[comp.text] Ledger Size Postscript/

rauletta@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (R. J. Auletta) (01/18/90)

I have discovered (quite by chance) that if I setup a troff file
to print a legal size sheet of paper (using Elan's eroff)
and print it on an AppleLaser Writer IINTX with a legal paper tray
from a HP LaserJet II, everything works great (even though
the version of the ps-filter does not explicitly support legal paper).

My question is this: If I set everything up to print on ledger size 11x17
paper (and view it on express (Elan's quite nice X11 troff previewer))
and print the file out on a postscript printer that is loaded with
ledger size paper (at the local postscript imaging center) will
it still work right? Is what is happening a fluke or a feature of
Postscript/Elan's ps-filter?

Obviously I'm going to try...but I would like to have a better
feeling what the probability is of success...will it depend on the
printer/typesetter? Has anyone done this before...is anyone interested
if it works? Curious minds want to know...

--Rich Auletta
  George Mason University