TeXhax@cs.washington.edu (TeXhax Digest) (04/24/89)
TeXhax Digest Monday, March 27 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 26 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Metafont problems Inverting Metafont TEX drivers for dot matrix printers DVI previewer for Tek 401x? Re: Fonts and TeX Wanted: Curriculum Vitae .sty 1988 texhax kwic index Re: TeXhax Digest V89 #17 AMSTeX / LaTeX combinations? Problem with tabbing environment Indexes from dvi files Spelling Checker for TeX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 89 16:37:20 EST From: Joachim Schambach <JSCHAMBA%KENTVM.BITNET@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: Metafont problems Keywords: METAFONT Here is an output i got from metafont running under VMS. I know almost nothing about Metafont and didn't intent to learn it in the near fututre, so maybe somebody on this list could help me. I am trying to create the fonts for SliTeX for our HP Laserjet II. At magstep 3 I get the same output from both cmtt8.mf and icmtt8.mf, and only for magstep 3. I tried the same fonts with magstep 4, and had no problems. Is one of my "base" files defective, or what can I do to get these to fonts to work ? Jo Schambach Kent State University, Physics Kent, Ohio Bitnet: Jschamba@kentvm or schambac@kentvms This is METAFONT, Vax/VMS Version 1.0 (preloaded base=plain 89.3.22) 23 MAR 198 **\mode=imagen;mag=magstep3;input cmtt8 (DUB0:[TEX.CM]CMTT8.MF;2 (DUB0:[TEX.CM]CMBASE.MF;7) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ROMAN.MF;1 (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ROMANU.MF;1 [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ROMANL.MF;1 [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]GREEKU.MF;1 [0] [1] [2] [3] ! bad pos. <to be read again> ; pos->...urrentbreadth:errmessage"bad pos"; fi.fi(x(SUFFIX2)r-x(SUFFIX2... l.97 ...up crisp.nib; pos1(shaved_stem,90) ; pos2(hair,0); ? s OK, entering scrollmode... > 0 ENE 1 NNE 2 (NNW WNW) WSW 3 (WNW NNW) NNE 4 ENE 5 6 (ESE SSE) SSW 0 (SSE ES E) ! Strange path (turning number is zero). <to be read again> ; arm->...--z(SUFFIX4)0--z(SUFFIX3)r--cycle; else:filldraw.z(SUFFIX2)l--... l.99 arm(1,2,a,.4beak_darkness,.3beak_jut) ; % upper right arm and beak The path doesn't have a counterclockwise orientation, so I'll probably have trouble drawing it. (See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for more help.) > 0 WSW 1 (WNW NNW) NNE 2 ENE 3 NNE 4 (NNW WNW) WSW 5 6 SSW 0 ! Strange path (turning number is zero). <to be read again> ; arm->...--z(SUFFIX4)0--z(SUFFIX3)r--cycle; else:filldraw.z(SUFFIX2)l--... l.101 ...,3,b,.4beak_darkness,-.3beak_jut) ; % upper left arm and beak The path doesn't have a counterclockwise orientation, so I'll probably have trouble drawing it. (See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for more help.) ! bad pos. <to be read again> ; pos->...urrentbreadth:errmessage"bad pos"; fi.fi(x(SUFFIX2)r-x(SUFFIX2... l.102 pos4(shaved_stem,-90) ; pos5(hair,0); This error message was generated by an `errmessage' command, so I can't give any explicit help. Pretend that you're Miss Marple, examine all clues, and deduce the truth by inspired guesses. > 0 ENE 1 (ESE SSE) SSW 2 WSW 3 SSW 4 (SSE ESE) ENE 5 6 NNE 0 ! Strange path (turning number is zero). <to be read again> ; arm->...--z(SUFFIX4)0--z(SUFFIX3)r--cycle; else:filldraw.z(SUFFIX2)l--... l.104 ...4,5,c,.4beak_darkness,.3beak_jut) ; % lower right arm and beak The path doesn't have a counterclockwise orientation, so I'll probably have trouble drawing it. (See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for more help.) > 0 WSW 1 SSW 2 (SSE ESE) ENE 3 (ESE SSE) SSW 4 WSW 5 6 (WNW NNW) NNE 0 (NNW WN W) ! Strange path (turning number is zero). <to be read again> ; arm->...--z(SUFFIX4)0--z(SUFFIX3)r--cycle; else:filldraw.z(SUFFIX2)l--... l.106 ...,6,d,.4beak_darkness,-.3beak_jut) ; % lower left arm and beak The path doesn't have a counterclockwise orientation, so I'll probably have trouble drawing it. (See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for more help.) ! bad pos. <to be read again> ; pos->...urrentbreadth:errmessage"bad pos"; fi.fi(x(SUFFIX2)r-x(SUFFIX2... l.107 pos7(shaved_stem,90) ; pos8(shaved_stem,90); (That was another `errmessage'.) ! bad pos. <to be read again> ; pos->...urrentbreadth:errmessage"bad pos"; fi.fi(x(SUFFIX2)r-x(SUFFIX2... l.107 ...ed_stem,90); pos8(shaved_stem,90) ; (That was another `errmessage'.) [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ROMAND.MF;1 [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ROMANP.MF;1 [36] [38] [63] [15]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ROMSPL.MF;1 [16] [17] [25] [26] [27] [28]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ROMSPU.MF;1 [29] [30] [31]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]PUNCT.MF;1 [33] [14] [35] [37] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [46] [47] [58] [59] [61] [64] [91] [93] [96]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ACCENT.MF;1 [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [94] [126] [127]) (DUB0:[TEX.CM]ROMSUB.MF;1 (DUB0:[TEX.CM]SYM.MF;1 [45] [12] [11] [60] [62] [95] [92] [124] [123] [125] [34]) [13] [32]) Here is how much of METAFONT's memory you used: 388 strings out of 695 3160 string characters out of 9269 21673 words of memory out of 30001 867 symbolic tokens out of 2100 12i,79n,0r,29p,238b stack positions out of 30i,100n,300r,150p,500b (You used 2w,16h,12d,1i,2l,0k,0e,7p metric file positions out of 256w,16h,16d,64i,300l,256k,256e,50p) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 23 Mar 89 04:53:11 PST From: C43MRP%AVIARY.gm@hac2arpa.hac.com Subject: Inverting Metafont Keywords: METAFONT Is it possible that given a set of bitmaps for a given printer, and knowing the variant parameters for that printer, could you reverse the process metafont goes through to recreate the metafont input for that typeface? Mark Probert probert@aviary.gm.hac.com %%% Moderators' note: Essentially impossible. What you suggest involves %%% same problem as recreating plain.tex from a DVI file that has been %%% produced using plain.tex. An attempt was made to produce even a %%% limited, non-parameterized outline mf file from the bitmaps of %%% the old AMS symbol font, as a stopgap until the fonts could %%% be properly recoded. It was a reasonable start, but to be at all %%% useful it would have required a great deal of work---work that %%% would better be expended on writing a new mf file in the correct %%% way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 23 Mar 89 14:05:29 est From: munnari!goanna.oz.au!trl@uunet.UU.NET (trevor robert lees) Subject: TEX drivers for dot matrix printers Keywords: dviware, TeX, printers I have saved some of the TEX stuff coming accros the net recently and while it has gained particular interest to people with laser printer access there are a few that would like to print '.dvi' files on dot-matrix printers since they are easier to get hold of. We can purchase them but would prefer to get public domain software instead. We are running a variety of DOSTEX and microTEX on pc/at clones and the majority of printers are epson lx80 / lx800 or IBM pro-printers. Do you have anything that could be of use to us or perhaps some contacts which may be able to help??? Any information would be greaty appreciated. from trl%goanna.oz@uunet.uu.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 89 23:14:20 EST From: montnaro@sprite.ge.com (Skip Montanaro) Subject: DVI previewer for Tek 401x? Keywords: dviware, previewer Is there a dvi previewer or postprocessor that generates Tek 4010/4014 output? I looked in the dvi directory on science.utah.edu but saw nothing obvious there. Skip Montanaro (montanaro@sprite.crd.ge.com) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 89 20:51:25 CST From: Don Hosek <U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: Re: Fonts and TeX Keywords: fonts, TeX I've printed the PK files for the AMS fonts on our Xerox 8790 printers here at UIC (this is one of the many "evil" write-white printers)... while the results may not be "optimum", they are certainly quite acceptable since the old MF-code is based on the am- fonts which were a somewhat heavier font than the new cm- fonts are. I've never taken the time to compare the results of mixing properly tuned cm on a wb printer with the bitmaps from the AMS with properly tuned cm on a ww printer with the bitmaps from the AMS, but I almost suspect that the latter might look a little better! -dh Don Hosek Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU 3916 Elmwood Bitnet: U33297@UICVM Stickney, IL 60402 DHOSEK@YMIR Work: 312-996-0658 UUNet: dhosek@jarthur.claremont.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 89 16:29:51 -0600 From: solworth@koala.eecs.uic.edu Subject: Wanted: Curriculum Vitae .sty Keywords: BibTeX, curriculum vitae Does anyone have a curriculum vitae style? I would like to be able to use it in conjunction with BibTeX to produce in-line references of publications. (or does anyone have something just to do the in-line BibTeX insertion? Jon Solworth - University of Illinoi, Chicago ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 89 12:10:39 EST From: clayton@thumper.bellcore.com (R. Clayton) Subject: 1988 texhax kwic index Keywords: TeXhax 1988 In the vulnerable window that opens between the previous Internet security crisis and the next, I can make a kwic index for the 1988 issues of texhax available via anonymous ftp. The index can be found on thumper.bellcore.com [] in the file kwic.texhax88 under the pub/tex directory; a compressed version is available as kwic.texhax88.Z (don't forget to set binary before copying). Also available in the file kwic.shar are the shell scripts I used to generate the index. Due to a lack of talent and inclination, I'm not going to make these files available through any other network. Others are, however, welcome to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 22 Mar 1989 2214-PST (Wednesday) From: lamport@src.dec.com (Leslie Lamport) Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V89 #17 Keywords: LaTeX A friend of Tom Schneider wrote \newcommand{\exCtrC}{{{\refstepcounter{exmplC}}{\theexmplC}{}}} and was surprised that {\exCtrC} \label{ONE} caused \ref{ONE} to produce the current section number. \refstepcounter{foo} increments the indicated counter and declares foo to be the current counter, to be used by \label commands. The latter declaration is local, and follows the usual scoping rules. When "{\exCtrC}" is expanded, the \refstepcounter{exmplC} is enclosed within three sets of braces, making extra sure that its scope does not extend to any subsequent \label command. Leslie Lamport ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 21 Mar 89 16:23:49 EST (Tue) From: lafcol!buyskes@rutgers.edu Subject: AMSTeX / LaTeX combinations? Keywords: AmSTeX, LaTeX The March Notices of the American Math Society had some comments about combined versions of AMSTeX and LaTeX. Specifically, it indicated that Mike Spivak was writing a sort of macro package combining the best features of the two, while the AMS has some subset of the AMSTeX commands implemented as a LaTeX .sty file. Can anyone give us a few details (like availability)? Steve Buyske buyskes@lafayett.bitnet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 89 18:06:31 CST From: Don Hosek <U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: Problem with tabbing environment To: TeXhax@Cs.Washington.Edu I'm attempting to get the following LaTeX code to produce \begin{tabbing} \hspace{3in} \= \$1000 \= \kill Food \> \' \$100 \\ Lodging \> \' 500 \\ Travel: \> \' 700 \\ \pushtabs \hspace{2cm}\=Car Rental\= 450 \= \kill \> Airfare \> \' 450 \\ \> Car rental \> \' 220 \\ \> Taxis \> \' 30 \\ \poptabs Total: \> \' \$1300 \\ \end{tabbing} Food $100 Lodging 500 Travel 700 Airfare 450 Car rental 220 Taxis 30 Total: $1300 but I can't seem to get \' to put the text flush right in the columns as described. Can anybody offer an explanation of this? -dh Don Hosek Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU 3916 Elmwood Bitnet: U33297@UICVM Stickney, IL 60402 DHOSEK@YMIR Work: 312-996-0658 UUNet: dhosek@jarthur.claremont.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 23 Mar 89 16:53:36 PST From: jmr@ucsd.edu (James M. Roberts) Subject: Indexes from dvi files Keywords: spell dvi2tty indexes G. Toal suggests (TeXhax v89 #17) using the dvi file for spell checking. While that's a distinct possibility, an alternative is to use a modified version of delatex.lex which can be compiled under UNIX and DOS (thanks to MKS' "lex" program). Foreign words can be placed in a macro \foreign which does nothing in TeX, but is diverted by the lex program. Of course, this approach suffers from a lack of portability to other environments. I have yet another use for the dvi file. It's invaluable for creating indexes---especially VERY LARGE INDEXES---to keywords from some source text. If you have a long manuscript, you might want to create a an index for select key words or even for MOST words in your text. Normally it is difficult in TeX to know the page number on which a word will printed on. (The output routines may change the page number at the last moment.) One alternative is to take from the dvi file the words and their corresponding page numbers. Marcel Mol's C-version of DVI2TTY (recently posted on the internet) runs under UNIX as well as DOS and prints the page number along with the text. Filtering the output of dvi2tty one can usually construct the original texts (where it is broken across lines either by - or *). Special rules can easily be introduced to handle `---' differently from `-'. For index purposes words "Beginning With Capitals" can be treated as a single term (like "Stanford University"). Many other rules can be suggested, etc. etc. Finally, each word from the text can be compared with a list of stop words which are eliminated. Once this has been accomplished, the results can again be piped through Pehong Chen's excellent program `makeindex' (which also runs under DOS) which sorts the index and does a really great job of producing a 'finished' copy. In practice what is a key word for one piece of text, or your own predilection, might be different from another piece of text, or mine. Thus creating an index of key words becomes an iterative process where the first time in the process all, or most, words are examined. Each iteration more terms are eliminated. Eliminated words become stop words in the next iteration.... As this automatic process is only `litteral' and approximate, the index should be manually fine-tuned. Consider the following PRINTED output (written with a parbox of 3in): This is a short test of hyphenation. Some words have natural hyphens---anti-American, sister-in- law---are well-known examples. Others disinte- grate, so to speak, at the end of the line. dvi2tty of the dvi file produces: This is a short test of hyphenation. Some words have natural hyphens|anti-American, sister-in- law|are well-known examples. Others disinte- grate, so to speak, at the end of the line. My key-word filter produces: \begin{theindex} hyphenation 1 OR \indexentry{hyphenation}{1} words 1 \indexentry{words}{1} natural 1 \indexentry{natural}{1} hyphens 1 \indexentry{hyphens}{1} anti-American 1 \indexentry{anti-American}{1} sister-in-law 1 \indexentry{sister-in-law}{1} well-known 1 \indexentry{well-known}{1} disintegrate 1 \indexentry{disintegrate}{1} \end{theindex} Either one of these can be piped to SPELL or MAKEINDEX (respectively). The 1's above indicate that the word appears on page 1; notice also some stop words were eliminated. My key-word filter is like most prototype software: it works well in some particular cases but lacks generality. (In particular it doesn't handle plurals, or possessive nouns, or a variety of verb forms very intelligently.) I would be interested in hearing from interested individuals about what rules (punctuation, capitals, numbers, etc etc) they would include in such a filter or program. (No, I am not ready to post the program at this time). SUMMARY In short, dvi2tty is an excellent program to start with if you are going to look at dvi files. And only a little work is required to convert its output into something suitable for SPELL, MAKEINDEX, or something else (?). James M. Roberts, University of California at San Diego Internet: jmr@ucsd.edu Bitnet: jroberts@ucsd Phone: (619) 534-6593 _____________________________________________________________ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 89 08:50:57 PST From: wagman%praxis.hepnet@Csa4.LBL.Gov Subject: Spelling Checker for TeX Keywords: TeX, spell checker I have a spelling checker on my microVAX, running VMS, which I acquired from our computer center. It needs a VT-series terminal, as best as I can determine, and understands imbedded TeX control sequences. The description from the top of the PASCAL program is shown below as well as a list of the files it uses and their sizes. Unfortunately, I cannot open my machine to liberal network access and cannot distribute media. I doubt that the program's author wants to be contacted by hundreds of Texxies. How can we proceed? Gary Wagman Lawrence Berkeley Lab WAGMAN@LBL.GOV or LBL::WAGMAN Directory Size COMMONWRD.DAT;4 3 LEXIC08.DAT;7 1636 LEXIC08.FDL;5 2 LEXIC16.DAT;5 1872 LEXIC16.FDL;6 2 LEXIC32.DAT;8 88 LEXIC32.FDL;3 2 MAIN.SPELL_HELP;1 2 NEWGOOD.TXT;1 204 PERSONAL.SPELL_HELP;1 1 QUIT.SPELL_HELP;1 1 SPELL.CLD;5 1 SPELL.EXE;34 80 SPELL.HLP;1 7 SPELL.PAS;240 141 TOP.SPELL_HELP;1 2 UPDATE.SPELL_HELP;1 1 Total of 17 files, 4045 blocks. ****************************************************************************** * * * SPELL Program * * ***** ******* * * * * Version: 2.0 * * * * Revision Date: 23-MAY-1985 * * * * Written by: Mark Resmer - Academic Computer Center Manager * * Box 248 * * Vassar College * * Poughkeepsie * * NY 12601 * * * * (914) 452-7000 Ext 2437 * * * * (RESMER@VASSAR on BITnet or CCnet) * * * * Based on: PROOFREAD program written by Matthew Temple * * Smith College, Northampton Mass. His ideas * * and permission to use them are gratefully * * acknowledged. * * * * Language: PASCAL version 3.0 * * * * Operating System: VMS version 4.1 * * * * Copyright (C) 1985 Mark Resmer - permission is hereby granted for the * * reproduction of this software, on condition that this copyright notice * * is included in the reproduction, and that such reproduction is not for * * purposes of profit or material gain. * * * ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% University of Washington %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@UWAVM %%% SUBSCRIBE TEXHAX <your name> % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEXHAX <your name> %%% %%% All others: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% Please be sure you send a valid internet address!! %%% in the form name@domain or name%routing@domain %%% and use the style of the Bitnet one-line message, so that %%% we can find your subscription request easily. %%% %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%% For further information about TeX Users Group services and publications %%% contact Karen at KLB@SEED.AMS.COM or write to TUG at %%% TeX Users Group %%% P.O. Box 9506 %%% Providence, R.I. 02940-9506 %%% Telephone (401) 751-7760 %%% %%% Current versions of the software now in general distribution: %%% TeX 2.95 metafont 1.7 %%% plain.tex 2.94 plain.mf 1.0 %%% LaTeX 2.09 ( 8/10/88) cmbase.mf see cm85.bug %%% SliTeX 2.09 gftodvi 1.7 %%% tangle 2.9 gftopk 1.4 %%% weave 2.9 gftype 2.2 %%% dvitype 2.9 pktype 2.2 %%% pltotf 2.3 pktogf 1.0 %%% tftopl 2.5 mft 0.3 %%% BibTeX 0.99c dvipage 3.0 %%% AmSTeX 1.1d %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------