[comp.text] TeXhax Digest V89 #111

TeXhax@cs.washington.edu (TeXhax Digest) (12/17/89)

TeXhax Digest    Sunday, December 10, 1989  Volume 89 : Issue 111

Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay

%%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%%
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Today's Topics:         

                                 APS' REVTEX
                              Various questions
                             re: \uccode for `sz'
                         Mixing tex, latex and amstex
               RE: Help needed installing TeX (TeXhax v89 #105)
               Tex Fonts for the Sanskrit Alphabet (Devanagari).
               Transscript - Postscript filter for UNIX spoolers
                              Metafont questions
                             Commutative diagrams
                     Re: A (let's say) feature of 'ifx'
              RE: BibTeX problems under VMS (TeXhax v89 #105)
                               2 TeX puzzles


Date: 28 November 1989, 23:32:16 LOC
From: Roberto-J.G.Bevilacqua-ROBEVI@ARGCNEA2-764-5594-755-0181-Int-7-341-CNEA---CAC---Centro-de-Calculo-Cientifico-Div.Sistemas-Grupo-Sistemas-Operativos-Av.de-los-Constituyentes-y-Av.Gral-Paz-Buenos-Aires-Argentina
Subject: APS' REVTEX
Keywords: REVTEX

     I'm new in this group. I need notices about APS' macro package
REVTEX. Can someone help me. Thank you in advance.
Friendly, Roberto


Date: Fri, 24 Nov 89 11:50:32 +0200
Subject: Various questions
Keywords: BibTeX, HP LaserJet, Sun

1.  Is there a version of Bibtex for a PC?
2.  Does anyone have a driver for an HP Laserjet series II connected to
a SUN 3?
3.  Is there a DVI driver available for a Xerox 4045 connected to
an IBM mainframe running VM/CMS?


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1989 15:53:15 +0100
      (Wilhelm Mueller)
Subject: re: \uccode for `sz'
Keywords: \uucode, 'sz'

    I solved the problem with the uppercase German sharp s quite simply
by a small modification of LaTeX's "-macro.  I simply defined "S to
become SS.  What a surprise, \uppercase{na"s} became NASS ...

 - Wilhelm


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 89 10:49:32 EST
From: Allan Adler <ara@lom1.math.yale.edu>
Subject: Mixing tex, latex and amstex
Keywords: TeX, LaTeX, AmSTeX

There are certain things one can do conveniently in latex but not in tex
and vice versa, and I suppose the same is true for amstex. It would be
convenient to be able to work, say, in tex and to use amstex or latex
to typeset certain troublesome paragraphs. But then there is the problem
of merging the results. Is there a general way to do that ?

If not, then there might be a device dependent way to do it via PostScript
using the \special control sequence in tex: one runs latex or amstex on
files containing the troublesome paragraphs, then produces a .ps file
from the .dvi file and then includes the .ps file via a \special command.
But \special seems to be a tricky business. Has anyone ever tried to
merge tex and latex in this way and succeeded ? 

Any comments are welcome.

Allan Adler


Date: Wed, 29 NOV 89 12:43:45 GMT
From: TEX%rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK
Subject: RE: Help needed installing TeX (TeXhax v89 #105)
Keywords: TeX

*                                                                         *
*              TeX v2.992 and MF v1.8 ported to VAX/VMS                   *
*                                                                         *

In TeXhax Volume 89 #105, Ralph Zazula (ZAZULA@FNAL.BITNET) writes:

>    The first system is a VAX  running VMS. We currently have TeX
>version  2.0  working  but wish  to  upgrade to  the  new 3.0 (or
>2.9999999...). Anyway, I have  been able to find the WEB files at
>(labrea.stanford.edu)  but the CHANGE  files are not working with
>the new WEB files.  

That's quite understandable; there are definitely changes to the WEB source 
that will be incompatible with the old (v2.991) change files, and if he's 
really and truly still stuck back on v2.0, there's probably some others that 
I've forgotten in the last couple of years.

This isn't really the official announcement, but I HAVE got working change 
files for v2.992 (proto-v3) under VMS; they passed the TRIP test on 7th 
November.  As well as implementing v2.992 under VMS, they also provide 
extensive interfaces to editors (including the generation of diagnostic files 
for DEC's language-sensitive editor), a full DCL command line interface, 
expandability to a BigTeX (but not a true 64-bit one), etc.

I've also got a fully-TRAPped MF v1.8 (proto-v2), with the same embellishments.

To save repetitive transatlantic traffic, I have sent copies of these files to 
barbara beeton, and have given her my permission to forward them to whomsoever 
requests them --- however, I'm sure that she won't want to keep mailing them 
out to all and sundry.

Although the programs have passed the TRIP/TRAP tests, there may well be bugs
in the port to VMS, so I'm not, repeat NOT, making these files available for
general consumption until they've been tested by a few sites with wizards
present (who accordingly can be presumed to tell the difference between a bug
in the port, and one in TeX itself).  However, if some server manager would
like to collect them from barbara, and make them available with a suitable
caveat (if you tell me who you are, I'll mail you the caveat), then you're
welcome so to do. 

He also said:

>                    I'm not really up on  WEB and I can't seem to
>figure out what changes are needed for the new versions. I looked
>at the  file  TEX82.BUGS but  that  didn't make  much sense to me
>either. Does anyone have working .CH files for the new TeX to run
>under VMS?  I'm sure they  are out  there somewhere  but I cannot
>find them.

Well, I would STRONGLY advise against trying to get up to v3 yet, if you 
haven't had experiance of building previous versions of TeX from the sources 
%--- mine (at present) are something that's definitely for use by wizards only.

But if any of the latter would like to try, please get hold of the files by 
some method, and LET ME KNOW that you're trying it.  (And if you find any bugs 
too, of course.)

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:     tex@uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs                                     +
+ BITNET:    tex%uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs@ac.uk                               +
+ INTERNET:  tex%uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Date: Tue, 28 Nov 89 17:38:45 PST
From: zubelli@cartan.berkeley.edu (Jorge P. Zubelli)
Subject: Tex Fonts for the Sanskrit Alphabet (Devanagari).
Keywords: fonts, TeX, Sanscrit

     I have a question about Tex fonts for the Devanagari alphabet. 
     Devanagari is used in a number of Indian languages, Sanskrit being one 
     Does anyone know if such fonts exist and if so how can I obtain them?  
     Also, any hint about anyone who may know about it or is working on such 
     a project would be very helpful. 
     Thank you in advance. 

                                 Jorge P. Zubelli
                                 Math. Dep. U. C. Berkeley CA 94720 
                                 email: zubelli@cartan.berkeley.edu


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 89 13:05:56 NZT
From: Russell Fulton <ccc032u@aucc1>
Subject: Transscript - Postscript filter for UNIX spoolers
Keywords: UNIX, PostScript, Transscript
A while back I asked about postscript spoolers for UNIX systems and
inparticular about Transscript. In case anybody else is interested here
is what I found out:
Transscript is an Adobe product. It is designed to handle Postscript printers
through the standard UNIX spooler. In particular it will automatically
convert incoming ascii files to Postscript or can be used in conjunction
with other filters that produce Postscript. (eg. dvi..ps)
It also handles the interface between the spooler and the printer, collecting
Postscript errors etc.
| Organisation: "Computer Centre, University of Auckland      |
|                Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand"          |
| telephone:    "+64 9 737-999 X 8955 (GMT +13,nzt)"          |
| fax:          "+64 9 303-2467"                              |
| domain:       "rj_fulton@aukuni.ac.nz"                      |


Date: Tue, 28 Nov 89 18:09:21 EST
From: Allan Adler <ara@lom1.math.yale.edu>
Subject: Metafont questions
Keywords: METAFONT

I am using a SUN3 where I have no superuser priveleges. Therefore I can't
install anything in the system, neither fonts nor programs. Also, there is
no one here who is knowledgeable about such things. However, TeX is installed
here and apparently so is a version of METAFONT: it is called cmmf and is
apparently obtained by taking METAFONT and making cmbase.mf its base.

Question 1: Can I work with cmmf just as I would with METAFONT ? 

I am skeptical about this point because I ran cmmf and when I tried to
input /fonts/grayf.mf , cmmf complained about errors and gave up. It
also complained about errors when I tried to imput /bases/plain.mf .
I apparently need /fonts/gray.mf in order to carry out the experiments
in the chapter "Running METAFONT" in the METAFONT Book.

Apparently, gftodvi also wasn't installed in the system. I managed to
put gftodvi together in my own directories from stuff I found lying around
in the mf84 directories. However, it seems to make some assumptions about
where it wants to find files and I am not sure how to change that.
Does anyone know ?

I also put together a version of dvialw in my own directories which
looks in one of my directories for fonts. I found that dvialw will
read gf files in order to get font information, so I can bypass
gftodvi with it, in principle.  But that is essentially a device
dependent solution, since it depends on PostScript going to a

Question 2: Do I need to make my own copy of METAFONT ? If so, how do I
install it in my own directories ? 

I obtained what I thought was a copy from labrea.stanford.edu and tried
to install it. I tried to hack the makefile so that it and all its entourage
would get installed in my own directories. Instead, I screwed it up so that
it wouldn't finish executing the makefile.

Question 3: Where do I ftp METAFONT and all that I need to install it ?
            And how do I modify the makefile so that it will install in
            my own directory ? A script would be particularly welcome.



Date: Tue, 28 Nov 89 20:18:32 EST
From: Allan Adler <ara@lom1.math.yale.edu>
Subject: Commutative diagrams
Keywords: TeX, commutative diagrams

I have to typeset some commutative diagrams which are not as amenable to
"city planning" as the one in Exercise 18.46 of the TeXbook. For example,
they involve diagonal arrows and it is necessary to have a few different
diagonal arrows leaving the same object at various angles. If I were to
imitate Knuth's solution to Exercise 18.46, I would have to find a
mathchar for each of the directions in which I have an arrow leaving.
But there is only one mathchar for an arrow sloping downward to the right.

If anyone else has had to deal with such problems, I'd be glad to know
how they dealt with it. Of course, it is possible to change the embedding
of some of the diagrams in the plane, but not all of them.



Date: Wed, 29 Nov 89 09:57:58 -0100
From: Piet van Oostrum <piet@cs.ruu.nl>
Subject: Re: A (let's say) feature of 'ifx'
Keywords: ifx

In <TeXhax Digest V89 #105> you write:

 `                 \message{the same}\else\message{not the same}\fi}
 `Given this macro,
 `works, and so does
 `but what happens with the sequence
\ifx does not check the EQUALITY of macro names and so this example can't
be used to test the equality of strings. \ifx tests the equality of tokens.
In case both tokens are macro names, this means that they have essentially
the same definition. In this case \match is not a macro before the call, so
it should be unequal to about everything. On the other hand \csname ...
\endcsname has the effect of creating a new command sequence name AND
\letting this equal to \relax if it was undefined. So if you say
\testsame{match} the \match suddenly is defined and is equal to \relax. If
\match was defined before then it works also except when \nomatch would be
an identical macro. In the last example the first test with nomatch set
\nomatch to \relax, the test with match set \match to \relax and therefore
the third test succeeds (at least that is what I assume wil happen, I
haven't actually run the example.

If you want to test strings for equality, what about the following:

Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht,  The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31-30-531806   Uucp: uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet
Telefax:   +31-30-513791   Internet: piet@cs.ruu.nl      (*`Pete')


Date: Wed, 29 NOV 89 09:30:13 GMT
From: TEX%rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK
Subject: RE: BibTeX problems under VMS (TeXhax v89 #105)
Keywords: BibTeX, VMS

In TeXhax, Volume 89 #105, Granville Paules (paules@phoenix.Princeton.EDU) 

>Has anyone running the DECUS distribution of BibTeX v 0.99c for VAX/VMS
>experienced any problems and if so has a fix been posted?  I am successfully
>running BibTeX v 0.98i under BSD Unix and the uTeX version on PC.  The 
>error issued is encountered for every entry in a bib database with
>the message  "string" is a literal, not a function for entry "entry"
>             while executing---line 729 of file plain.bst
>where string is the field and entry is the entry.

This is simply solved: he's using the WRONG BIBTEX STYLE FILES.  There was a 
major revision between 0.98 and 0.99, involving almost complete reversal of 
the syntax of BibTeX's internal workings: consequently, the .BST files are 
incompatible (although the same .BIB files are usable).

Oren Patashnik, quite rightly, insists that the LaTeXable files that describe 
BibTeX should be distributed with it; I cannot imagine that Ted Nieland failed 
to put these onto the DECUS dsitribution tape, so really it behooves the USER 
to ensure that he's read the documentation!

Another little quote from the same issue of TeXhax has some relevance, I 

>                        (This is the penultimate stage of bewilderment; the
>ultimate stage is when you actually go back to the TeXbook and read the

for `TeXbook', substitue `documentation'.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:     tex@uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs                                     +
+ BITNET:    tex%uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs@ac.uk                               +
+ INTERNET:  tex%uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 89 06:45:18 -0500
From: svb@cs.purdue.edu (Stephan Bechtolsheim)
Subject: 2 TeX puzzles
Keywords: TeX, puzzles

"Solution" to puzzle II: try this one:

% UCCODE.TEX----------------------------------------------------------------
% \testcount=\two \showthe\testcount
% \testcount=\twotoo \showthe\testcount

\def\thecatcode #1{% 
	\wlog{looing into \string#1}% 
	\ifcat #12
		\wlog{Category code of a digit}
		\wlog{NOT Category code of a digit}
	\ifcat #1A
		\wlog{Category code of a letter}
		\wlog{NOT Category code of a letter}





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End of TeXhax Digest