we can not
give numbers to every footnote subsequently between output and
output: a footnote at the top of a page will perhaps get a number
before the output is triggered and there is no way to change
this number. The problem is like forward references to text
places and it is solved in a similar fashion. We need two TeX runs
to get the numbering right but this is acceptable (who's got a
finished text after one run?!). In the first run we gather up in
a file the information where the footnotes are standing and in
the second run this information is used.

We must identify all footnotes if we write their numbers to
the footnote file, so each footnote gets an unary name
built with the counter \footno. The name is `f@<footno>',
where <footno> is the footnote name number. This name
building scheme has several disadvantages, e.g. the insertion
of a new footnote destroys the knowledge of the former run
about the following footnotes.

It remains an open problem how to get the numbers there.
The footnote numbering must be initialized to zero in the
output routine and every footnote must increment this footnote
number. The only thing that is expanded during the output
process is the output routine itself and the \write's, but
the expanded tokens of \write are written out, not interpreted.
Well, the idea is simple: We defer the counting to the second
run and write the instructions that do this to the file. The
counting is then done while reading the footnote file.

That means that the output routine adds entries like
   \@footno = 0
and every footnote adds an entry that looks like
   \advance\@footno by 1 \xdef\csname f@<footno> \endcsname{\number\@footno}
where <footno> is replaced by the current footnote name number.
The expansion of \footno must be made in \footnote.
After writing the entry to the footnote file the \footnote
macro defines the footnote mark to `?' if it is not already
defined (from a previous run).

The macros are still not fully developed, some features like
warnings when new footnotes are inserted or when footnote numbers
have been changed are missing. Other improvements
can be made on the construction of the footnote names. By
involving section numbers or analogous numbers the ``running
away'' of the footnote numbers (caused by the insertion of a
new footnote) can be limited.

These are only the principles -- for more information look at
the macros. (If I have gone into the details Malcolm would
have cancelled my submission once again...)


   TH Darmstadt
   Institut f\"ur Theoretische Informatik
   Joachim Schrod
   Alexanderstr. 24            Bitnet: XITIJSCH@DDATHD21
                                  (Please try again if I don't answer ---
   D-6100 Darmstadt               our Bitnet connection is very instable...)
   West Germany


Date: 18 Oct 88 11:20 GMT
From: Slaby <Slaby%urz.ku-eichstaett.dbp.de@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: DVI-driver for HP DeskJet and HP Paintjet

Are there yet any DVI-drivers for the new inkjet printers
HP Deskjet (300 dpi) and HP PaintJet (180 dpi)?
Any informations and hints are welcomed.


Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 09:35:53 EDT
From: Ashwin Ram <ram-ashwin@YALE.ARPA>
Subject: Font attributes (Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #88 (LaTeX notes))

> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 88 16:13:53 PDT
> From: lamport@src.dec.com (Leslie Lamport)
> Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #88 (LaTeX notes)
> Bernie Cosell writes:
>    It seems to me that what LaTeX should have is four families (roman,
>    sanserif, typewriter and smallcaps) and two style attributes (italic
>    and bold).  The families should _switch_ leaving the prevailing style
>    alone; the styles should *stack* leaving the prevailing family and any
>    other styles alone.  If I'm italic, and I enter a \bf region, I should
>    expect to now be in bold-italic.
> What he wants is quite reasonable, but impractical.  The problem is that
> this would involve a large number of fonts--roughly four times as
> many as now used--most of which do not exist.  

But even when the fonts exist LaTeX's behavior is non-intuitive.  E.g., if
I'm in \tt and I do a \large, I expect to get large typewriter font.
Instead, I get large roman.  However, the large typewriter font does exist,
as can be verified by typing another \tt after going into \large.

I think \bf and \em (if not \it) should also be able to switch to the
appropriate style within the current family (e.g., \tt\em could switch you to
slanted typewriter if there is no italic typewriter).

At least font size should be orthogonal to font family.  I understand
Leslie's point about practicality, but LaTeX should have some degree of what
amounts to d.w.i.m. capability, instead of doing the wrong thing altogether.

-- Ashwin.


Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 08:14:45 PDT
From: John Sotos <SOTOS@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Rotating output

orgive me if this topic is addressed in the
TeXbook, but I have been unable to find it
discussed there.

Is there a way to [conveniently] rotate the output
of an hbox or vbox by 90 degrees?  (Ie, so as to
write along the sides of a page.)




Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 12:04:15 CDT
From: thisted@galton.uchicago.edu (Ronald A. Thisted)
Subject: TeXtures vs TeX 

One of my colleagues here has run the same input through TeX on our
Suns (This is TeX, Version 2.0 for Berkeley UNIX (preloaded format=plain
86.8.21) and on version 1.01 of TeXtures for the Macintosh.  The two
versions ostensibly are using cm fonts, but occasionally produce
different line and page breaks.  Any ideas as to the cause of the

Ron Thisted
Department of Statistics/The University of Chicago


Date:     Tue, 18 Oct 88 13:32:20 EDT
From:     "David F. Rogers" <dfr@USNA.MIL>
Subject:  PC Ramdisk Performance

For those using TeX on PC's the results of a recent experiment might be of
I currently am using three different PC configurations: A Zenith 248 (8 mhz
1 wait state 80286), a vanilla IBM AT (6 mhz 80286), and a Zenith 386
machine. Both 80286 machines have large ramdisks (3meg). I was interested in
investigating the performance improvements using the ramdisk vice a standard
winchester disk.  Since the vanilla AT is the slowest of the machines and
thus would yield the largest differences in performance, I used that machine
for the experiments.
MicroTeX 1.5A1 cmfont version
Arbortext's Preview version 4.6
Arbortext's Dvihp version 4.6
were used.
For both cases below, tex.exe, preview.exe, and dvihp.exe as well as an
approximately 16k macro package were resident and accessed from the ramdisk.
For the case labelled Winchester below all other i/o was to/from the
Winchester disk.
For the case labelled Ramdisk below all other i/o was to/from the ramdisk.
The test vehicle was a 6 page section (Sec. 5-6) from the 2nd edition of
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics by Rogers & Adams, McGraw-Hill
Book Co. 1989. The section contains a goodly amount of math including
several matrices.
Program        Winchester        Ramdisk        Diff (sec)    Diff (%)
TeX            79 sec            75 sec         3 sec         5%
Preview        12 sec            9 sec          3 sec         25%
Dvihp          89 sec            69 sec         20 sec        22%
For Preview the times represent the time to display the first page.
All times were recorded with a stop watch.
Although the % savings for Preview is at first impressive, the actual time
savings is not.  The actual savings for TeX processing is minimal.  This is
not surprising since TeX is compute bound.  The biggest savings occur for
Dvihp.  However, with a good previewer the requirement for paper copy is
significantly reduced.
From these results, I conclude that for TeX applications large ramdisks are
not cost effective.
An additional consideration is that using a ramdisk saves wear and tear on
the Winchester disk. However, it also increases the possibility that the
file being worked on will be lost when someone (usually me) turns the
machine off without copying the new version from the ramdisk to the
Winchester disk.
Since TeX, Dvihp and Preview are all large programs, sufficient ramdisk
to hold these programs and the appropriate text editor do make a significant
difference in performance. Currently a megabyte of ramdisk is adequate for
that purpose.

Professor David F. Rogers
Aerospace Engineering Department
U.S. Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD 21402
Tel: 301-267-3283/4/5
ARPANET: dfr@usna.mil
UUCP:    ~uunet!usna!dfr


Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 12:20:11 EDT
From: jorgnsn%QUCIS.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Troff to LaTeX conversion

We're looking for tools to help translate Troff documents into
LaTeX documents.  The result should be readable and modifiable by
humans.  That means we need a high-level translator that turns a
document containing, say, me macros into a LaTeX document, not a
low-level translator that runs all of the Troff preprocessors and
macro substitutions, and then translates the resulting Troff
primitives into TeX primitives.  Does somebody already have such
a tool?  Are there any tools at all for going from Troff to TeX?
We're running Tex 2.00 and LaTeX 2.09 on Sun 3s, under SunOS 3.5.

Please mail replies to me.  Thanks for your help.


Date:     Tue, 18 Oct 88 17:04 EST
From:     <ECF_EMS%JHUVMS.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: flow charts

        I was wondering if there is a utility in Tex or Latex
that will allow one to draw flow charts. If so, I would
like information on how to access it.


Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 14:40:35 PDT
From: ribet@cartan.Berkeley.EDU (Kenneth A. Ribet)
Subject: Remark on Volume 88, Issue 92

In Volume 88 : Issue 92, Rodney Topor
<munnari!munmurra.mu.oz.au!rwt@uunet.UU.NET> asks about theorem-like
environments whose text is not italicized.  The macro files at U. C.
Berkeley contain a "remark.sty" file which apparently performs the
required task.  For the sake of completeness, I append its text below.
I was surprised not to find any indication of the origin of this file
in the initial lines:

---(text follows)---

%       ****************************************
%       *         REMARK ENVIRONMENTS         *
%       ****************************************
%  The user creates his own remark-like environments with the command
%      \newremark{NAME}{TEXT}[COUNTER]  or
%      \newremark{NAME}[OLDNAME]{TEXT}
%  This defines the environment NAME to be just as one would expect a 
%  remark environment to be, except that it prints ``TEXT'' instead of 
%  ``Remark''.  
%  If OLDNAME is given, then environments NAME and OLDNAME use the same 
%  counter, so using a NAME environment advances the number of the next 
%  NAME environment, and vice-versa.
%  If COUNTER is given, then environment NAME is numbered within COUNTER.
%  E.g., if COUNTER = subsection, then the first NAME in subsection 7.2
%  is numbered TEXT 7.2.1.
%  The way NAME environments are numbered can be changed by redefining
%  \theNAME.
%  \@rmkcounter{COUNTER} : A command such that
%               \edef\theCOUNTER{\@rmkcounter{COUNTER}}
%         defines \theCOUNTER to produce a number for a remark environment.
%         The default is:
%            BEGIN \noexpand\arabic{COUNTER} END
%  \@rmkcountersep : A separator placed between a remark number and
%         the number of the counter within which it is numbered.
%         E.g., to make the third remark of section 7.2 be numbered
%         7.2-3, \@rmkcountersep should be \def'ed to '-'.  Its
%         default is '.'.
%  \@beginremark{NAME}{NUMBER} : A command that begins a remark
%         environment for a 'remark' named 'NAME NUMBER' --
%         e.g., \@beginremark{Lemma}{3.7} starts Lemma 3.7.
%  \@opargbeginremark{NAME}{NUMBER}{OPARG} : A command that begins a remark
%         environment for a 'remark' named 'NAME NUMBER' with optional
%         argument OPARG -- e.g., \@beginremark{Lemma}{3.7}{Jones}
%         starts `Lemma 3.7 (Jones):'.
%  \@endremark : A command that ends a remark environment.
% \newremark{NAME}{TEXT}[COUNTER] ==
%     if \NAME is definable
%       then \@definecounter{NAME}
%            if COUNTER present
%              then \@addtoreset{NAME}{COUNTER} fi
%                   \theNAME ==  BEGIN \theCOUNTER \@rmkcountersep
%                                       eval\@rmkcounter{NAME}      END
%              else \theNAME ==  BEGIN eval\@rmkcounter{NAME} END
%            \NAME == \@rmk{NAME}{TEXT}
%            \endNAME == \@endremark
%       else  error
%     fi
%   END
% \newremark{NAME}[OLDNAME]{TEXT}==
%     if \NAME is definable
%       then \theNAME == \theOLDNAME
%            \NAME == \@rmk{OLDNAME}{TEXT}
%            \endNAME == \@endremark
%       else  error
%     fi
%   END
% \@rmk{NAME}{TEXT} ==
%    \refstepcounter{NAME}
%    if next char = [ 
%       then \@yrmk{NAME}{TEXT}
%       else \@xrmk{NAME}{TEXT}
%    fi
%   END
% \@xrmk{NAME}{TEXT} ==
%    \@beginremark{TEXT}{\theNAME}
%    \ignorespaces
%   END
% \@yrmk{NAME}{TEXT}[OPARG] ==
%    \@opargbeginremark{TEXT}{\theNAME}{OPARG}
%    \ignorespaces
%   END


\def\@xnrmk#1#2[#3]{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand
  \csname the#3\endcsname \@rmkcountersep \@rmkcounter{#1}}%

\def\@ynrmk#1#2{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@rmkcounter{#1}}%

\def\@ormk#1[#2]#3{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname


\def\@xrmk#1#2{\@beginremark{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}\ignorespaces}

%deleted September 2, 1986 MDK
%\def\@makermknumber#1#2{\bf #1 #2:}
\def\@beginremark#1#2{\trivlist \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #1\ #2}]}
      \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #1\ #2\ (#3)}]}
    Ken Ribet                  ribet@cartan.berkeley.edu
    UC Berkeley Math Dept      ribet@ucbcmsa.bitnet
    Berkeley CA  94720


Date:	  Tue, 18 Oct 88 15:37:39 PDT
Subject:   TeX on a Mac II

Here we are using TeXtures on a Mac II and are very happy with its
performance.  You might also want to check MacTeX from FTL.  I've tried
them both and slightly prefer TeXtures.

For TeXtures you will need a hard disk (unless you like juggling floppies),
a LaserWriter, and 2 or 5 MB of RAM.  (Actually, TeXtures runs quite
happily with 1 MB, so long as you have the RAM cache off.  However, with
very complicated documents, you may get an "Out of memory" error.  The
additional memory will let you use MultiFinder, background printing, etc.)
If you anticipate making heavy use of the screen previewer, you might want
to purchase a high-resolution full-page display.  In addition to TeXtures
(about $400 with an educational discount), you should get LaTeX ($75), and
the complete set of CM fonts at all standard magnifications ($85).  (With
TeXtures, you just get the fonts at \magstep0 and 1.)

I suspect that TeXtures will not run under A/UX.  Presumably you can use
the Unix release of TeX.  This probably doesn't include a previewer.

I believe the American Physical Society should be accepting TeX files some
time next year.  They are currently designing a suitable style file to be
used with LaTeX.

    Charles Karney
    Plasma Physics Laboratory   Phone:   +1 609 243 2607
    Princeton University        MFEnet:  Karney@PPC.MFEnet
    PO Box 451                  ARPAnet: Karney%PPC.MFEnet@NMFECC.ARPA
    Princeton, NJ 08543-0451    Bitnet:  Karney%PPC.MFEnet@ANLVMS.Bitnet


Date: Wed 19 Oct 88 03:41:29-EDT
From: b beeton <BNB@SEED.AMS.COM>
Subject: re: computer modern for aps typesetter.

cm fonts for autologic's aps-5 series typesetters are (or should be)
available from autologic.  although it is possible to download fonts
to an aps at run time (this is how the 5 volumes of computers & typesetting
were prepared, before the "resident" versions of the fonts were available),
it takes on the order of .5 second per character.  not the best way to use
a high-speed typesetter!  a dvi-aps driver is available from arbortext;
i know of no public domain versions, or of any other commercial ones, for
that matter.
					-- barbara beeton


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End of TeXhax Digest