[comp.text] TeXhax Digest V89 #63

TeXhax@cs.washington.edu (TeXhax Digest) (07/12/89)

TeXhax Digest    Friday,  June 30, 1989  Volume 89 : Issue 63

Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay

%%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%%
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Today's Topics:         

          Organizing a volunteer corps of LaTeX question answerers
                   European TeX Conference 1989 in Karlsruhe
          C preprocessor for creating BibTeX style files under VMS
                           RE: How to make a fraction
                          Underlining in TeX (solution)
                               Underlining in TeX
                        Dvipage on 386i still doesn't work
                                     MF on CMS


Date: Sun, 25 Jun 1989 15:14:47 PDT
From: Max Hailperin <mxh@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: Organizing a volunteer corps of LaTeX question answerers
Keywords: LaTeX, general

I would like to organize a volunteer corps of LaTeX question answerers.
(Naturally, I intend to be among the volunteers).

TeXHaX has become unacceptably clogged with uninteresting questions from
novice LaTeX users, e.g. the oft-repeated figure-referencing problem caused
by putting the \label command in the wrong place.  We all have to read through
these.  Many of us choose to respond--just in case no one else does--flooding
the poor questioner with replies.  Then Dr. Lamport, who is a saint, feels
obliged to post his own reply.  [Imagine what else he could be doing instead.]

None of these questions should make it past the local site guru; the problem
is that the proliferation of personal-computer versions of LaTeX has resulted
in many new users *without* local site gurus, or even "local sites".

I for one would prefer to read say 90% fewer of these messages in return for
being committed to replying to the 10% I do read.  This would be possible
if nine like-minded others would join with me in accepting them in a
round-robin fashion (which could be automated).

Naturally, we would still encourage people to read the manual and consult
local experts.  But the traffic on TeXHaX makes it clear that this doesn't

Please reply to me if you are interested in volunteering (you may condition
it on a minimum number of other volunteers, if you are worried about being
one of only two of us).  I will post to TeXHaX again once I've got the
cooperative established.  Presumably I'll announce a mail address at that
point (though the TeXHaX moderators could also bounce stuff to us).

Naturally we'd pass on anything that surpassed our abilities or was especially


Date: 06/23/89 16:12:04 CET
Subject: European TeX Conference 1989 in Karlsruhe
Keywords: general

Rainer Rupprecht                             RZ32 at DKAUNI2

      European TeX Conference 1989 in Karlsruhe

1. Please regard my new address : RZ32 at DKAUNI2
   As we had a change of mainframes it may have happened, that email
   sent in the last 3 weeks has been lost. Sorry.

2. There have been a lot of questions, concerning opening and end of the
   conference :

   Opening :Monday     11.09.89  10.00 am  (registration from 8.00)
   End     :Wednesday  13.09.89  16.00 pm

3. Up to now, following presentations are to be made :
   (some might be added)

    Malcolm Clark: TeX and/or SGML                               PAPER
                   A bottle of Scotch                            ...
    R. Olejniczak  texpic / design and implementation
                   of a picture graphics language in TeX
                   a la pic                                      PAPER
    Bart Childs    The State of TUG, TeX, and                    PAPER
                   A Report on teaching TeX                      PAPER
    Bart Childs and others
                   TeX environements                             PAPER
    J. Schrod      Advanced Macro Writing /
                   Developping LaTeX Styles                      PAPER
                   Changebars without \specials                  PAPER
    M. Rycko & B. Jackowski
                   Polish TeX is ready for use                   PAPER
    F. Mittelbach & R. Schoepf
                   With LaTeX into the Nineties                  PAPER
                   LaTeX Limitations and how to get around them  PAPER
    P. D Bacsich   MoreMath - a new PostScript Font
                   of mathematical Symbols                       PAPER
    W. Antweiler   A TeX-REDUCE-Interface                        POSTER
    E. Neuwirth    Combining databases and TeX for producing
                   a textbook for homeopathic medicine           PAPER
    Neuwirth jr.   TeX on the AMIGA, hands on experiences.       PAPER
    J. Lammarsch   Using LISTSERV at DHDURZ1                     PAPER
    R. Wonneberger TeX in an IDP Environement                    PAPER
    A. Brueggemann-Klein     TeX and Document design             PAPER

    If anybody else wants to make a presentation, please send an
    abstract as fast as possible.

4. Following Discussion Groups are sure tobe offered :

   1. Document Structures (LaTeX, SGML ...)
   2. TeX and Graphics (and Fonts)
   3. Getting Informations
   4. TUG and National User Groups

   In most cases a presentation will be the base for discussion.

   Which topics should be added ?
   Who wants to be the chairman of a Discussion Group ?
   (the chairman has the task to give short abstracts of the main topics
   for a statement and the proceedings at the end of the conference)

5. Workshops

   I have to admit I nearly forgot themup to now. BUT : There is room
   and time enough.
   There is demand of : Teaching TeX,
   Intensive LaTeX (Advanced), Metafont, Document design.
   Who wants to offer workshops ? What would be the prize (nothing      ?
   would be the best.)

6. Conference-Fee :

   We often get the question of reduced prizes. Just a short statement

   The way the fee is calculated, there will be no profit left
   at the end of the conference. The prize is the result of three
   main components, that probably everybody wants to take part :
   Lunches, Social Event and Proceedings. There are no speakers
   or chairmen invited to the conference, so that there will be
   no extra costs to be paid by the TeX-Community.
   If there should be a surplus at the beginning of the conference,
   there will be free beer for everybody.

   We were given about 3000 DM by Malcolm Clark (profit Exeter)
   If there should be a surplus in Karlsruhe -in spite of the beer-
   we would give it to Cork, of course.

Rainer Rupprecht


Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 08:28:19 PDT
Subject: C preprocessor for creating BibTeX style files under VMS
Keywords: preprocessor, BibTeX, VMS

The following is only of interest to VAX/VMS sites which have the VAXC

The "standard" BibTeX style are created by running a C preprocessor on a
file btxbst.doc.  This allows you to create variants on the standard styles
rather easily.  This procedure requires, of course, that you have access to
a C preprocessor.  Recently (since VMS 5.0?), DEC's C compiler (VAXC) for
VAX/VMS systems has the ability to run as a preprocessor alone (without
doing the compile pass).  The following DCL procedure calls the C
preprocessor on an input file, deletes blank lines and comments and writes
out the resulting .bst file.  You may want to change the settings of
default_input and default_output at the beginning of the file.

    Charles Karney              Phone:    +1 609 243 2607
    Plasma Physics Laboratory   FAX:      +1 609 243 2160
    Princeton University        MFEnet:   Karney@PPC.MFEnet
    PO Box 451                  Internet: Karney%PPC.MFEnet@NMFECC.LLNL.GOV
    Princeton, NJ 08543-0451    Bitnet:   Karney%PPC.MFEnet@LBL.Bitnet

$!------------------------------ cpp.com ------------------------------
$! Run C preprocessor on a BibTeX style file source
$! Run this with e.g.,
$!   @tex$bibtex:cpp PLAIN btxbst.doc plain.bst
$! This #define's PLAIN, runs the C preprocessor on btxbst.doc deletes the
$! blank lines and comments and writes the result into plain.bst.
$ default_input = "tex$bibtex:physics.bst"
$ default_output = "tex$latex:.bst"
$ style = p1
$ if style.eqs."" then inquire style "Style"
$ input_file = f$parse(p2,default_input)
$ output_file = f$parse(p3,style,default_output)
$ write sys$output "Running CPP..."
$ write sys$output " defining: "+style
$ write sys$output " input:    "+input_file
$ write sys$output " output:   "+output_file
$ on warning then goto exit
$ temp_file_1 = f$parse("sys$scratch:.temp_1",output_file)
$ temp_file_2 = f$parse("sys$scratch:.temp_2",output_file)
$ set noon
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ cc 'input_file'/preprocessor_only='temp_file_1'/define='style'
$ set on
$ create 'temp_file_2'
$ open/read input 'temp_file_1'
$ open/append output 'temp_file_2'
$ write output "%% #define "+style+" 1                % "+f$time()
$ write output "%% #include """+input_file+""""
$ read/end=endloop input line
$ line = f$edit("A"+line,"trim")-"A"
$ first = f$extract(0,1,line)
$ if first.eqs."#".or.first.eqs."%".or.first.eqs."" then goto loop
$ write output line
$ goto loop
$ close input
$ close output
$ copy 'temp_file_2' 'output_file'
$ delete 'temp_file_1','temp_file_2'
$!------------------------------ end of cpp.com ------------------------------


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 89 17:34:22 BST
From: Claire Jones <ccmj%lfcs.edinburgh.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>
Subject: RE: How to make a fraction
Keywords: TeX, LaTeX, fractions

Hans Huttel asks how to make a fraction with a double line.
A neater (looking) answer than his, is to use
\overline or \underline on the longer part of the fraction.
e.g. to get
   f(x) = f(y)
      x = y 
use  \frac{\underline{f(x)=f(y)}}{x=y}
This avoids the problem with arrays of getting the lines
a bit too long.

Claire Jones

(NB This solution was actually discovered by David Pym)


Date: Sat, 24 Jun 89 10:55:14 cdt
From: txsil!jon@convex.convex.com (Jonathan Kew)
Subject: Underlining in TeX (solution)
Keywords: TeX

Having in desperation sent a question about generating a continuous
underline (which spans word spaces), I had fresh inspiration, and have
come up with a solution.  It fills all word spaces within the
``magicspaces'' environment (in LaTeX) with \xleaders\copy\underbox;
you can of course put whatever you choose into \box\underbox.  The
narrower this box is, the slower everything becomes.  (This also works
fine in plain TeX ... just be sure to make @ a letter for the definitions,
and use \magicspaces ... \endmagicspaces.)

Improvements to this idea are very welcome!

Jonathan Kew                                 jon@txsil.uucp
Academic Computing Dept.                     (...!texbell!txsil!jon)
Summer Institute of Linguistics
7500 West Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236                             (214) 709-2418

%---------------------------cut here----------------------------
% underspc.sty   24-June-89
% Jonathan Kew   (...!texbell!txsil!jon)
% LaTeX style option to allow underlining of inter-word spaces.
% This style file creates a ``magicspaces'' environment, within
% which all inter-word spaces are filled with \xleaders\underbox
% instead of plain glue.  All normal word and sentence spacing
% rules still work (I think).  Within ``magicspaces'', a blank
% line does *not* generate a paragraph break, just a normal
% word space.
% NOTE: spaces generated by macros which were defined outside
% the environment will *not* be dealt with.
% The \underbox specified here isn't what I really use: I have
% a special character in my underlined fonts.
% Excuse the lack of comments.  If you want this, you can probably
% figure out how it works!  (The TeXbook explains all, of course.)
\def\@ulspc{\ifnum\spacefactor=\@m \@@ulspc\else
  \ifnum\spacefactor>1999 \advance\@spcwid\fontdimen7\font\fi
  \multiply\@spcstretch\spacefactor \divide\@spcstretch\@m
  \multiply\@spcshrink\@m \divide\@spcshrink\spacefactor
  \xleaders\copy\underbox\hskip\@spcwid plus\@spcstretch minus\@spcshrink\fi}
\newdimen\@spcwid \newdimen\@spcstretch \newdimen\@spcshrink
  \vrule width.5pt height-.8pt depth1pt\hskip-.05pt}
      plus\fontdimen3\font minus\fontdimen4\font\futurelet\n@xt\@@eat}
\let\@space\ % remember the real control-space
\def\magicspaces{\catcode`\ \active\catcode`\^^M\active%
   \def~{\penalty\@M\@spc}\let\ \@@ulspc\futurelet\n@xt\@@eat}
\def\endmagicspaces{\ifhmode\unskip\fi% beware of this---it could bite back
   \catcode`\ 10 \catcode`\^^M5
   \def~{\penalty\@M\space}\let\ \@space}
{\magicspaces\global\let \@spc\global\let^^M\@spc}
% End of underspc.sty
%---------------------------cut here----------------------------


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 89 14:37:19 cdt
From: txsil!jon@convex.convex.com (Jonathan Kew)
Subject: Underlining in TeX
Keywords: TeX

Here's an interesting puzzle for you TeX wizards: underlining without breaks
I know underlining generally looks terrible, but we need it for a special
project. I have created underlined fonts---that's easy---the puzzle is how
to get an underline which runs across word spaces (without interfering with
line breaking, etc.)  \leaders must be the answer: if I put a suitable glob
of glue with leaders between each pair of words, it works great.

The puzzle is: how to do this automatically, between commands such as
\underlineon and \underlineoff.  I don't want two spaces in the input to
produce a double-width underlined space in the output; ideally I'd also
like to keep the effect of \spacefactor working.  So what are the magic
definitions for <space> and <return> (as active characters) that will do
this?  (Or is there a better way?)  So far, I haven't succeeded in defining

a <space> macro which generates only one instance of <leaders><glue>, no
matter how many <space>s occur together.  Any advice?

Please reply direct if possible; TeXhax comes to me indirectly.  Note that
my former path (...!convex!txsil!jon) DOES NOT WORK any longer.  I will
acknowledge all replies---if I don't, it didn't get through.  (We've had
some mail problems lately.)

Jonathan Kew                                 ...!texbell!txsil!jon
Academic Computing Dept.
Summer Institute of Linguistics
7500 West Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236                             (214) 709-2418


Date: Sat, 24 Jun 89 13:27:27 CDT
From: wwc@boole.ece.wisc.edu (William W. Carlson)
Subject: Dvipage on 386i still doesn't work
Keywords: dvipage, 386i

I did the 386i fixes, and they were done on my MONO system.  You must
have color, and I didn't look into the sampling stuff.  I suggest that
you find where they do the sampling and substitute pixrect routine
calls to bit twidling.  That should make it work on both Sun3/4 and
Sun386i bit representations.  Good Luck.

Bill Carlson


Date: Sun, 25 Jun 89 20:29:41 CDT
Subject: MF on CMS

There's a better way to run MF on CMS than the way which Dean Guenther
described in your note to TeXhax (actually this applies to _all_
implementations of MF). That is to make the mode_def's part of the
plain.bas file in the following manner:

INIMF plain input modedeffilenamehere dump

replacing "modedeffilenamehere" with the appropriate name for your MF
file with your mode_def's in it. Then, one can say, e.g.,

MF \mode=epson; input cmr10

and get the expected file with little tribulation.

Avoiding the extra step of renaming the file can be especially important
when generating large font sets.


    Don Hosek          | Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU
    3916 Elmwood       | Bitnet: U33297@UICVM.BITNET
    Stickney, IL 60402 |         DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET
    Work: 312-996-2981 | UUNet: dhosek@jarthur.claremont.edu

                      Never give a gun to ducks


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End of TeXhax Digest