(J M Hicks) (06/06/89)
There are two people here at the University of Warwick who would like to buy copies of CDVI version 2.0 from SullivanSFT of Lewisville in Texas in the U.S.A. CDVI is a program for MS-DOS that allows you to look at TeX DVI files on a screen. Has anyone done business with this company? Have you bought a copy of CDVI version 2.0? How did you get on? Does anyone know how the company deals with universities? Is there a site licence or do we just have to buy as many copies as there are people wanting to use it? As usual, any information will be gratefully received. (I already know the company's address, the price of individual copies, what graphics adapters are supported and that earlier versions are available for nothing.) -- J. M. Hicks (a.k.a. Hilary), Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry, England. CV4 7AL On JANET: cudat@UK.AC.WARWICK.CU (in the U.K.) On EARN, BITNET or NetNorth: cudat@CU.WARWICK.AC.UK From Internet: try (untested) On Usenet: or ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!cudat