davidp@wacsvax.OZ (David Pascoe) (03/17/89)
Hello everyone in netland. I want to double space a document using LaTeX and was wondering if aynone had succeeded. I would like to double space according to the current line setting so that footlines etc look ok. Thanks is anticipation.
steiner@topaz.rutgers.edu (Dave Steiner) (03/23/89)
There is a style file in the clarkson archives called doublespace.sty which should do what you want. I make no promises since I've never used this personally. ds -- arpa: Steiner@TOPAZ.RUTGERS.EDU uucp: ...{ames, cbosgd, harvard, moss}!rutgers!topaz.rutgers.edu!steiner
piet@cs.ruu.nl (Piet van Oostrum) (03/23/89)
In article <993@wacsvax.OZ>, davidp@wacsvax (David Pascoe) writes:
`Hello everyone in netland.
` I want to double space a document using LaTeX and was wondering
`if aynone had succeeded. I would like to double space according
`to the current line setting so that footlines etc look ok.
There is a ``doublespace'' style option available from the latex-style
archive (archive-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu)
Piet van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31-30-531806. piet@cs.ruu.nl (mcvax!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet)