[comp.text] Gray-scale antialiasing

avi@dgp.toronto.edu (Avi Naiman) (11/08/88)

In article <19809@apple.Apple.COM> jp@Apple.COM (John Peterson) writes:

>> David Casseres
>> In spite of the enthusiasm of its supporters, the question of the
>> *readability* of anti-aliased text remains open.

I would tend to agree with David's assessment of the situation: the
question of the *utility* of grayscale text remains open.  Depending on
the task at hand, 'utility' might mean discriminability, legibility,
readability, aesthetics, or some combination of these qualities.
Several research projects have started *preliminary* work into
investigating the issues involved [Bender 87, Farrell 88, Gould 84,
Gould87a, Gould 87b, Naiman 88].  However, it is premature to draw
generally applicable conclusions from any of the published research
(at least, that which I have seen).

Furthermore, in having spoken with at least one author of each of the
papers I reference (and many other researchers in the field), I believe
they all agree that we still have much to do before anything close to
an 'all-encompassing' grayscale font production system is available.
Other than pragmatic-type problems (e.g., how fast can the fonts be
produced), some of the issues which need addressing include:
    --  algorithmic processes for generating grayscale fonts
    --  appropriate filters
    --  tradeoffs between number of grayscale levels and resolution
    --  the visual system's response to grayscale edges
    --  the relationship between flicker and grayscale
    --  fatigue of the visual system
    --  sub-pixel positioning
    --  'difference' metrics for multiple versions of a character
    --  display device modeling

>John Peterson
> Not really, some studies have been done.  I have in front of me a paper
> titled "CRT Typeface Design and Evaluation" that was prepared by some people
> at MIT and IBM.  In their study they found that people can read a display
> with anti-aliased fonts -faster- than the equivalent hardcopy text.  This
> compares quite well to traditional CRT text, which was found consistantly
> slower than hardcopy.

>From my experience, I find it hard to believe that one can today
compare a screen font (regardless of whether or not there is grayscale)
with an *equivalent* hardcopy sample.  Aside from the fact that the
illumination levels of the two media are quite different (one being
steady and reflective, the other refreshed and emissive), the point
spread functions will likely be quite different.  Hence, the character
shapes will be distorted by the two media in different ways.  While we
can try to minimize these differences, until we have established
metrics by which to measure the 'differences' between two versions of
the same character (in terms of the performance of the human visual
system in some task domain), we will not even know what 'nominally
equivalent' means.

On the bright side, there have been certain controlled, focused -- and
limited -- experiments which have demonstrated that, under suitable
conditions and for given tasks, subjects can use a 'particular'
grayscale font to better advantage than a 'particular' hardcopy font.
Since John brought up the [Bender 87] paper, let me illustrate my
remarks (both the limitations of completed research and the need for
much more) with some quotes from, and remarks on, the article [note that
the authors do not make exactly the same claim John describes]:

    --  "To *begin* to understand this question" ['*' are mine]
    --  "... we have designed a new [sic] anti-aliased typeface which
	can be viewed on an analog color display."  How are things
	affected when monochromatic grayscale monitors are used?  How is
	"color" accounted for?
    --  "[video display] technology presents advantages and limitations
	never considered in the design of typefaces for printed
	communication."  This implies -- correctly -- that there is much
	we do not yet understand about "digital typography", let alone
	grayscale fonts.
    --  "Most CRT typefaces attempt to imitate printed typefaces, and
	their design is not optimized for CRT's.  It was our intention
	to design this new typeface on the media for which it was
	ultimately intended." Three possibilities exist: the grayscale
	font is an implementation of the hard-copy font, the hard-copy
	font is an implementation of the grayscale font, the grayscale
	font is similar to, but not the same as, the hard-copy font.  By
	their own admission, the grayscale font used in the experiment
	was derived from a hard-copy font, but was re-designed for the
	video terminal.  Hence, the media is not the only thing that was
	different between the font samples.
    --  "In our experiment, we had a graphic designer hand-tune the
	algorithmically generated grayscale characters."  How would the
	grayscale font have fared without hand-tuning?  Is hand-tuning
	feasible for large-scale font production?
    --  "It is important to find a common ground between acuity and
	positionability. ... His experienced eye was used to find a
	balance between the acuity and shape of each character."  How
	can we incorporate the designer's aesthetic sensibility into an
	automated process?  In what ways is the 'solution' task-dependent?
    --  "In addition, he designed a typeface which was well-suited for
	CRT display; the smallest elements of the characters ... were on
	the scale of a pixel."  How well will more traditional typeface
	designs transfer to the grayscale media?  Will this prove more
	successful than black and white versions in capturing subtle
	design details?
    --  "It is our guess that the application [of] typographic skills to
	our character design, as opposed to simply the application of
	filters, however well-tuned, is the factor which has significantly
	improved the readability of our anti-aliased characters over
	previously reported results. [Gould 1984]"  Note that the authors
	themselves are questioning exactly what role the grayscale media
	played in 'improving' the quality of the CRT font.  Furthermore,
	the "control for this study was hardcopy printed on the IBM 5218
	Printwheel Printer with a Prestige-Elite Printwheel II".  Ideally,
	one would like hand-tuned and untuned versions of black & white
	as well as grayscale fonts, in order to separately evaluate the
	issues of grayscale, typographic skills, and media.  Furthermore,
	since their grayscale font was Century Schoolbook-like [private
	communication], how justified are the results?  I do not contest
	that the particular grayscale, hand-tuned, CS-like, CRT-displayed
	font out-performed the hard-copy, Prestige-Elite one; but what
	conclusions are fair to draw from this fact?  In fact, they make
	essentially the same (implied) observation: "Future work will
	include a direct comparison of algorithmically generated fonts
	with hand-tuned fonts, as well as a comparison between the same
	typeface, hand-edited bi-level and grayscale."
    --  "The data suggests that proofreading with the new anti-aliased
	[sic] typeface on an analog color display is faster than from a
	hardcopy".  For the particular sample fonts and task used!  Would
	it have been faster than high-quality typeset hard-copy fonts?
    --  "Only six out of eighteen [preferred] the printed copy.  ...
	Although not significant, this result does suggest a trend that
	deserves further investigation."  Indeed it does!

I hope no one construes this posting as an attack on the [Bender 87] work.
I am merely trying to illustrate some of the complexities involved in using
grayscale on a widespread basis.  I'm all for it; I just don't know how
to do it consistently *well* yet (nor, do I believe, does anyone else).

Avi Naiman
Dynamic Graphics Project
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto

Bender 87 Bender, W., R. A. Crespo, P. J.  Kennedy,  and  R.
          Oakley,  ``CRT  Typeface  Design and Evaluation,''
          Proceedings of the  Human  Factors  Society,  31st
          Annual Meeting, 1987, pp. 1311-1314.

Farrell 88Farrell, J. E. and A. E. Fitzhugh ``Image  Quality
          of  Digital Characters,'' Supplement to Investiga-
          tive Opthalmology and  Visual  Science,  1988,  In

Gould 84  Gould, J. D. and N. Grischkowsky, ``Doing the Same
          Work  with  Hard  Copy  and  with Cathode-Ray Tube
          (CRT) Computer Terminals,'' Human Factors,  Volume
          26, Number 3, June 1984, pp. 323-337.

Gould 87a Gould, J. D. et al., ``Why Reading was Slower from
          CRT  Displays  than  from  Paper,'' Proceedings of
          CHI+GI 1987, April 1987, pp. 7-11.

Gould 87b Gould, J. D. et al., ``Reading is Slower from  CRT
          Displays  than  from  Paper: Attempts to Isolate a
          Single-Variable  Explanation,''   Human   Factors,
          Volume 29, Number 3, June 1987, pp. 269-299.

Naiman 88 Naiman, A. and J. Farrell, ``Modeling the  Display
          and  Perception  of Grayscale Characters,'' SID 88
          Digest, Volume 19, May 1988, pp. 424-427.
Avi Naiman

avi@dgp.toronto.edu (Avi Naiman) (11/08/88)

In article <19809@apple.Apple.COM> jp@Apple.COM (John Peterson) writes:

>> David Casseres
>John Peterson

>> As to its being cheap to implement, it's true there is less hardware cost
>> in anti-aliasing than there is in greater pixel density.  But until someone
>> makes a breakthrough or two, it requires some very intense computation
>> right where you don't want it, i.e. right in the middle of your character-
>> display loop where it trashes your display performance.

> This is incorrect.  I would not consider BitBlt (aka CopyBits) to be an
> "intense computation."  Like all other screen fonts, anti-aliased fonts are
> pre-computed and cached.  To display them, you copy rectangles of pixels onto
> the screen.  For the vast majority of applications (page layout, word 
> processing, etc) that's all the "computation" you need to do.  

If the approach taken is to pre-compute a single version of a grayscale
font (for each font size and display resolution possible), then I would
agree with John that copying bytes is not much more intensive a
computation than copying bits.  However, this approach restricts the
flexibility of using grayscale for sub-pixel positioning of edges.  In
particular, one could not move a character left or right by less than a
pixel of space; each character exists on an integral lattice which must
coincide with the device's pixel grid.

Alternatively, one could generate many grayscale versions of the same
font at a particular size and for a specific device, each differing
only slightly from the next in terms of the sub-pixel position of the
target resolution sampling grid relative to the master resolution of
the filtered characters.  In this manner, one could do a more accurate
job of approximating the spacing required between successive
characters, by using the particular version of the character which
minimizes the spacing error.

In our context, if we have a half pixel error in the positioning of a
character, one character pair may appear too 'closely' set by half a
pixel, while the next pair seems too 'loosely' set by half a pixel.
Where the size of a pixel is large relative to the size of the
character, this can lead to disastrous spacing problems.  Even for
state-of-the-art monitors with a resolution of approximately two pixels
per typographer's point (in each of x and y), when setting 10-point
text (about .35 cm), a half pixel of error is about 10% of the average
inter-character spacing (one quarter of the point size) while the
variation between the spacing of pairs of characters can be as much as
20%.  By using 8 different x-phases in generating the grayscale
characters, this error can be reduced to 1.25% and 2.5%.  For more
common monitors (about 1 pixel per typographer's point), the errors are
20% and 40%, and 8 phases can reduce this to 2.5% and 5%.  [Note that
different y-phases can be utilized when there is a necessity for leading
which is a non-integral multiple of the pixel size, as well as for
superscripts, subscripts, and tabular data.]

Due to the abundance of digital fonts available today (at virtually any
size) and the requirement of sub-pixel positioning for accurate
spacing, prefiltering all possible grayscale characters is impractical
(in fact, it is impossible, since the user may always want a size which
has not been made available).  Therefore, I would agree with David
Casseres' comment above, that what we need is the capability to
dynamically generate the requested characters at the appropriate size,
resolution, and phase, coupled with font-caching software to reduce the
need to recompute already-generated characters.  I contend that the
research reported in the below-cited paper is a step in that direction.

Naiman 88 Naiman, A. and A. Fournier, ``Rectangular Convolu-
          tion  for Fast Filtering of Characters,'' Computer
          Graphics, Volume 21,  Number  4,  July  1987,  pp.
Avi Naiman

avi@dgp.toronto.edu (Avi Naiman) (11/08/88)

In article <4848@polya.Stanford.EDU> kaufman@polya.Stanford.EDU (Marc T. Kaufman) writes:
>In article <515@voodoo.UUCP> bhagwan@voodoo.UUCP (The Bhagwan) writes:
>>  True enough...but....consider subpixel positioning. You'll need additional
>>  bitmaps for this. If you want 1/4 pixel positioning, you need 4 bitmaps.

>I don't think you want subpixel positioning.  If you have it, you get 4
>different appearances for each letter.

This remains to be qualified.  Will you really get four different
'appearances'?  Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  More to the point, at
what character size / pixel resolution / viewing distance combinations
will the 'appearances' be the same, but the visual impression be that
of sub-pixel positioning?  Unfortunately, no one has yet done the
necessary experimentation to establish these parameters.  Until then,
it will be premature to respond to such questions except under very
constrained circumstances.
Avi Naiman

peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (11/09/88)

In article <8811080203.AA15665@explorer.dgp.toronto.edu>, avi@dgp.toronto.edu
(Avi Naiman) explains why he needs sub-pixel positioning.

Ah. Light dawns. You're considering greyscaling as a tool in increasing
the effective resolution of a screen for the purpose of previewing a typeset
document. This is not the only application for greyscaled fonts. Pixel
positioning is fine for some applications... such as, for example, ordinary
text editing. A typical text editor only gives you character positioning,
after all. If greyscaled fonts can make the characters look better they're
a net win.
Peter da Silva  `-_-'  Ferranti International Controls Corporation
"Have you hugged  U  your wolf today?"     uunet.uu.net!ficc!peter
Disclaimer: My typos are my own damn business.   peter@ficc.uu.net

raveling@vaxb.isi.edu (Paul Raveling) (11/11/88)

In article <8811080140.AA15368@explorer.dgp.toronto.edu> avi@dgp.toronto.edu (Avi Naiman) writes:
>>From my experience, I find it hard to believe that one can today
>compare a screen font (regardless of whether or not there is grayscale)
>with an *equivalent* hardcopy sample.  ...

	Human perception makes it even harder to do an objective
	comparison.  Particularly in fonts, humans often see things
	their mind has been trained to see based on fragmentary cues.

	The example I sometimes show is a 512x464 map image, digitized
	from a printed map, with the words "INDIAN OCEAN" printed
	in a clean-looking roman font.  However, positioning a
	magnifier window over one of the N's show not only that
	the character is a ragged-looking array of pixels, but also
	that the vertical bars of the N don't exist at all!

	As a further exercise, positioning something such as a cursor
	over the serif at the end of a vertical bar causes the verticals
	to disappear, as observers see it.  What people perceive
	normally is a fine line, less than 1 pixel wide, that doesn't
	actually exist.  That perception is triggered by the pattern
	of serifs and the bold diagonal.  Even perception of those parts
	of the letter that DO exist is cleaned up substantially
	by the observer's mind.

	While idiosynchrasies of perception make it harder to do unbiased
	evaluation of fonts, it may also be possible to employ them
	to advantage.

Paul Raveling

avi@dgp.toronto.edu (Avi Naiman) (11/12/88)

In article <2173@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>In article <8811080203.AA15665@explorer.dgp.toronto.edu>, avi@dgp.toronto.edu
>(Avi Naiman) explains why he needs sub-pixel positioning.
>Ah. Light dawns. You're considering greyscaling as a tool in increasing
>the effective resolution of a screen for the purpose of previewing a typeset

Not necessarily.  Although previewing a typeset document is a good example,
I see the trend in windowing systems heading towards more 'ergonomic'
presentation of textual material.  This has been amply demonstrated in
'research' prototype user interfaces which use proporational spacing,
a variety of fonts and size, and context-sensitive typography.  These advances
are beneficial for editing, scanning, and reading all types of documents
(including programs).

>          This is not the only application for greyscaled fonts. Pixel
>positioning is fine for some applications... such as, for example, ordinary
>text editing. A typical text editor only gives you character positioning,
>after all. If greyscaled fonts can make the characters look better they're
>a net win.

Certainly.  Perhaps this is merely a question of how far down the road we're
looking.  As a researcher, I'm considering the possibilities 5 to 10 years
from now; as a developer needing to bring something to market now, I would
probably concentrate on doing a 'good' job on a fixed-pitch grayscale font
for a particular system.  I still contend, though, that we do not understand
what 'good' means yet -- in terms of the ramifications of using grayscale I
discussed in earlier postings -- and that is where research efforts need to
be focussed.
Avi Naiman

peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (11/15/88)

[Re: variable pitch greyscaled fonts for editing, etc...]

I don't know. Maybe it's just me but my experience with wysiwyg editors for
technical stuff (both programming and writing technical documentation) has
been pretty uniformly negative. I hope you agree, at least, that a program
should definitely be edited in a fixed-pitch font.
Peter da Silva  `-_-'  Ferranti International Controls Corporation
"Have you hugged  U  your wolf today?"     uunet.uu.net!ficc!peter
Disclaimer: My typos are my own damn business.   peter@ficc.uu.net

hmm@laura.UUCP (Hans-Martin Mosner) (11/17/88)

In article <2226@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>I hope you agree, at least, that a program
>should definitely be edited in a fixed-pitch font.
My programs are mostly written in Smalltalk-80, and I don't see why I should
use a fixed-pitch font.  I want them to be as readable as standard text...
Is there any reason that a fixed-pitch font is better suited to programs ?

Hans-Martin Mosner		| Don't tell Borland about Smalltalk - |
hmm@unido.{uucp,bitnet}		| they might invent Turbo Smalltalk !  |
Disclaimer: Turbo Smalltalk may already be a trademark of Borland...

fox@garfield (David Fox) (11/17/88)

In article <2226@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>[Re: variable pitch greyscaled fonts for editing, etc...]
>I don't know. Maybe it's just me but my experience with wysiwyg editors for
>technical stuff (both programming and writing technical documentation) has
>been pretty uniformly negative. I hope you agree, at least, that a program
>should definitely be edited in a fixed-pitch font.

I agree that it is preferable to edit programs in a fixed pitch font.
However, with anti-aliased fonts the pitch need not be an integral
number of pixels.  You could, for example, use a 4.5 by 6 pixel font
instead of a 5x7 font, turning a 24x80 screen into a 28x89 screen.

I don't think the question "Are anti-aliased fonts better or worse
than regular fonts" is really the question we want to ask.  In signal
processing terms, the question would be "What is the best
reconstruction filter for displaying text?"  Up until now all we have
much experience with is the box filter, where the value of the entire
pixel is the value of the infinite resolution font sampled at only one
point.  (Really no filter at all.)  I don't think that this lack of
experience with other filters justifies the opinion that the box
filter is the best.

David Fox

"It is very easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of them by
the sense of achievement you get from getting them to work at all."
	-Douglas Adams, "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" 

spencer@spline.eecs.umich.edu (Spencer W. Thomas) (11/18/88)

In article <6022@columbia.edu> fox@garfield.UUCP (David Fox) writes:
> In signal
>processing terms, the question would be "What is the best
>reconstruction filter for displaying text?"

See "Filtering High Quality Text for Display on Raster Scan Devices",
J Kajiya and M Ullner, Proc SIGGRAPH '81, pp 7-15.

=Spencer (spencer@crim.eecs.umich.edu)

peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (11/19/88)

In article <703@laura.UUCP>, hmm@laura.UUCP (Hans-Martin Mosner) writes:
> In article <2226@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
> >I hope you agree, at least, that a program
> >should definitely be edited in a fixed-pitch font.

> My programs are mostly written in Smalltalk-80, and I don't see why I should
> use a fixed-pitch font.  I want them to be as readable as standard text...
> Is there any reason that a fixed-pitch font is better suited to programs ?

I don't know about Smalltalk... it's a rather odd language to begin with,
isn't it? According to "Bits of History, Words of Advice", it didn't even use
the ASCII character set until something like Smalltalk-76 or later.

In other languages it's often desirable to line up certain lexical units of
the language that have nothing to do with indentation. This becomes extremely
hard with a variable-width font. Tabs can help with indentation, but unless
your source file contains a lot of formatting commands, how would you do this:

char *macbuf[256], ungetbuf[256];         /* Buffers for pushback and macros */
char c_macro=128;                                           /* current macro */
char *macptr = "";                   /* Pointer to currently executing macro */
char *ungetptr = ungetbuf;              /* Pointer to pushed-back characters */

This comment is also interesting:

> I want them to be as readable as standard text...

My biggest beef with variable-width fonts is prople who print programs in
books and don't use a monospaced font. Having them readable as standard text
makes them hard to read as programs.

The worst offender is Loeliger's otherwise well written "Threaded Interpretive
Languages" where he not only uses a variable width font but resorts to an ugly
blocky token to indicate where significant spaces are... a quick check through
my texts found only he and Wirth (of course) had eschewed monospace fonts for
listings. Most switch between something like Times Roman for the text and
Courier for the listings.
Peter da Silva  `-_-'  Ferranti International Controls Corporation
"Have you hugged  U  your wolf today?"     uunet.uu.net!ficc!peter
Disclaimer: My typos are my own damn business.   peter@ficc.uu.net

crm@romeo.cs.duke.edu (Charlie Martin) (11/20/88)

In article <8811112202.AA21230@explorer.dgp.toronto.edu>, avi@dgp.toronto.edu (Avi Naiman) writes:
> Not necessarily.  Although previewing a typeset document is a good example,
> I see the trend in windowing systems heading towards more 'ergonomic'
> presentation of textual material.  This has been amply demonstrated in
> 'research' prototype user interfaces which use proporational spacing,
> a variety of fonts and size, and context-sensitive typography.  These advances
> are beneficial for editing, scanning, and reading all types of documents
> (including programs).

I'm only peripherally (heh, heh) interested in text presentation, so I
haven't been keeping up with the appropriate cog and perceptual psych
literature, but it seems unlikely that sub-pixel positioning makes a
whole hell of a lot of difference to perceived text quality.  Current
grey-scaling monitors I've dealt with have a resolution in the
neighborhood of 90 d.p.i.  If we have the appropriate hardware to do
anti-aliasing based on some absolute position that's "continuous" --- a
much finer positioning than the discrete 90 positions --- and mapped to
the monitor using greyscale, the maximum error in position is still
only 1 / 180 inches.  Since this is less than 1/2 a printer's point, I
have to *strongly* question whether this error is significant in
typeset text --- because *nobody* adjusts to 1/2 a point, even in good
old Benj.  Franklin cold type --- and in fact, I question whether it is
perceptible at all.
Charlie Martin (crm@cs.duke.edu,mcnc!duke!crm) 

john@trigraph.UUCP (John Chew) (11/26/88)

In article <2273@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>In other languages it's often desirable to line up certain lexical units of
>the language that have nothing to do with indentation. This becomes extremely
>hard with a variable-width font. Tabs can help with indentation, but unless
>your source file contains a lot of formatting commands, how would you do this:
>char *macbuf[256], ungetbuf[256];         /* Buffers for pushback and macros */
>char c_macro=128;                                           /* current macro */
>char *macptr = "";                   /* Pointer to currently executing macro */
>char *ungetptr = ungetbuf;              /* Pointer to pushed-back characters */

How about:

char *macbuf[256], ungetbuf[256];    /* Buffers for pushback and macros */
char c_macro=128;                    /* current macro */
char *macptr = "";                   /* Pointer to currently executing macro */
char *ungetptr = ungetbuf;           /* Pointer to pushed-back characters */

(where the comments are all at the same tab stop)?  I never use right-
aligned comments as (i) I think they look ugly (just my own aesthetics)
(ii) I'm too used to working with limited disk space and look at the
space characters needed to right-align things as an extravagant waste
of disk space, and (iii) as you said, it's very difficult to do so with
variable-width fonts :-).

I use variable-width fonts when programming in Lightspeed (I mean THINK)
C on my Mac, because I find them easier and more pleasant to read, and
because they tend to be denser on average than fixed width fonts.

The only reasons I would consider not using variable-width fonts are:
(i) as you said, it is difficult to measure significant repeated
white space (not a situation that comes up frequently in my code),
and (ii) if I wish to distribute my code to more primitive systems
that do not support my fonts, it will need to be re-formatted.

John Chew

john j. chew, iii   		  phone: +1 416 363 8841     AppleLink: CDA0329
trigraph, inc., toronto, canada   {uunet!utai!utcsri,utgpu,utzoo}!trigraph!john
dept. of math., u. of toronto     poslfit@{utorgpu.bitnet,gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca}