[comp.text] BRIEF macros

wpg@mendel.acc.Virginia.EDU (William P. Gardner) (05/25/89)

I am a troff user, beginning to learn TeX.  I use the BRIEF
editor on my PC and have programmed a number of macros for it
that simplify the task of writing mathematical text.  Are 
there other BRIEF users who would be interested in exchanging
macros?  I would like LaTeX macros, and would be happy to 
share my eqn and mm macros (such as they are...).

 [][][][][][][][][][][]   William Gardner  [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
 []      /_   o / /   Department of Psychology     wpg@virginia.edu    []
 []     /__) / / /     University of Virginia          804-924-0669    []
 [][][][][][][][][]   Charlottesville, VA 22903   FAX: 804-924-7185  [][]