[comp.text] Urban Legends

bturner@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Bill Turner) (07/20/89)

> ...The experiments showing
> the superiority of the Dvorak keyboard are mainly old, were done by people who
> were actively trying to prove that superiority, and are not up to modern
> experimental standards.  Recent data - I've been told the references by some-
> one who works in the field, but I'm afraid I don't have them - show that there
> is actually only a small difference in typing speed between Dvorak and Scholes
> typists.

One study that I know of was done in part by Donald Norman (author of "The
Phsychology of Everyday Things" and professor in the Department of Cognitive
Science at UCSD) -- the paper is "Why Alphabetic Keyboads Are Not Easy to Use:
Keyboard Layout Doesn't Much Matter" by Donald A. Norman and Diane Fisher 
(Human Factors, vol. 24 no. 5, 1982, pp 509-519)

--Bill Turner (bturner@hp-pcd.hp.com)
HP Corvallis Information Systems

kolstad@prisma (07/22/89)

I wasn't able to mail this to Mr. Leichter:


In comp.text, you say:

> ...But it turns out that that model is just
> plain wrong!  ...
> A side-effect of the Scholes layout is to place many
> of the common "units" on alternating hands, which makes typing them easier.
> Dvorak, on the other hand, tends to place many units under the SAME hand,
> which interferes with typing.

I am not a real fan of the Dvorak keyboard but knew someone who could
hit 160 WPM (Andrew Shapira:  shapira@docsun.rpi.edu).  Because he
could type a couple per cent faster than I, my ego was bruised and I
tried the keyboard for a bit (at the behest of Dan Kopetzky, I

At any rate, while I never became proficient at all, in the limited
number of tests I did (i.e., writing letters like this one), I found
that your thesis that the units are under the same hand is not born
out.  It is understand that one will always have a few combinations
that turn out that way (witness the word `recede' on the QWERTY
keyboard), nevertheless the number of digrams and trigrams that were
true alternation appeared to me to be very high on the Dvorak

If one divides the keyboard like this (I copied this keyboard from an
earlier article and split it as best I could) and ran /usr/dict/words
through a trivial script:

    left              right
/  ,  .  P  Y  --- F  G  C  R  L
 A  O  E  U  I --- D  H  T  N  S  ;
  '  Q  J  K  X --- B  M  W  V  Z

tr "'PYAOEUIQJKXFGCRLDHTNSBMWVZpyaoeuiqjkxfgcrldhtnsbmwvz" \
    llllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr < /usr/dict/words

Then we have a file which tells which fingers get used (here's an
lll		<-- obviously bad
lrl		<-- the best we can do
lrlrl		<-- the best we can do
lrlrl		<-- the best we can do
lrlrlr		<-- the best we can do
lrlrlrl		<-- the best we can do

Now if we count the transitions, we should be able to measure the
`goodness' of a keyset.  (I'm doing this in real time as I type, and I
have to think about this for a moment.  For you, it will be appear to
be an instant cuz you'll get this all at once!)  Let's make a chart:

		number  words w/n `alternations'
length of word  0  1  2  3  4  5 ...
    2           x  x  
    3           x  x  x
    4           x  x  x  x
    5           x  x  x  x  x  
    6           x  x  x  x  x  x  
    7			and so on...

The program appears as Appendix A below.

tr script < /usr/dict/words | program yields:

             0    1    2    3    4   5     6    7    8    9   10   11
 2 n= 131   48   83 
 3 n= 775   60  517  198 
 4 n=2152   29  864 1163   96 
 5 n=3093   16  462 1902  679   34 
 6 n=3794    3  130 1698 1619  329   15 
 7 n=3929    0   23  913 2013  896   82    2 
 8 n=3484    0    7  366 1299 1441  347   22    2 
 9 n=2970    0    1  121  735 1292  694  121    6    0 
10 n=1883    0    0   22  287  680  673  195   26    0    0 
11 n=1052    0    0    0   66  248  429  266   42    1    0    0 
12 n= 542    0    0    1   13   70  169  203   76   10    0    0    0 
13 n= 260    0    0    0    2   20   55   98   66   15    4    0    0    0 
14 n= 102    0    0    0    1    5   15   27   34   17    3    0    0    0    0 
15 n=  39    0    0    0    0    3    1   10   12    9    4    0    0    0    0    0 
             0    1    2    3    4   5     6    7    8    9   10   11
[29 uninteresting cases of >16 character words omitted]

Now, it doesn't look too bad.  I can't think of a quick metric that
says `oh it's obvious this is great'.  Let's quickly write another tr
script for qwerty to have some raw data to compare:

tr "qwertyasdfgzxcvbyuiophjklnm.'&QWERTYASDFGZXCVBYUIOPHJKLNM" \
    llllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrr \
			< /usr/dict/words > /tmp/alternates

Now how does QWERTY do?
             0    1    2    3    4   5     6    7    8    9   10   11
 2 n= 131   68   63 
 3 n= 775  186  388  201 
 4 n=2152  266  837  790  259 
 5 n=3093  211  795 1168  749  170 
 6 n=3794  142  696 1217 1164  482   93 
 7 n=3929   85  398  983 1249  850  322   42 
 8 n=3484   39  231  616  979  929  505  164   21 
 9 n=2970   18  135  421  691  782  565  280   71    7 
10 n=1883    7   46  154  339  453  460  283  111   29    1 
11 n=1052    3   17   56  135  238  270  173  109   42    9    0 
12 n= 542    0    1    8   50   92  142  111   90   36    9    3    0 
13 n= 260    0    0    5   11   36   39   68   58   32    8    3    0    0 
14 n= 102    0    0    0    6    6   16   25   29   10    6    4    0    0    0 
15 n=  39    0    0    0    1    1    5    7   11   10    2    1    1    0    0    0 
             0    1    2    3    4   5     6    7    8    9   10   11
[29 uninteresting cases of >16 character words omitted]

Unfortunately, I must admit that there doesn't seem to be a tremendous
obvious difference in the alternating behavior.  There is some, but
it's not just overwhelming.  Consider the most common words, those of
7 letters:
                     0    1    2    3    4   5     6
dvorak:  7 n=3929    0   23  913 2013  896   82    2 
qwerty:  7 n=3929   85  398  983 1249  850  322   42 

Now qwerty has a few more perfect words, a bunch more almost perfect
but also has dramatically more `poor' words (0 and 1 alternations).
Let's calculate the average alternations:
dvorak:  ( 0*0+  23*1+ 913*2+ 2013*3+ 896*4+  82*5+  2*6) / 3929 = 3.02723
qwerty:  (85*0+ 398*1+ 983*2+ 1249*3+ 850*4+ 322*5+ 42*6) / 3929 = 2.89462
This shows a very slight (4.38%) improvement for dvorak.  I'll go back
and modify the program to calculate this for us (see Appendix C):

 l   n    qwerty dvorak
 2 n= 131 0.4809 0.6336
 3 n= 775 1.0194 1.1781
 4 n=2152 1.4842 1.6162
 5 n=3093 1.9586 2.0818
 6 n=3794 2.3761 2.5762
 7 n=3929 2.8946 3.0272
 8 n=3484 3.3789 3.5250
 9 n=2970 3.7832 3.9912
10 n=1883 4.3542 4.4302
11 n=1052 4.8042 4.9743
12 n= 542 5.4244 5.5277
13 n= 260 5.9769 6.0269
14 n= 102 6.3627 6.4804
15 n=  39 6.9231 6.8974

Well, the dvorak keyboard wins every time -- but not by much!

Maybe what we REALLY want to know is how much time we spend off the
home row ... could that be the REALLY important metric?

Let's translate into keyboard row numbers for dvorak:

tr "/,.PYFGCRLAOEUIDHTNS;'QJKXBMWVZ&pyfgcrlaoeuidhtnsqjkxbmwvz" \
    1111111111222222222223333333333411111112222222222333333333  \
			< /usr/dict/words > /tmp/alternates

And let's modify the program to calculate on-home-row -vs-
off-home-row (see Appendix D).

[My buddy just pointed out to me that few people type the dictionary and
we should use more realistic text like a book or a newgroup/notesfile.
OOPS.  I'll just continue on this tack for now.]

OK, that done, let's also make a tr script for the qwerty keyboard for
    tr "qwertyasdfgzxcvbyuiophjklnm.'&QWERTYASDFGZXCVBYUIOPHJKLNM" \
        111111222223333311111122233324111111222223333311111122233 \
			< /usr/dict/words > /tmp/alternates

Running the home key calculation program yields (with a bit of text
editing for ease of reading):

                qwerty                  dvorak

 2 n= 131 nhome=  75 = 28.63%	nhome=  157 = 59.92%
 3 n= 775 nhome= 747 = 32.13%	nhome= 1367 = 58.80%
 4 n=2152 nhome=2914 = 33.85%	nhome= 5196 = 60.36%
 5 n=3093 nhome=4892 = 31.63%	nhome= 9328 = 60.32%
 6 n=3794 nhome=6778 = 29.78%	nhome=14335 = 62.97%
 7 n=3929 nhome=8080 = 29.38%	nhome=17297 = 62.89%
 8 n=3484 nhome=8279 = 29.70%	nhome=18078 = 64.86%
 9 n=2970 nhome=7376 = 27.59%	nhome=17359 = 64.94%
10 n=1883 nhome=4841 = 25.71%	nhome=12474 = 66.25%
11 n=1052 nhome=2827 = 24.43%	nhome= 7604 = 65.71%
12 n= 542 nhome=1579 = 24.28%	nhome= 4323 = 66.47%
13 n= 260 nhome= 796 = 23.55%	nhome= 2260 = 66.86%
14 n= 102 nhome= 335 = 23.46%	nhome=  933 = 65.34%
15 n=  39 nhome= 126 = 21.54%	nhome=  389 = 66.50%
16 n=  15 nhome=  50 = 20.83%	nhome=  157 = 65.42%
17 n=	6 nhome=  20 = 19.61%	nhome=   70 = 68.63%
18 n=	4 nhome=  19 = 26.39%	nhome=   46 = 63.89%
20 n=	1 nhome=   5 = 25.00%	nhome=   11 = 55.00%
21 n=	2 nhome=   8 = 19.05%	nhome=   26 = 61.90%
22 n=	1 nhome=   5 = 22.73%	nhome=   12 = 54.55%

Well, it appears that the dvorak keyboard stays on the home row about
60-65% of the time and that qwerty keyboard stays on the home row
about 20-30% of the time (for the most part).  That would be a factor
of 2x improvement of home row keys.  Not bad.  I'll bet that's the big

[electroencephalography is the 22 letter word, by the way].

So, in summary:
    * Alternation is just a bit better (pretty much always)
    * Home row keys are phenomenally better placed

Now we know.

Thanks for providing fodder for this interesting exercise.

ps:  Re-reading your note and this one, I find that I might have been
a bit more clever about my treatment of common digrams and trigrams.
Oh well.

============================= program listings (appendices) follow =======

----------------------------------- tr script < /usr/dict/words | program
#include <stdio.h>

int     nlengths[40];
int     nalternates[40][40];

main ()
    char    buf[512];
    int     l;		/* length of this word */
    int     n;		/* counter of alternates */
    int     i, j;
    char   *p;
    char    thishand;

    while (gets (buf) != NULL)
	l = strlen (buf);
	if (l < 2)
	p = buf;
	thishand = *p++;
	for (n = 0; *p; p++)
	    if (*p != thishand)
		*p = thishand;
    for (i = 2; i < 40; i++)
	if (nlengths[i] == 0)
	printf ("%2d n=%4d ", i, nlengths[i]);
	for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
	    printf ("%4d ", nalternates[i][j]);
	printf ("\n");
    exit (0);

The actual tr script for dvorak:
tr ".'PYAOEUIQJKXFGCRLDHTNSBMWVZ&pyaoeuiqjkxfgcrldhtnsbmwvz" \
    lllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr \
			< /usr/dict/words > /tmp/alternates

The actual tr script for qwerty:
tr "qwertyasdfgzxcvbyuiophjklnm.'&QWERTYASDFGZXCVBYUIOPHJKLNM" \
    llllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrr \
			< /usr/dict/words > /tmp/alternates



The program which computes average alternations:
#include <stdio.h>

int     nlengths[40];
int     nalternates[40][40];

main ()
    char    buf[512];
    int     l;		/* length of this word */
    int     n;		/* counter of alternates */
    int     i, j;
    char   *p;
    char    thishand;

    while (gets (buf) != NULL)
	l = strlen (buf);
	if (l < 2)
	p = buf;
	thishand = *p++;
	for (n = 0; *p; p++)
	    if (*p != thishand)
		*p = thishand;
    for (i = 2; i < 40; i++)
	double sum;
	if (nlengths[i] == 0)
	sum = 0;
	printf ("%2d n=%4d ", i, nlengths[i]);
	for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
		sum += j * nalternates[i][j];
	printf ("%6.4f\n", sum/nlengths[i]);
    exit (0);


cosell@bbn.com (Bernie Cosell) (07/29/89)

In article <10500004@prisma> kolstad@prisma writes:
}If one divides the keyboard like this (I copied this keyboard from an
}earlier article and split it as best I could) and ran /usr/dict/words
}through a trivial script:
} ...
}Now if we count the transitions, we should be able to measure the
}`goodness' of a keyset.  (I'm doing this in real time as I type, and I
}have to think about this for a moment.  For you, it will be appear to
}be an instant cuz you'll get this all at once!)  Let's make a chart:

This is the right kind of analysis, but absoluetly the *wrong* way to compute
it.  The problem is that the every word appears in /usr/dict/words with equal
probability (that is, once), but the probabilities in normal English are
nothing of the like [e.g., a scan of /usr/dict/words will not balance the
fact that 'the' occurs a LOT more than cwm, although both have now
contributed the same 'weight' to your stats].

Try rerunning your results over English, instead of a dictionary.  A
reasonable and easy way to do this is pick a mostly-text newsgroup (one that
doesn't have a lot of "tty graphics" and acronyms and odd words and such),
and run your program over the bodies of the message in it (e.g.,
talk.politics.misc would be pretty good, but comp.dcom.telecom is all filled
with NXX's and ISDNx ahd LATAs and such that'll skew the stats).

Beyond that, your numbers, while good intentioned, really aren't very useful
even as a rough comparison vehicle because the underlying distribution of
words from which they gather their statistics is so utterly wrong.


jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (07/29/89)

In article <43460@bbn.COM> cosell@BBN.COM (Bernie Cosell) writes:
| Try rerunning your results over English, instead of a dictionary.  A
| reasonable and easy way to do this is pick a mostly-text newsgroup (one that
| doesn't have a lot of "tty graphics" and acronyms and odd words and such),
| and run your program over the bodies of the message in it (e.g.,
| talk.politics.misc would be pretty good, but comp.dcom.telecom is all filled
| with NXX's and ISDNx ahd LATAs and such that'll skew the stats).
                       ^^^ :-)
I would suggest that Usenet is not the place to look for good examples
of the English language.  Just one supporting argument...  The word "ahd"
would yield different results than "and".  Since the QWERTY keyboard is
used by most of the population under study, this is an obvious bias.

(I don't claim innocence in this matter! :-)

Jim Wright

albaugh@dms.UUCP (Mike Albaugh) (08/15/89)

From article <66814@yale-celray.yale.UUCP>, by Horne-Scott@cs.yale.edu 
(Scott Horne):
> Yes, QWERTY was designed to slow down typists to prevent them from jamming
> the machines.  (It doesn't fulfill that purpose, though:  I can jam a manual
> typewriter.)  Oddly enough, some keys very often pressed in sequence are
> located next to each other (_e.g._, `e' and `r', `i' and `o').

	So where did this particular urban legend start. That is, can anyone
post a specific reference by someone who _knows_ (Scholes or one of his
contemporaries) that explicitely states that the QWERTY keyboard was designed
to slow down typists. I saw a book review of a book by someone at Bell Labs
that mentioned, off hand, de-bunking this particular myth, but it seems to
be as resilient as the one about the poodle in the microwave.

> So why aren't we all typing on Dvorak keyboards today, now that we have
> computer terminals that don't ``jam''?  Old habits die hard....  Alas,
> alack....

	You have obviously never used CPM on a low-budget system, if you think
computer keyboards don't "jam" :-)


| Mike Albaugh (albaugh@dms.UUCP || {...decwrl!turtlevax!}weitek!dms!albaugh)
| Atari Games Corp (Arcade Games, no relation to the makers of the ST)
| 675 Sycamore Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035		voice: (408)434-1709
| The opinions expressed are my own (Boy, are they ever)