[comp.text] Tex Preview on Mac

wpg@mendel.acc.Virginia.EDU (William P. Gardner) (06/19/89)

I am trying to use a Tex Preview program to view a dvi file.  The
program was downloaded from the SUMEX archives.  It seems to work fine
on the example files they have sent.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to
make it see any dvi files of my own.

The dvi files I want to view are generated from a latex processor on a
System V UNIX machine, downloaded to a PC, then translated to an SE/30
using the Apple FDHD facility.  As one might expect, they appear on my
screen with the simple document icon.  The icon for the example file in
the download has a distinctive road sign logo.  Perhaps this is related
to my problem?  Thanks for any help you can provide.

 [][][][][][][][][][][]   William Gardner  [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
 []      /_   o / /   Department of Psychology     wpg@virginia.edu    []
 []     /__) / / /     University of Virginia          804-924-0669    []
 [][][][][][][][][]   Charlottesville, VA 22903   FAX: 804-924-7185  [][]