[comp.text] TeX.doc, TeX.hlp, Super DVI->PS for VMS and UNIX

jbw@cisunx.UUCP (Jingbai Wang) (04/19/89)

As the title indicates, I have written up second to none (to the date)
TeX.doc (on-line document file of 120 pages), and TeX.hlp (VMS help library
source) on Plain TeX, LaTeX and two device drivers. I have also hacked
two device drivers for unix and VMS. On unix it is dvi2ps which includes

1. Adobe fonts, psfig (not by me)
2. psfile, pspage, ps-string (by me)
3. Easy to attach MAC PS prolog (by me)
4. More standard PostScript output (by me)
5. Use *.pk files
6. Real Greek
7. ... (by me)

On VMS, I hacked a thing called GTEX.C (100% VMS) which offers

1. DVI-> Postscript
  a. Adobe fonts (by me)
  b. psfig, psfile, pspage, ps-string (by me)
  c. MAC PS (by me)
  d. Good PostScript output (by me)
  e. Real Greek
  f. ... by me
2. DVI->Tektronix (not by me)
3. DVI -> QMS (not by me)
4. ...
5. gtex.hlp (partially by me)

The TeX on-line document were written in Scribe with a database package I
developed (which can even use TeX cmfonts). The output are in three formats,
1) PostScript (very present book), 2) Paged ASCII, 3) VMS TeX.hlp

I know all these are badly asked for on the net. We, unfortunately, do not
have "anonymous" for ftp. If one can lend me or communicate me to a reputable
site (such as score.stanford.edu) of ftp, I will contribute these.

In the meantime, I have also developed a Scribe database package called
TEC.mak of 50 some files and manual of 350 pages. It features in the following

1. Very powerful math tool box for camera-ready quality
2. very powerful chemical tool box (for organic and nonorganic)
3. very powerful PostScript graphics called TECps (with commands like
  real PostScript)
4. Professional quality document style supports of book, manual, thesis, 
  report, article, letter, on-line document, PostScript based fancy manual,
  resume, camera-reduction paper, ...
5. No nonsense manual of 350 pages in PostScript, and equivalent on-line
6. Source codes in C and pascal for
  a. cdoc.c for viewing on-line doc (like TeX.doc)
  b. Image->PostScript
  c. indexor.c for adding @index, @indexentry, @indexsecondary, @seealso
    and @glossary in  Scribe .mss or LaTeX \index in .tex
  e. ws2mss.pas in Turbo pascal to convert WordStar formatted file into
    Scribe .mss
  f. ...

These all have been used by a cast of local users with broad smile, and I did
attempt (or actually do) to distribute them to individuals.
 However, time and financial situations do not permit me to do 
so anymore without "anonymous". I will appreciate any cooperation.

JB Wang

p.s. If you are a comercial company, and you think there is a way to make my
    thing as your products (I mean the Scribe part), I will be happy to 
    cooperate with agreements. Scribe is slipping significantly without the
    features included in TEC.mak.
