[net.periphs] 5-1/4" Floppy drive reliability

jeff@heurikon.UUCP (02/10/84)

I would like to hear of your experiences with 5-1/4" floppy
disk drive reliability studies.  Even horror stories would
help.  We are evaluating numerous 5" drives (96 TPI, double sided)
and have been finding trouble with Tandom, but not so much with
others (e.g., Qume).  We see a high level of data errors on the
inner third tracks of a diskette.  It seems related to improper
head alignment, although even after careful realignment, we still
find frequent errors.  At first we thought it was our interface
circuits which were at fault (fd1793 logic), but not so much anymore.

Anybody else seen this or had experience with Tandom, good or bad?
Thanks for your comments.
/"""\	Jeffrey Mattox, Heurikon Corp, Madison, WI
|O.O|	{harpo, hao, philabs}!seismo!uwvax!heurikon!jeff  (news & mail)
\_=_/				     ihnp4!heurikon!jeff  (mail - fast)