TeXhax@cs.washington.edu (TeXhax Digest) (12/05/89)
TeXhax Digest Friday, December 1, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 108
Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay
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Today's Topics:
GUTenberg'90, announcement and Call for papers
Re: TeX 3.0: What now?
Date: Nov 23 1989 at 15H
Subject: GUTenberg'90, announcement and Call for papers
Keywords: GUTenberg '90, announcement, call for papers
HOT news : GUTenberg'90, Call for papers. Bernard GAULLE
(in a LaTeX format)
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\title{{ Appel aux communications\\
\hfill {\sl Call for papers} \\
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{\Huge GUTenberg'90} \\
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{\it \TeX{} et les Arts graphiques}\\
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\hfill 15 au 17 mai 1990\\
\hfill Universit\'e Paul Sabatier\\
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{\Huge GUTenberg'90}
Le Groupe francophone des Utilisateurs de \TeX{} organise,
comme chaque ann\'ee, son congr\`es GUTenberg, regroupant comme
l'an pass\'e, des sessions de formation, des conf\'erences et une
petite exposition.
Le congr\`es de cette ann\'ee a \'et\'e baptis\'e \oguill \ \TeX{} et
les Arts graphiques \fguill \ car \TeX{} est d\'esormais un
environnement logiciel complet et consid\'er\'e comme indispensable
par les professionels des Arts graphiques. GUTenberg'90 sera l'occasion
unique de faire le point ou de s'informer sur le sujet.
Le comit\'e de programme souhaite organiser des conf\'erences
techniques de haut niveau en faisant appel aux utilisateurs de \TeX{}
et aux professionnels des Arts graphiques.
{\LARGE Sujets d'int\'er\^et}
Le comit\'e de programme retiendra en premier les sujets traitant
de \TeX{} dans le domaine des Arts graphiques et s'int\'eressera
ensuite aux sujets ne portant que sur l'un des deux aspects suivants~:
{\bf Arts graphiques}\par
-- Techniques de maquettage\par
-- Graphisme et effets sp\'eciaux\par
-- Utilisation de nouvelles polices\par
-- Cha\^ \i ne \'editoriale informatis\'ee\par
-- Exp\'eriences d'utilisation de mat\'eriels\par
-- Influences de la P.A.O.\par
-- Normes de balisage.\par
{\bf Environnement \TeX }\par
-- D\'eveloppements autour de \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, etc.\par
-- Utilisation/cr\'eation de polices \MF{}\par
\ \ \ ou non \MF{}\par
-- Pilotes et
langages de description de page \par
-- Aspects X-windows\par
-- Digitalisation et restitution\par
-- \'Editeurs, correcteurs et pre/post\par
\ \ \ processeurs interactifs\par
-- Sp\'ecificit\'es francophones et europ\'eennes\par
-- Utilisation des r\'eseaux informatiques\par
-- Acc\`es aux logiciels du domaine public\par
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\sl{{\huge \sl GUTenberg'90}}
The French-speaking \TeX{} Users Group
named GUTenberg, is organizing its yearly congress comprising,
as last year, tutorials and conferences, as well as
a small exhibition.
This year, the congress will be entitled ``\TeX{} and
professional publishing''
because \TeX{} has become a full set of software considered
by printers, editors, composers\dots\ as an indispensable
production tool. GUTenberg'90 will provide a unique opportunity
to familiarize yourself with the
products and to collect information about
the latest experiments and developments.
The program committee will organize a series of high level presentations
delivered by \TeX{} users or professionals of publishing.
{\LARGE \sl Main topics}\sl
After giving priority to topics focused on
\TeX{} and the publishing field, the program committee will select
papers in one or the other of the following two areas:\par
\ \par
{\bf Professional publishing}\par
-- Page modeling techniques\par
-- Graphism and special effects\par
-- New fonts usage\par
-- Automated production from editor to printer\par
-- Hardware experiences\par
-- EP/CAP effects\par
-- Markup standards\par
{\bf \TeX{} domain}\par
-- Developments around \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, \dots\par
-- Creation/usage of fonts designed with \par
\ \ \ or without \MF{}\par
-- Fonts and
page description languages\par
-- X-windows aspects\par
-- Rasterization and output\par
-- Screen editors, spellers and pre/post\par
\ \ \ interactive processors\par
-- Aspects of French and European languages\par
-- Network usage\par
-- Public domain software access\par
\newpage\sl\normalsize\parsep 3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
{\LARGE Comit\'e d'organisation}\par
{\LARGE \sl \hfill Organisation Committee}
{\sc P. Legrand} (C.I.C.T), {\sl pr\'esident}\par
{\sc Y. Soulet} (U.P.S)\par
{\sc J.C. Joly} (Cepadues \'editions)\par
{\sc H. Le Tallec} (Cepadues \'editions)\par
{\sc M} et {\sc Mme Collin} (TR\'EMA)\par
{\sc M.H. Gellis}\par
{\sc P. Lesgourgues} (Cepadues \'editions)\par
{\LARGE Comit\'e de programme}\par
{\LARGE \sl \hfill Program Committee}
{\sc Bernard Gaulle} (CNRS-CIRC\'E) \par
\hfill{\sl Chairman}\par
{\sc Maurice Laugier} (imprim. Louis-Jean)\par
\hfill {\sl co-Chairman}\par
{\sc Jacques Andr\'e} (IRISA-INRIA)\par
{\sc Nelson Beebe} (Univ. Utha, USA) \par
{\sc Alain Cousquer} (Univ. LILLE I) \par
{\sc Nicolas Brouard} (INED)\par
{\sc Fran\c cois Chahuneau} (Berger-Levrault)\par
{\sc Michael Ferguson} (INRS Tele., Canada)\par
{\sc Laurent Heilmann} (Gauthier-Villard)\par
{\sc Christophe de Moncuit} (CNRS-LIMSI)\par
{\LARGE Appel \`a communication}\par
Un r\'esum\'e d'une page doit \^etre envoy\'e \`a l'un des
membres du comit\'e de programme avant le {\bf 15 janvier 1990}
en pr\'ecisant si le texte final sera r\'ealis\'e avec \LaTeX{}.\par
L'agenda retenu est le suivant~:\par
{\bf 15 janvier~:} r\'eception des r\'esum\'es\par
{\bf 1er f\'evrier~:} notification aux auteurs\par
{\bf 28 f\'evrier~:} r\'eception des textes complets\par
{\bf 15 au 17 mai~:} GUTenberg'90
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{\Large \hspace{3cm}Contact}\par
{\Large \hfill }
\multicolumn{2}{ l }{ } \\
Pierre Legrand & Bitnet: \\
C.I.C.T. & \verb9LEGRAND@FRCICT819\\
Univ. Paul Sabatier & \ \\
118, route de Narbonne & Tel: (33)\\
F31062 TOULOUSE Cedex & Fax: (33)\\
{\Large \hspace{3cm}Contacts}
\multicolumn{2}{ l }{ } \\
Bernard Gaulle & Bitnet: \verb9UCIR001@FRORS319\\
CNRS-CIRC\'E, BP 167 & Tel: (33-1)\\
F91403 ORSAY Cedex & Fax: (33-1)\\
Maurice Laugier & \ \\
Imprimerie Louis-Jean & \ \\
Avenue d'Embrun, BP 87 & Tel: (33)\\
F05002 GAP & Fax: (33)\\
Nelson Beebe & Internet: \\
Cent. for Sc. Comput. & \verb9Beebe@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU9\\
220 South Physics Bldg & \ \\
Univ. of Utah & Tel: (1) 801 581-5254\\
Salt Lake City, UT 84112 & Fax: (1) 801 581-4801\\
{\LARGE Call for papers}\par
A one page abstract must be sent to any committee member
before {\bf January 15, 1990}
(please, indicate if the paper will be produced with \LaTeX{}).\par
Note the following deadlines:\par
{\bf January 15th:} abstract due\par
{\bf February 1st:} notification to authors\par
{\bf February 28ht:} full paper due\par
{\bf May 15--17th:} GUTenberg'90\par
The official language is French but presentations in English
are welcome.
{\Large L'association GUTenberg}\par\small
L'association GUTenberg est l'une des principales associations
(\`a but non lucratif --~loi de 1901)
d'utilisateurs de \TeX{}~; sa dimension {\em francophone} lui
donne une stature permettant de travailler en collaboration avec
notamment le \TeX{} Users Group (TUG) qui a d\'esormais une
vocation internationale. GUTenberg, cr\'e\'e en 1988, est compos\'e
d'un grand nombre de chercheurs, universitaires mais aussi de
professionnels de l'\'edition, \'editeurs et imprimeurs ainsi
que d'entreprises de tous secteurs. L'un des objectifs de l'association
est de \oguill \ \it favoriser les \'echanges de techniques permettant
d'augmenter les possibilit\'es d'impressions et de publications
scientifiques.\ \fguill\rm\ Elle reste donc ouverte \`a toutes les
nouveaut\'es provenant de la communaut\'e \TeX{} ou de tout autre
environnement logiciel. GUTenberg \'edite une revue (4 num\'eros par
an) appel\'ee \sl Cahiers GUTenberg\rm, distribue des versions
logicielles des diff\'erents composants \TeX{} et dispose d'une
messagerie accessible depuis tous les r\'eseaux connect\'es au
r\'eseau EARN.\par
\ \par
{\Large Avis aux exposants}\par
L'espace r\'eserv\'e aux exposants \'etant relativement r\'eduit, il
est conseill\'e de prendre contact le plus rapidement possible avec
le comit\'e d'organisation du congr\`es.
{\Large Patronnages}\par
Plusieurs soci\'et\'es ou organismes publics
ont fait part de leur intention de patronner le congr\`es
GUTenberg'90. La liste en sera donn\'ee ult\'erieurement
lorsque les accords auront \'et\'e concr\'etis\'es.
{\Large Tourisme}\par
La ville de Toulouse dans laquelle se d\'eroulera le congr\`es
est en soi un lieu rempli d'histoire et justifie \`a lui seul
un s\'ejour touristique. D'autres lieux de tourisme, en dehors
de la \oguill \ \it ville rose \fguill\rm, tels la ville
fortifi\'ee de Carcassonne ou de nombreux endroits des Pyr\'en\'ees
m\'eritent un d\'etour. Bon s\'ejour dans les r\'egions
Midi-Pyr\'en\'ees et Languedoc-Roussillon.
{\Large The association GUTenberg}\par\small
The association GUTenberg is one of the main \TeX{} users groups.
Due to the fact that GUTenberg
is composed of French-speaking people it can work tightly with the
{\it newly international\/} \TeX{} Users Group (TUG).
GUTenberg was officially created in 1988
and is a non-profit association of
researchers, academic people and also professionals of publishing
like editors, printers as well as companies working on various
economic areas. One of the main goals of this association is
to ``\it favour technical exchanges allowing the growth of
printing facilities and of scientific publishing.''\ \rm\
In such a way, it is delighted to study all new products coming
from the \TeX{} community and other software domains.
GUTenberg is the editor of a quarterly journal named
\sl Cahiers GUTenberg\rm, distributor of various \TeX{} versions
and other components of \TeX{} applications. It offers a discussion
list on network which may be accessed from any network connected
to EARN.\par
\ \par
{\Large Advice for exhibitors}\par
The show-room dedicated to exhibitors is relatively tiny.
Please get in touch as quickly as possible with the organisation
\ \par
{\Large Sponsors}\par
A lot of companies and public organizations intend to sponsor
GUTenberg'90. The full list of these organizations will be printed
when the deals will be put in concrete form.\par
\ \par
{\Large Sightseeing}\par
Toulouse town, the place of congress is such an historical site
that you must not leave this beautiful
{\em pink city} without visiting it.
Other places distant of Toulouse from a hundreth of miles are
very exciting, for example the fortress of Carcassonne and
also a lot of landscapes or villages in the Pyr\'en\'ees mountains.
Have a good trip in the
Midi-Pyr\'en\'ees and Languedoc-Roussillon districts.
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Date: Fri, 24 Nov 89 02:38:59 EST
From: justin@harry.CRIM.CA (Justin Bur)
Subject: Re: TeX 3.0: What now?
Keywords: TeX 3, 8-bit character sets, ISO 8859, ISO 6937
Here are a few comments on the recent discussion on 8-bit character
sets and some suggestions for their use with TeX.
Adobe fonts: the PostScript Standard Encoding is not ISO 8859-1
(Latin-1), but it comes quite close to being a subset of ISO 6937,
an earlier standard 8-bit character set that contained separate
diacritical marks to be overstruck with ordinary letters. Recent
Adobe fonts contain at least 228 characters, only 149 of which are
assigned default codes. Contrary to what Adobe documentation says,
this is not ISO Latin-1; however, all of the ISO Latin-1 graphics
are included and it is easy to program the necessary encoding vector.
ISO 8859 specifies at least seven character sets, of which the
first four deal with Latin alphabets. All of them reserve codes
0 to 037 (octal) and 0177 to 0237 for control characters. Codes
040 to 0176 are the same as ISO 646 (USASCII). Codes 0240 to 0377
contain accented (or non-Latin) letters and additional symbols that
might be needed in the countries likely to use the character set.
Some of the sets have a few empty spaces which are reserved for
future extensions to the standard.
The remainder of this article offers suggestions for the use of TeX
with Latin alphabets only; different scripts will require separate
The input character set used with TeX 3.0 is therefore likely to be
any of ISO 8859-1 through 4, or even (unfortunately) Macintosh or
IBM PC codes. It would be advisable to provide standard, accurately
compiled macro files for each of these character sets to map as many
characters as possible onto the graphics available in the standard
Computer Modern fonts.
Even if Computer Modern does not use it, an extension of the usual
TeX output character set (i.e. positions of graphics in fonts) to 256
characters may not be a bad idea either. It would serve as a basis
to standardize the assignment of graphics to codes for dvi drivers
that make use of fonts provided with typesetters and printers.
At the European TeX users' meeting in Karlsruhe (W. Germany) in
September, a discussion was held on standardizing TeX character
sets, at the instigation of Jan Michael Rynning <jmr@nada.kth.se>.
A recommendation was not finalized (we ran out of time!), but some
principles for the design of the character sets were put forth.
- The input character set should be one of ISO 8859-1 through 4,
depending on local needs.
- Precomposed accented letters should be present in the output set
(this is often necessary to produce output of sufficient quality).
Since there are too many diacritical-letter combinations to fit
in 128 positions, it is necessary to have more than one output set.
- The logical choice seems to be one output set for each input set.
This way locally-used accented letters are available precomposed,
while other accented letters can be produced in the traditional
- The output character sets should use the assignments of the
current CM fonts for the lower 128 positions. When choosing the
upper 128, the principle of omitting unnecessary input graphics
to leave extra space in the output set may be used (cf. TeXbook
p. 427: "Some of the ASCII symbols are not included because they
don't occur in normal printer's fonts") - but only in positions
where all four input sets have the same graphic. The typewriter
fonts, however, should include all of the input set's graphics
in their correct positions.
- Any additional letters (such as thorn and eth) not obtainable by
composing diacritics and the standard alphabet should be present
in all output sets. These characters should appear in control-
character positions (0200-0237). (This leads to the possibility
that these characters appear twice in certain sets; in the output
set based on Latin-1, for example, AE Eth Oslash Thorn ae eth oslash
thorn germandbls could be duplicated. Either that, or the positions
they occupy in the input set should be reassigned.)
- Once all of the alphabetic characters have been assigned places,
all the remaining codes should be used for additional useful
typographic signs (perhaps chosen from the Adobe fonts).
I hope this list reflects the discussions at Karlsruhe reasonably
accurately without giving too much weight to my own ideas.
Justin Bur
CRIM, Montreal
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