hotta@kddnews4. (Hotta Takao) (01/04/89)
A Happy new year. I am Takao Hotta. I want to get DVI(TeX) to Interpress converter (dvi2ip?) program that will support the Xerox PrintServer. (Now, I am using TeX and print DVI file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to Apple LaserWriter Plus.) I hear that tool is got from U.C.Berkeley as VORTeX. Please let me know how to get VORTeX (dvi2ip?). Thanks in advance. --- Takao Hotta EMail: hotta%kddlab.kddlabs.junet@uunet.UU.NET or Address: KDD Kamifukuoka Laboratories 2-1-15 Ohara, Kamifukuoka-shi, Saitama Japan 356