Hello 'Net'ters, I'm looking for two things: 1.) I'm looking for all this nice fonts you get with a DTP program - like Currier, Saphiere ...- for TeX. I wrote some macros for generating visitecards and letterheads. And the people want to see other fonts as the cmr one's. Maybe one of you generated one of these fonts with Metafont so I don't have to do this. 2.) I'm looking for a German dictionary in pure ASCII format, one word per line would be fine, in order to generate the hashfile for my spellchecker program. If some of you have one I would be happy to be told. Please answer over the Net when you're not in Germany, because I've only limitedaccess on the Net. (If you can help me I'll ask my SysOP if you can send me the code. Bye for now Joerg