[comp.text] Programs to format references for REFER

morrow@murdu.oz (Christopher Morrow) (05/16/89)

Recently I saw a request for information on how people download 
references into bibliography databases.  Not being a programmer
I found AWK to be the best method to format references captured
by downloading or from CD-ROM.  For other non-programmers I include
an AWK programme that will convert DIALOG format 4 output that has
been captured by logging a session (ie with Kermit) or files from
a down load from a CD-ROM version.  On the CD-ROM you need to 
redirect the print output to a file.  Some programmes have this 
facility built in but DOS can do it.  In ONDISC you do SET PRINT a:file
The tag format is got by
PR 1/4/1-79
|  | | |-  the number of the references to be captured
|  | |____  All important format number
|  |___________ Search number
|____________________Dialog command to print.

Then AWK the file
%awk -f changefile  datafile > outputfile

The input file should look like
TI-  The title of the article and end with a full stop and vertical
	bar both which will be removed.|
AU-  Morrow CJ;  Others IN; Final one THE|

Once in REFER format it can be directly imported into EndNote or
changed to BIBTEX format (ref2bib).  Or you could write your own AWK
programme.  (make your programme LOOK GOOD by putting it through cb-
C beautifier!!@!).

If you do not have a UNIX box you can buy AWK from MKS for DOS.  I did and
it is great.  If you want to put the output file from DOS to MACos
you  need to strip the line feeds  (USE MacSink)
If you have any suggestions please mail me. morrow@murdu.oz.au

What follows is the AWK change file.  

#Awk program to convert dialog format 4 References into Refer format
#Copyright 1989,  Chris Morrow. Have fun with it.
/^TI-/,/\|/ {   
	x = index($NF,".|")
		if(x!= 0){ 
			$NF= substr($NF,1,x-1) 		} 
	if($1 == "TI-"){ 
		$1= "%T";
		printf "\n%s\n", $0 ;
		printf "%s\n", $0 ;
/^AU-/,/\|/ { 
	$1 = "";
	n = split($0,AU,";")
		for(i = 1;i<=n; i++){
				x= length(AU[n]); 
				AU[n]= substr(AU[n],1,x-1) ;
			m = split(AU[i],AUN);
			k= length(AUN[m]);
			printf "%s ", "%A " ;
					printf "%s. ",substr(AUN[m],l,1) ;
				printf "%s ", AUN[m] ;
			for(j = 1;j<m;j++){
				printf "%s ", AUN[j] ;
			printf "\n" ;
/^JN-/,/\|/ {
	$1 = "%J" ;
	x = length($NF);
	$NF= substr($NF,1,x-1) ;
	print $0 ;
/^VO-/,/\|/  { 
	y = length($NF) - 1 ;
	PP = substr($NF,2,y-1);
	printf "%s %s\n%s %s\n", "%V ", $2 , "%P ", PP ;
/^PY-/,/\|/ { 
	x = length($NF);
	$NF= substr($NF,1,x-1) ;
	printf "%s %s\n" , "%D " , $NF  ;
/^AB-/,/\|/ {
	if($1 == "AB-"){
		$1 = "%X "	};
	print ;