[comp.text] TR on Creating DTDs

mamrak@CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (Sandy Mamrak) (07/18/90)

We have recently published the following technical report:

Guidelines for the Preparation of SGML Document Type Definitions
Sandra A. Mamrak and Julie Barnes
OSU-CISRC-7/90-TR16, July, 1990, 21 pp.

If you would like a copy, you may send the request via email to


Please include your postal mailing address.


The Standard Generalized Markup Language, SGML, is being adopted by
various international organizations as the medium for exchange of
electronically encoded documents.  An exchange is accomplished by way
of a Document Type Definition, DTD, that describes the content of
documents targeted for an exchange.  In this paper we suggest
guidelines for the designers of SGML DTDs.  The guidelines emphasize
uniformity and simiplcity without sacrificing expressive power.