dsims@uceng.UC.EDU (david l sims) (08/09/90)
The following article is a summary of the responses I received to my query for text archive sites. Thanks go to those who replied to me. You were most helpful. This summary contains two articles. The first one provides information on the Oxford Text Archives. The second article provides a list of text archive sites around the world (search for "Article" since Article 1 is quite long). Enjoy. ----- Article 1 of 2----- WHAT IS THE OXFORD TEXT ARCHIVE? The Oxford Text Archive is a facility provided by Oxford University Computing Service. It has no connexion with Oxford University Press or any other commercial organisation and exists to serve the interests of the academic community by providing archival and dissemination facilities for electronic texts at low cost. The Archive offers scholars long term storage and maintenance of their electronic texts free of charge. It manages non-commercial distribution of electronic texts and information about them on behalf of its depositors. WHAT TEXTS DOES IT CONTAIN? The Archive contains electronic versions of literary works by many major authors in Greek, Latin, English and a dozen or more other languages. It contains collections and corpora of unpublished materials prepared by field workers in linguistics. It contains electronic versions of some standard reference works. It has copies of texts and corpora prepared by individual scholars and major research projects worldwide. The total size of the Archive exceeds a gigabyte and there are about a thousand titles in its catalogue. WHERE CAN I GET A CATALOGUE? The Catalogue is available in paper form by post from the address below. New editions are published at least twice a year. It is also available in electronic form, either as a formatted file for display at a terminal or in a tagged form using SGML. These files are available from a number of different places under various names. For EARN or INTERNET users, the most convenient source is probably LISTSERV@BROWNVM which makes the files available under the names OTALIST FORMAT and OTALIST SGML. If you are a JANET user you can consult the list interactively on HUMBUL, or request a copy from OXFORD.VAX (the filenames are OX$DOC:TEXTARCHIVE.LIST and OX$DOC:TEXTARCHIVE.SGML respectively). Wherever you are, you can send a note to ARCHIVE@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK specifying which form you want. WHAT ARE THE TEXTS LIKE? Because the texts come from so many different sources, they are held in many different formats. The texts also vary greatly in their accuracy and the features which have been encoded. Some have been proof read to a high standard, while others may have come straight from an optical scanner, Some have been extensively tagged with special purpose analytic codes, and others simply designed to mimic the appearance of the printed source. HOW USABLE ARE THE TEXTS? Most of the texts can be used with commonly available text indexing and concordancing software, or can easily be converted for that purpose. All texts are held as `plain ASCII' files on magnetic tape, with no special formatting codes. Documentation of the coding scheme used in each text is supplied with it, wherever possible. WHAT ABOUT COPYRIGHT? Most of the texts in the Archive are subject to some form of copyright restriction. The Archive's obligations to its depositors generally restrict use of the texts to private study and research. In some cases, depositors have also authorised use of the texts in teaching. In all cases, users of the texts must agree not to use the texts commercially and not to redistribute copies of them without consultation. HOW DO I ACCESS THE TEXTS? If you are a registered user of Oxford University Computing Service (i.e. you have an account on OXFORD.VAX), just send an e-mail message to the username ARCHIVE specifying which texts you want to use and for what purpose. Copies of texts in categories U and A only are also available to scholars elsewhere, as described further below. Copies of texts are usually distributed on magnetic tape or cartridge, though smaller texts can be sent on diskette or (within the UK only) over JANET. There is a distribution charge to cover media and postage which *must* be paid in advance. WHAT DO THE CODES IN THE CATALOGUE MEAN? Each title in the list is preceded by a code made of of a single letter indicating the availability of the text (U, A or X), in some cases followed by a star, a number identifying the text and another single letter which gives some idea of the size of the text. Availability codes: X Available only to registered OUCS users. May not be copied. U Freely available for scholarly use in private research. U* Freely available for scholarly use in private research and also for teaching purposes. A Available for scholarly use, but only with written authorisation from the depositor. Size codes: A Size less than 512 Kb B Size between 512 Kb and 1 Mb C Size between 1 and 2 Mb D Size between 2 and 5 Mb E Size greater than 5 Mb Depending on format, a standard 600 foot magnetic tape will hold up to 50 texts of size category A. Most texts of size code A will fit on a standard double density floppy diskette; any text of size code A or B will fit on a standard high density diskette. WHAT DO I DO TO ORDER A COPY OF A TEXT? For texts with availability code U, the only authorisation needed is your signature on the Order Form. For A category texts, you must also provide written authorisation from the depositor of the text; you should therefore ask us for depositor details before ordering. All orders must be prepaid to the account of Oxford University Computing Service, in sterling or in US dollars. We cannot issue invoices, and any orders which are not prepaid or not submitted on the standard order form will be ignored. ====================================================================== Oxford Text Archive email ARCHIVE @ UK.Ac.Oxford.VAX OUCS, 13 Banbury Road voice +44 (865) 273 238 Oxford OX2 6NN, UK fax +44 (865) 273 275 ====================================================================== OXFORD TEXT ARCHIVE OFFICIAL ORDER FORM *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* * Hardcopy of this form must be returned, duly completed, to * * Oxford Text Archive * * 13 Banbury Road * * Oxford OX2 6NN * * UK * * NB The whole of this document must be returned IN HARDCOPY * * All relevant parts of the form must be completed * * Payment must accompany the order * * Forms returned electronically will be ignored * *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* SECTION ONE: User Declaration Please sign the following, in the place indicated: In consideration of The Oxford Archive agreeing to supply me certain texts in machine-readable form together with supporting documentation as listed in Part Two below, hereinafter called 'the texts', I hereby undertake:- (1) To use the texts for purposes of private scholarly research only and not for profit (this shall not preclude the publication in a scholarly context of analyses or interpretations derived from the texts). To use and make available to others for educational purposes only texts specifically designated as `available for teaching purposes'. (2) To acknowledge in any work, published or unpublished, based in whole or in part on analyses made of the texts both the original depositors and the Archive. (3) Not to copy in whole or in part the text, except insofaras this may be necessary for security purposes or for my own personal use. Not to distribute the text to third parties, nor to publish or reproduce it in anyway, except for teaching purposes, where so permitted. Copyright of all machine-readable texts issued by the Archive is reserved to the Depositors. (4) To give access to the text only to persons directly associated with me or working under my control and to require of such persons signed undertakings neither to use the text except in connexion with my academic purposes nor to give access to the text to others; these signed undertakings to be made available to the Archive on request. (5) Not to hold the Archive liable for any errors of transcription which may be found in the texts, but to notify the Archive of such errors wherever possible. (6) To pay such charges as the Archive may determine from time to time to cover the cost of supplying the texts. SIGNATURE : [ ] DATE : [ ] PART TWO: Texts Required Please enter for each text the NUMBER and SHORT TITLE, as given in the current Archive Shortlist number Short title [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] NOTE: Only texts with an availability code of U or A may be ordered. Texts with Availability Code of A may be included in this list only if authorisation from the depositor accompanies this form. Depositor details are available on demand. [This page may be copied as necessary] SECTION THREE: Order Details -------------------------Return Address------------------------- Name Institution Department Street Post town Post code Country (if not UK) Electronic mail address ---------------------Format Required------------------------- Texts may be supplied on Magnetic Tape, Diskette or Data Cartridge. Pricing is different for each format. Use tape if you are ordering more than a megabyte or so of data. Please complete ONE of the following sections A, B or C A-------------------Texts required on TAPE------------------------- For each heading below, please circle or tick ONE choice only Tape density: 1600 or 6250 Tape format: ASCII or EBCDIC Labelled or Unlabelled Fixed or Variable length Number of texts ordered [ ] @ 5 (pounds) Number of tapes required [ ] @ 15 (within Europe) [ ] @ 25 (outside Europe) B-------------------Texts Required on Diskette------------------ DD (360/720 Kb) or HD (1.2/1.4 Mb) MS/DOS or Macintosh 3.5" or 5.25 Number of diskettes: [ ] @ 15 (pounds) C-------------------Texts Required on Data Cartridge-------------- DC300, TAR format only Number of cartridges: [ ] @ 30 (pounds) ------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SUM ENCLOSED [ ] (pounds) Payments in US Dollars should be converted at $2 = 1 pound --------------------For Text Archive Use Only------------------- Order number [ ] Received [ ] Processed [ ] Despatched [ ] *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* * Hardcopy of this form must be returned, duly completed, to * * Oxford Text Archive * * 13 Banbury Road * * Oxford OX2 6NN * * UK * * NB The whole of this document must be returned IN HARDCOPY * * All relevant parts of the form must be completed * * Payment must accompany the order * * Forms returned electronically will be ignored * * * *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* -----Article 2 of 2----- For the past year, the Georgetown Center for Text and Technology has been gathering information about archives and projects in electronic text throughout the world. Listed below -- in alphabetical order by country and city -- are the titles of over 270 projects, brief descriptions of their contents, and the names and addresses of contact persons. Our list is certainly not complete, and we invite members of this bulletin board who know of other projects (or corrections to the current catalog) to bring them to our attention. Further information about specific projects -- on such topics as time period, languages encoded, intended use, file formats, means of access, and sources -- can be obtained by writing to the address below. The entire file, however, is under constant revision and has not been edited for distribution. Michael Neuman, Director Georgetown Center for Text and Technology 238 Reiss Science Building Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-6096 neuman@guvax neuman@guvax.georgetown.edu List of Archives and Projects in Machine-Readable Text Part I: Projects Excluding USA April 2, 1990 AUSTRALIA: Berrimah NT (Summer Institute of Linguistics)/ SIL-AAIB = Australian Aborigines and Islanders Branch Summer Institute of Linguistics Australian Aborigines and Islanders Branch c/- PO Berrimah NT 0821 Australia David Nash Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (AIAS) GPO Box 553 Canberra ACT 2601 Canberra/ AIAS = National Lexicography Project and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Machine-readable word lists and dictionaries, textfiles in Australian Aboriginal languages David Nash, Visiting Fellow GPO Box 553 Canberra, ACT 2601 tel. (062) 461166 Fax (062) 497310 BITNET: dgn612@cscunix.anu.oz.au Macquarie (Univ) and New South Wales (Univ)/ Macquarie Corpus Textbank [under development] to facilitate inter-dialectical comparisons with BrE-LOB and AmE-Brown corpora Macquarie Corpus School of English and Linguistics Macquarie University 2109 New South Wales New South Wales (Univ), Canberra (Defense Force Academy)/ Colonial Texts Series Textbank for literary analysis of Colonial Australian fiction Paul Eggert Australian Defense Force Academy (Canberra) Campbell, ACT 2600 Australia Queensland (Univ)/ Masoretic Text of Hebrew Bible Scientific study of Hebrew grammar Francis I. Anderson Dept of Studies of Religion Univ of Queensland St. Lucia, Queensland Australia 4067 tel. (07) 377-3985 (from N.A. 011-61-07-377-3985) AUSTRIA: Salzburg (Institut fu%r Germanistic)/ Medieval German Lyric Poetry Textbank of Middle High German Lyric Poetry which documents all existing word forms Ulrich Mu%ller Institut fu%r Germanistic Akademiestr, 20 A-5020 Salzburg Austria BELGIUM: Brussels (Free Univ)/ GITA = Groupe d'Information et de Traitement Automatique Dene/e (Benedictine Abbey Maredsous)/ CIB = Centre: Informatique et Bible Textbank for Biblical study Fr. R.-Ferdinand Poswick, OSB Centre: Informatique et Bible Maredsous B-5198 Dene/e Belgium tel. 32(0)82 69 96 47; FAX 32(0)82 Leuven (Kath Univ)/ Etude Linguistique de la Langue Parlee Leuven (Univ)/ Leuven Drama Corpus Textbank of 62 British English plays Dirk Geens Institute of Applied Linguistics Leuven University Leuven Liege (Univ)/ LASLA = Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langue Anciennes Textbank of De bello Gallico Louis Delatte University of Liege Liege Liege (Univ)/ Institut de Lexicologie Francaise Internet: scott@sage.uchicago.edu Louvain-la-Neuve (Kath Univ)/ CETEDOC = Centre de Traitement Electronique des Documents BRAZIL: Araraquara (Biderman Inst.)/ Corpus of Portuguese [under development] Textbank for a frequency dictionary of Modern Portuguese CANADA: Burnaby (Simon Fraser Univ)/ Research Data Library Textbank and other data (numeric, survey, census, stock market) Walter Piovesan Research Data Library Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 BITNET: uservino@sfu Internet: walter_piovesan@cc.sfu.ca Kingston (Queen's University)/ Mnemosyne Project George M. Logan, Dept. of English, or David Barnard, Head, Dept. of Computing and Info. Science Queen's University Kingston tel. (613) 545-2154 BITNET: logang@qucdn Kingston (Queen's University)/ Corpus of English-Canadian Writing Textbank of 3 million words of Canadian English Margery Fee, Director Strathy Language Unit 207 Stuart Street Room 316 Rideau Building Queen's University Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 BITNET: feem@qucdn London (Univ of Western Ontario)/ Electronic Browning and Tennyson Textbank of the works of the poems and plays of Browning and Rick's one-volume Tennyson R.J. Shroyer Dep't of English The University of Western Ontario London, Canada N6A 3K7 Tel. (519)-679-2111, ext. 5839 or 5834 Internet: Shroyer@uwovax.uwo.ca Montreal McGill (Univ)/ Kierkegaard-Wittgenstein Project Montreal (Univ)/ Institut d'E/tudes Me/die/vales Montreal (Univ Quebec)/ Centre d'Analyse de Textes par Ordinateur Ottawa (Carleton Univ)/ Centre for Editing Early Canadian Texts Quebec (Laval Univ)/ Projet RELAI = ?? Quebec (Laval Univ)/ BIBP = Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics Bibliographical service (with keywords and abstract), base for the creation of research instruments, and vocabulary analyses Rene-Michel Roberge Vice doyen a la recherche Faculte de Theologie Pavilion Felix-Antoine-Savard Universite Laval Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4 Tel. (418) 656-5828 Toronto (Univ)/ CCH = Centre for Computing in the Humanities Toronto (Univ)/ RIM = Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project Publication in 20 volumes by the Univ. of Toronto Press Kirk Grayson, Director Louis Levine, Technical Advisor Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia University of Toronto 280 Huron Street Toronto, Canada M5S 1A1 tel. (416) 978-4769 Toronto (Univ)/ REED = Records of Early English Drama Toronto (Univ)/ Targum Pseudo-Jonathan (Text and Concordance) Textbase and concordance for Biblical study Prof. John Hurd Trinity College 6 Hoskin Avenue University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5S 1H8 Canada tel. (416) 978-3056 Toronto (Univ)/ Renaissance Textbase Textbank of poetry of the English Renaissance Ian Lancashire, Coordinator Center for Computing in the Humanities University of Toronto Robarts Library, Room 14297 130 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A5 tel. (416) 978-8656 Toronto (Univ)/ Les Editions Paratexte, associated with The Electronic Text Archive French literary texts Andrew Oliver Les Editions Paratexte Trinity College Toronto M5S 1H3 Internet: ANDREWO@UTOREPAS Vancouver (Univ of British Columbia?)/ UBC Data Library Hilde Colenbrander Data Library University of British Columbia 6356 Agricultural Road, Room 206 Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5 tel. (604) 228-5587 Internet: userdldb@mtsg.ubc.ca BITNET: userdld@ubcmtsg Waterloo (Univ)/ CMS:ROLock = Interactive Pope, Rape of the Lock Interactive edition with commentary on vocabulary and literary and cultural background Paul Beam and Frank Huntley Department of English University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 tel. (519) 885-1211, ext. 3673 BITNET: pdbeam@watdcsu West (Info Globe)/ Globe and Mail Online Textbank of all departments of the Globe and Mail from 1977 to present Info Globe The Globe and Mail 444 Front St. W. West, Ontario M5V 2S9 tel. (416) 585-5250 FAX: (416) 585-5249 Telex 06-219629 CHINA: Guangzhou (Chinese Petroleum Univ)/ GPEC = Guangzhou Petroleum English Corpus Textbank for the study of the lexicon of Petroleum English Zhu Qibo Guangzhou Training College of the Chinese Petroleum University Guangzhou People's Republic of China Shanghai (Jiao Tong Univ)/ JDEST Corpus Textbank of written English divided into subject areas pertaining to technology Yang Huizhong, Huan Renjie Jiao Tong University Shanghai, 200030 People's Republic of China Tel. 86-21-4310310 Ext. 2752 DENMARK: ?? (??)/ DANwORD Textbase of random fiction samples for linguistics Copenhagen (??)/ Arnamagnaean Institute Arnamagnaean Institute Njalsgade 76 DK-2300 Copenhagen Denmark Copenhagen (Univ)/ Inter-Nordic Research Project (Classical Philol) Marianne Alenius and Karen Skovgaard-Petersen Njalsgade 94 DK-2300 Copenhagen Denmark Odense (Univ)/ DDA = Danish Data Archives Data bank for science and education Hans Jo%rgen Marker BITNET: ddahm@neuvm1 ENGLAND: (see United Kingdom) FINLAND: Helsinki (Univ)/ Helsinki Corpus (Traditional) Textbank of 1.6 million written words Matti Rissanen, Ossi Ihalainen, Merja Kyoto Department of English University of Helsinki Porthania 311 00100 Helsinki Finland Helsinki (Univ)/ Helsinki Corpus (Contemporary Dialects) Textbank of 300,000 spoken words from elderly (60+) natives of small rural villages for study of dialectical syntax Ossi Ihalainen Department of English University of Helsinki Porthania 311 00100 Helsinki Finland (Academy of Finland)/ CNA = Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project Textbank/database of all texts of Neo-Assyrian Empire Robert M. Whiting, Managing Editor; Simo Parpola,Director CNA/Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project Dept. of Asian and African Studies University of Helsinki Fabianinkatu 24 A 226, SF-00100 Helsinki Finland tel. +358 0 191 3289 (Whiting); +358 0 191 2093 (Parpola) BITNET: whiting@finuh parpola@finuh Internet: whiting@cc.helsinki.fi parpola@cc.helsinki.fi Turku (Univ)/ Finnish Archives for Finnish Dialects 30-35 pages of phonetically transcribed speech Osmo Ikola and Yrjo% Karjalainen Department of Finnish University of Turku Turku FRANCE: Besanc+on (CNRS) See Paris INaLF-CNRS. Lille (Univ)/ CREDO = Centre de Recherches sur la Documentation e l'information: Cultures et religions antiques Bibliographic database Gerard Losfeld, Director BITNET: losfeld@frcitl71 Lyon (Univ, INaLF-CNRS)/ URL 6 = Groupe d'E/tudes Lexicologiques et Lexicographiques des XVI et XVII Sie\cles Jacques Abelard Universite/ de Lyon 2 86 rue Pasteur 69365 Lyon CEDEX 7 Meudon (INaLF-CNRS)/ URL 5 = Lexicologie et Terminologie Litte/raires Contemporaines Henri Behar 1 place Aristide Briand 92195 Meudon Montpellier (Univ Prot, CNRS)/ CDMB = Centre de Documentation sur les Manuscrits de la Bible Database of New Testament manuscripts Christian Amphoux 13, Rue Louis Perrier 3400 Montpellier tel. (67) 927-990; from N.A. 011-33-67-927-990 Nancy (Univ, INaLF-CNRS)/ URL 10 = Unite/ de Recherche sur le Franc+ais Ancien He/le\ne Nais Universite/ de Nancy 2 23 bld. Albert 1 BP 3397 54015 Nancy CEDEX Nancy (INaLF)/ URL 2 = Dictionnaire de la Langue Franc+aise des XIX et XX Sie\cles Historical dictionary Bernard Quemada and Ge/rard Gorcy I'INaLF 44 avenue de la Libe/ration C.O. 3310-54014 Nancy Cedex Nancy (Univ, CNRS)/ CATAB = Centre d'Analyse et de Traitement Automatique de la Bible et des Traditions E/crites Nancy (Univ, CNRS)/ Tresor de la Langue Franc+aise [Gaunt4/10] FRANTEXT Textbase and database for literary and linguistic analysis Hiltrud Gerner, Service des Prestations Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Institut National de la Langue Franc+aise URL 1 Tresor General des Langues et Parlers Franc+ais Centre de Recherche Documentaire 44, Avenue de la Libe/ration C.O. 3310 54014 Nancy Cedex tel. 83 96 21 76 Nice (Univ, INaLF-CNRS)/ URL 9 = E/tude Statistique du Tre/sor Litte/raire E/tienne Brunet Universite/ de Nice 98 bld. Edouard Herriot 06007 Nice Paris (INaLF-CNRS)/ Institut Nationale de la Langue Franc+aise Bernard Quemada, Directeur 52 boulevard Magenta 75010 Paris France Paris (INaLF-CNRS)/ URL 7 = Analyse du Discours Algirdas Julien Greimas Groupe de Recherches Se/mio-linguistiques E/cole des hautes e/tudes in sciences sociales 10 rue Monsieur le Prince 75006 Paris Paris (CNRS)/ IRHT = Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes MEDIUM = database of manuscripts Louis Holtz, Directeur Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes Centre Fe/lix Grat 40 avenue d'Iena F-75116 Paris Saint Cloud (E/cole Normale Supe/rieure, INaLF-CNRS)/ URL 3 = Lexicologie et Textes Politiques Maurice Tournier E/cole Normale Supe/rieure de Saint Cloud 2 ave. du Palais 92211 Saint Cloud Toulouse (Univ, INaLF-CNRS)/ URL 8 = Lexiques de l'E/conomie du Be/tail et du Circuit des Viandes Jean-Louis Fossat Universite/ de Toulouse 2 5 ale/es Antonio Machado 31058 Toulouse CEDEX Villetaneuse (INaLF-CNRS)/ URL 4 = Observation et Enseignement/ Apprentissage du Franc+ais Contemporain Robert Galisson Universite/ 13 93430 Villetaneuse Villeurbanne (Universite/ Jean-Moulin)/ CATAB = Centre d'Analyse et de Traitement Automatique de la Bible Database of 8 manuscripts of the Hebraic Bible Prof. Joseph Shatzmiller, Directeur Dr. Jean-Paul Metzger, Directeur Adjoint Mr. Philippe Cassuto, Responsable de l'edition informatique des manuscrits de la Bible Mr. David Olivier, Informaticiens Ms. Marie Clare Thiebaud, Secretaire Universite/ Jean-Moulin-Lyon III 43 boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX BITNET: catab@frsun12 GERMANY, WEST: Berlin/ Thesaurus of Texts in Ancient Indo-European Languages Textbank from beginning of literacy to 17th century, Eurasia Dr. Jost Gippert Freie Universitat Berlin Fachbereich Altertumswissenschaften, Institut fu%r Indogermanistik und Orientalistik (WE 02) Seminar fu%r Vergleichende und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft Fabeckstr. 7 1000 Berlin 33 Berlin/ Thesaurus Kaukasischer Textcorpora Textbank from beginning of literacy to 20th century, Caucasus Dr. Jost Gippert Freie Universitat Berlin Fachbereich Altertumswissenschaften, Institut fu%r Indogermanistik und Orientalistik (WE 02) Seminar fu%r Vergleichende und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft Fabeckstr. 7 1000 Berlin 33 Bonn (Univ)/ IKP = Institut fu%r Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik Bonn (Univ)/ IKS = Institut fu%r angewandte Kommunikations- und Sprachforschung Textbanks and dictionaries for use in study of German literature and linguistics Gerd Willee, Director Institut fu%r angewandte Kommunikations- und Sprachsforschung e.V. Poppelsdorfer Allee 47 D-5300 Bonn 1 Federal Republic of Germany BITNET: UPKOOO@DBNRHRZ1 Erlangen (Univ)/ Computer Center Frankfurt (GID)/ GID = Gesellschaft fu%r Information und Dokumentation - inactive since 1988; no work with text Gesellschaft fu%r Information und Dokumentation Sektion fuer Technik Herriotstrasse 5 Postfach 710370 6000 Frankfurt am Main 71 Federal Republic of Germany tel. 49 (69) 6 68 71 Go%ttingen (Max Planck Inst)/ Europaische Rechtsgeschichte Dr. Manfred Thaller, Director Max Planck Institut fuer Geschichte Hermann-Fo%ge-Weg 11 34 Gottingen D-3400 Federal Republic of Germany Hamburg (Univ)/ Sanskrit medical encyclopaedias Prof. R.E. Emmerick Iranian Studies University of Hamburg West Germany Ko%ln [Cologne] (Univ)/ Zentralarchiv fuer Empirische Sozialforschung Machine readable texts for research in social sciences Zentralarchiv fuer Empirische Sozialforschung Bachmer Strasse 40 D-5000 Koln 31, Federal Republic of Germany Mannheim (Univ)/ IdS = Institut fu%r Deutsche Sprache Textbank of 8 million words of modern literary prose and nonfiction IdS Friedrich-Karl-Strasse-12 Postfach 5409 D-6800 Mannheim Federal Republic of Germany Mannheim (IDS)/ BZK = Bonner Zeitungscorpus Teil 1 Textbank of 3 million words from Neues Deutschland (East Germany) and Die Welt (West Germany) Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache Sitz Mannheim Friedrich-Karl-Strasse 12 Postfach 101621 6800 Mannheim 1 Mannheim (IDS)/ DSK = Dialogstrukturencorpus Textbank of 200,000 of spoken German, identical in parts with the Freiburger Corpus (below) Dialogstrukturencorpus Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache Sitz Mannheim Friedrich-Karl-Strasse 12 Postfach 101621 6800 Mannheim 1 Mannheim (IDS)/ FK = Freiburger Corpus Textbank of .5 million words from 224 texts and documents Freiburger Corpus Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache Sitz Mannheim Friedrich-Karl-Strasse 12 Postfach 101621 6800 Mannheim 1 Mannheim (IDS)/ Handbuchkorpora H85, H86, H87 Textbank of 7 million words from the daily Mannheim Morgen and the weekly Die Zeit Handbuchkorpora Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache Sitz Mannheim Friedrich-Karl-Strasse 12 Postfach 101621 6800 Mannheim 1 Mannheim (IDS)/ Limas Corpus Textbank of 1 million words in 33 subject areas Limas Corpus Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache Sitz Mannheim Friedrich-Karl-Strasse 12 Postfach 101621 6800 Mannheim 1 Mannheim (IDS)/ Mannheim Corpora MK1 and MK2 Textbank of written German Mannheim Corpora Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache Sitz Mannheim Friedrich-Karl-Strasse 12 Postfach 101621 6800 Mannheim 1 Mannheim (IDS)/ Thomas Mann Corpus Textbank of 3.3 million words of the works of Thomas Mann Thomas Mann Corpus Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache Sitz Mannheim Friedrich-Karl-Strasse 12 Postfach 101621 6800 Mannheim 1 Mannheim (IDS)/ Goethe Korpus Textbank of 1.4 million words of the works of J.W. Goethe Goethe Korpus Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache Friedrich-Karl-Strasse 12 Postfach 101621 6800 Mannheim 1 Mu%nster (University of Mu%nster Westfalischen)/ Institut fu%r Neutestamentliche Textforschung Textbase amd concordance for Biblical study and linguistics Kurt Aland Institut fu%r Neutestamentliche Textforschung University of Mu%nster Westfalischen Wilhelms-Universita%t Mu%nster Westfalen Federal Republic of Germany Muenchen/ Monumenta Germaniae Historica Textbank for study of German history Dr. Timothy Reuter Monumenta Germaniae Historica Postfach 34 02 23 D-8000 Muenchen 34, FRG Tel. 089 21 98 381 E-mail: A400101.DMOLRZ01.Earn (until late 1990) Reuter@mgh.badw-muenchen.dbp.de (from summer 1990) Munich (Gesellschaft fuer Betriebswirtschaftliche Information mbH)/ Bonmot Textbase of 22,000 aphorisms, quotations, and idioms Gesellschaft fuer Betriebswirtschaftliche Information mbH (GBI) I.A.R. Go%bel Bahnhofstrasse 27a Postfach 1323 8043 Mu%nchen-Unterfo%hring Federal Republic of Germany tel. 49 (89) 950 60 95 fax 49 (89) 950 39 78 Stuttgart (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft)/ Die Bibel Textbank of three Biblical texts Die Bibel, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, West Germany Stuttgart (Inst f Informatik)/ Projekt SEMSYN = ?? Tu%bingen (Univ)/ Database of Monetary Systems in Western Europe, 1300-1800 Rainer Metz [DB], Wilhelm Ott [Center] Zentrum fu%r Datenverarbeitung der Universita%t Tu%bingen Brunnenstrasse 27 D-7400 Tu%bingen West-Germany BITNET: ZRSZOT1@DTUZDV2 Ulm (Univ)/ ULM Textbank Textbank for study of psychotherapy and language Dr. Erhard Mergenthaler, Sektionsleiter Sektion Informatik in der Psychotherapie Unitersitaet Ulm - Klinikum Am Hochstrasse 8 D 7900 Ulm FRG tel. 49 731 176-2967 FAX: 49 731 176-2038 BITNET/ EARN: lu07@dmarum8 (Specify ULM TEXTBANK) ICELAND: Reykjavik (Univ)/ Stofnun Arna Magnussonar INDIA: Bombay (Univ)/ DOKAN = Database of Kannada Texts Textbank of Kannada texts in literature, language, religion, culture S.K. Havanur Kannada Department University of Bombay Bombay 400 098 India Bombay (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)/ DBIS = Database for the Indus Script Textbank of Indus Script found on artefacts Mythili R. Rao Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Bombay, India Iravatham Mahadevan International Institute of Tamil Research Madras, India Kolhapur (Shivaji Univ)/ Kolhapur Corpus Textbank of one million words of written Indian English S.V. Shastri Shivaji University Kolhapur India New Delhi (Indian Inst. of Technology/ Indian English Corpus Textbank of Indian English comparable to the Brown Corpus S.V. Shastri Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi India ISRAEL: Bene Brak (ATM)/ Biblical Concordance in Hebrew Textbank for Biblical studies Ramat Gan (Bar Ilan Univ)/ GJD = Global Jewish DataBase & RP = Responsa Project Large database (64 million words) of Hebrew works of Jewish culture and heritage Yaacov Choueka Bar-Ilan University The Center for Computers and Jewish Heritage Institute for Information Retrieval and Computational Linguistics The Aliza and Menachem Begin Bldg. Ramat Gan 52 100 Israel tel. (03) 718-411; from N.A. 011-972-3-718-411 Rabbi Alan B. Rosenbaum Responsa Project Coordinator The Institute for Computers in Jewish Life 845 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 843 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 787-7856 Giv'at Ram (Academy of the Hebrew Language)/ Academy of the Hebrew Language Textbank of Hebrew language and literature Academy of the Hebrew Language Giv'at Ram PO Box 3449 Jerusalem, Israel Haifa (Technion)/ Computer Assisted Biblical Research Center Haifa (Technion)/ Hebrew Computational Linguistics Project Haifa (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)/ CASTLOTS = Computer-Assisted Statistical Linguistic Old Testament Studies [No further work currently being done] Textbank, authorship studies for Biblical study Yehuda T. Radday and Haim Shore Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Department of General Studies Haifa 32 000 tel. 29-2111; from N.A. 011-972-29-2111 Jerusalem (Jewish Theological Seminary)/ Talmud Text Databank Textbank for Talmudic research Dr. Chaim Milikowsky, Director of Computer Operations Talmud Text Database The Saul Liberman Institute for Talmudic Research BITNET: f12016@barilan.bitnet Jerusalem (Ecole Biblique)/ EBAF = Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Textbank for Biblical study Dr. P. Refoule Ecole Biblique PO Box 19053 Jerusalem tel. (02) 282-213; from N.A. 011-972-02-282-213 ITALY: Bologna (Univ)/ Istituto per le Scienze Religiose Catania (Univ)/ Informatica Letteraria Ferrara (Univ)/ Instituto Studi Rinascimentali (Renaissance) Pisa (Univ)/ ILC = Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale Large collection of texts for linguistic study in many languages Antonio Zampolli, Director Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale Via della Faggiola 32 I-56100 Pisa, Italy Tel. 9-011-39-50-576751 S.Cuore (Catt Univ)/ GIRCSE = Gruppo Interdisciplinare Ricerche Computerizzazione segni Espressione Udine (Univ)/ Sartor Fabio JAPAN: /???(where)/ ATR = ?? ? (Japan Bible Society)/ Japanese Bible on TV CD-ROM "Laser Disk" (Digital Video Interactive) DVI for Biblical study Japan Bible Society Chiba (Univ)/ Hegel Encoding Project Textbank of Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind Prof. Hisatake Kato and Kohei Tsurumaki Department of Philosophy Faculty of Letters Chiba University 1-33 Yayoi-cho Japan Osaka (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International)/ Speech Database (?) Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International Osaka Japan NETHERLANDS: Amsterdam (Free Univ)/ OTIK = Old Testament in the Computer Textbank for Biblical study and linguistics Eep Talstra and Ferenc Postma Vrije Universiteit Werkgroep Informatica Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid 1081 HV Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1105 The Netherlands tel. 548-5448, 548-2653; from N.A. 011-31-548-5448 Amsterdam (P.J. Meertens-Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and the General Linguistics Dept of the Free University)/ Phonological and Morphological Properties of Dutch Dialects on Computer Database for linguistic study of the evolution of the reconstructed west Germanic vowel system Antonie Goeman P.J. Meertens-Institute Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Keizersgracht 569-571 1017DR Amsterdam The Netherlands Pieter Th. van Reenen Faculty of Letters General Linguistics Free University De Boelelaan 1105 1081HV Amsterdam The Netherlands Leiden (Univ??)/ INL = Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie Textbases for literary and linguistic analysis Prof. Dr. P.G.J. van Sterkenburg, Director Instituut voor Nederlandse Le I.N.L. Lexicologie Postbus 132 Postbus 9515 Leiden, 2300 AC 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands Witte Singel/Doelen Matthias de Vrieshof 2 tel. 071-141648 Leiden (Univ)/ Leiden Armenian Database Textbank of Biblical and nonbiblical texts The Leiden Armenian Database c/o Dr. M.E. Stone PO Box 16174 Jerusalem 9116 Israel Dr. J.J.S. Weitenberg Dept. of Comparative Linguistics University of Leiden Leiden tel. (0) 71-272506 BITNET: lettjw@hlerul2 Nijmegen (Univ)/ TOSCA = Tools for Syntactic Analysis) The Nijmegen Research Group for Corpus Linguistics Nijmegen (Univ)/ TOSCA Corpus Textbank of 1.5 million words of contemporary British English Nelleke Oostdijk Department of English University of Nijmegen PO Box 9103 6500 HD Nijmegen The Netherlands tel. (NL)-080-512765 BITNET: u279103@hnykun11 Nijmegen (Univ)/ LDB = Linguistic Data Base Database for syntactic analysis of trees of natural language sentences Dr. Jan Aarts and Prof. C. Koster, Directors The Nijmegen Research Group for Corpus Linguistics Department of English University of Nijmegen Erasmusplein 1 6525 HT Nijmegen The Netherlands tel. (NL)-080-512836 BITNET: cor_hvh@hnykun52 Nijmegen (Univ)/ Nijmegen Corpus of Spanish Texts Textbank of .5 million words of contemporary Spanish Hans van Halteren Department of English University of Nijmegen PO Box 9103 6500 HD Nijmegen The Netherlands tel. (NL)-080-512836 BITNET: cor_hvh@hnykun52 Nijmegen (Univ)/ Nijmegen Arabic Corpus Textbank of 1 million words in Modern Standard Arabic for study of linguistics Everhard Ditters T.C.M.O. University of Nijmegen PO Box 9103 6500 HD Nijmegen The Netherlands tel. (NL)-080-512996 BITNET: u279300@hnykun11 Nijmegen (Univ)/ Nijmegen Corpus Textbank of 1.5 million words of educated British English "written to be read" intended for study of linguistic variation Hans van Halteren The Nijmegen Research Group for Corpus Linguistics Department of English University of Nijmegen PO Box 9103 6500 HD Nijmegen The Netherlands tel. (NL)-080-512836 BITNET: cor_hvh@hnykun52 Nijmegen (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Psycholinguistik)/ European Science Foundation Second Language Data Bank Textbank containing transcripts of 10 groups of adult migrant workers learning the language of their resident country Helmut Feldweg Max-Planck-Institut fuer Psycholinguistik Nijmegen The Netherlands BITNET: helmut@hnymp i51.bitnet NORWAY: ??? (??)/ Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law Bergen (Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities and Norway's four universities)/ Norwegian Wittgenstein Project Textbank for analysis of Wittgenstein's posthumous works Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities Harald Haarfagres gt. 31 Postboks 53 - Universitetet N-5027 Bergen Norway Bergen (Univ)/ Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities and Norsk Tekstarkiv Textbank of 60 novels processed for language studies Jostein H. Hauge The Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities P.O. Box 53 Universitetet N-5027 Bergen, Norway tel. +47 5 212954/5/6 BITNET: fafserv@nobergen Per Vestboestad, Director The Archive of Machine-readable Norwegian Texts N-5027 Bergen, Norway BITNET: Per_Vest%navf-edb-h.uib.uninett@norunix Oslo (Univ)/ ICAME = International Computer Archive of Modern English Textbank of written material and transcriptions of conversations for linguistic analysis Stig Johansson Coordinating Secretary, ICAME Department of English University of Oslo P.O. Box 1003 Blindern, Oslo 3 Norway tel. 45 50 50 Tromso+ (Univ)/ RHD = Norwegian Historical Data Archives Historical sources of the 18th and 19th centuries Registreringssentral for historiske data Universitetet i Tromso+ Boks 678 9001 Tromso+ Norway SAUDI ARABIA: Riyadh (King Saud University)/Textbank of Qur'a-n and H+adi-th Computer Information Center or Dept. of Religious Studies King Saud University P.O. Box 2454 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11451 SCOTLAND (see United Kingdom) SOVIET UNION: Minsk (State Teachers Training Institute)/ Text Projects Prof. Alexander Zubov Department of Informatics State Teachers Training Institute Minsk Moscow (Inst. of Russian Language)/ (??) Telija Veronika Nikolayevna 10/2 Belomorskaya St. Apt. 174 Moscow 125195 USSR tel. 458-28-41 Prof. I.N. Karaulov, Director Institute of Russian Language Academy of Sciences Moscow 125195 USSR Tartu, Estonia (??)/ (??) [Soviet teachers conversation 7/7/89] SPAIN: Ma/laga (Univ)/ Ma/laga Medieval Spanish Database Dictionary of ancient Spanish, lexical bank of critical editions of 13th-century Spanish poetry Manuel Alvar Ezquerra Universidad de Ma/laga Facultad de Filosofi/a y Letras Departamento de Filologi/a Espan+ola 29071 Ma/laga Ma/laga (Univ)/ Corpus de Referencia del Espan+ol Textbank of literary texts of contemporary Spain Manuel Alvar Ezquerra Sancha de Lara, 11 4 - dcha. 29015 Ma/laga tel. 52-22 56 14 FAX: 52-22 77 98 Antonio Buxeda Bibliograf, s.a. Calabria, 108 08015 Barcelona tel. 3-424 00 00, -424 66 06, -426 52 84, -423 68 98 SWEDEN: Go%teborg (Univ)/ Spra+kdata Textbank of 150,000 lemmas for a defining dictionary or machine dictionary for use in algorithmic text analysis Jan-Gunnar Tingsell Computer Manager, Faculty of Arts/Hum faks dataservice Go%teborg University S-142 98 Go%teborg Sweden tel. +46 31 63 45 53 BITNET: tingsell@hum.gu.se Go%teborg (Univ)/ Gothenburg Corpus Textbank of 128,000 written words of American English; Gudrun Magnusdottir Sprakdata Goteborgs Universitet S-142 98 Goteborg Sweden Go%teborg (Univ)/ Language Bank of Modern Swedish Textbank in two sections: word bank and language bank Martin Gellerstam or Christian Sjogreen Sprakdata Department of Computational Linguistics Goteborgs Universitet S-142 98 Goteborg Sweden Go%teborg (Univ)/ Institut d'Etudes Romanes Texbank for literary and linguistic analysis in Spanish Prof. David Mighetto Departmento de Lenguas Romances Institutionen fo%r Seccio/n Lengua Espanola Romanska Sprak Universidad de Gotemburgo S-412 98 Go%teborg S-412 98 Gotemburgo Suede Suecia tel. 031-631800 Internet: mighetto@hum.gu.se Go%teborg (Univ)/ Logotheque Text archive Logotheque University of Go%teborg Norra Alle/gatan 6 S-41301 Go%teborg Sweden SWITZERLAND: Lugano (??)/ Vocabolario dei Dialetti Svizzera Italiana Zurich (Univ)/ Sanskrit texts Prof. P. Schreiner Head of Sanskrit Zurich University Switzerland THAILAND: Bangkok (Mahidol University)/ Pali Canon Project Textbank for analysis of Buddhist studies Supachai Tangwongsan, Dirctor Pali Canon Project Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand UNITED KINGDOM (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales): Belfast (Queen's Univ)/ A Corpus for Dialectometry 38,000 words of written responses in Scots English to questionnaire for dialectometrical analysis John M. Kirk The Queen's University of Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland Telex 74487 tel. 245133 Belfast (Queen's Univ)/ Corpus of Dramatic Texts in Scots Textbank for six dramatic texts for study of Scots grammar John M. Kirk The Queen's University of Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland Telex 74487 tel. 245133 Belfast (Queen's Univ)/ Corpus of Spoken Northern Ireland English Textbank of 400,000 spoken words of dialect from 42 grid- referenced localities in Northern Ireland John M. Kirk The Queen's University of Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland Telex 74487 tel. 245133 Birmingham (Univ)/ Egyptian Daily Press Textbase Textbank of 300,000 words Adnan al-Jubouri Birmingham University (Aston Triangle) Birmingham (Univ)/ Birmingham University Corpus Textbank of 20 million words of spoken and written British English from 66 works J. Sinclair Department of English Birmingham University Birmingham (Univ)/ Birmingham Collection of English Text Textbank of 20 million words of written and spoken British, American, and other English Ms. A.J. Renouf Research and Development Unit for English Language Studies 50 Edgbaston Park Road Birmingham B15 2RX Tel: 021 414 3935 Fax: 021 414 6203 Telex: UOBHAM G 333 762 Email: renoufaj@uk.ac.bham Cambridge (Univ)/ LLCC = Literary and Linguistic Computing Centre Archive holdings for all form of humanities computing work Literary and Linguistic Computing Centre University of Cambridge Sidgwick Ave. Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom tel. 0223 335029 Internet: uk%"rr25@phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk" Cambridge (Univ)/ Jewish Inscription Project Textbank and index of inscriptions Douglas de Lacey Faculty of Divinity Cambridge University Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom BITNET: del2@uk.ac.cambridge.phoenix Cardiff( Polytechnic of Wales)/ Polytechnic of Wales Corpus Textbank for research into development of children's English Robin P. Fawcett Computational Linguistics Unit Aberconway Building University of Wales College of Cardiff Cardiff CF1 3EU United Kingdom Durham (Univ)/ MTET (Medieval Texts in English Translation) Computer archive of medieval texts in English translation David Rollason Department of History 43-6 North Bailey Durham DH1 3EX England Tel.: 091-374-2019 Internet: David.Rollason@uk.ac.durham Dyfed (Saint Davids University College)/ Morris and James Pentateuch Textbank of Pentateuch and Former Prophets The Rev. Canon Peter M.K. Morris St. Davids University College Department of Theology Lampeter, Dyfed SA48 7ED United Kingdom tel. Lampeter (0570)422-351; N.A. 011-44-570-422-351 Edinburgh (Univ)/ EUDL = Edinburgh University Data Library Collects, stores, and disseminates machine-readable data in various forms: database, textbank Edinburgh University Data Library Internet: uk%"datalib@uk.ac.edinburgh" Kirkegaard package only: Alastair McKinnon McGill University Montreal, Canada Edinburgh (Univ)/ Greek Text Database Glasgow (Univ)/ STELLA = Software for Teaching English Language and Literature and its Assessment Computer-assisted instruction and hypertext editions of English literary works (Piers Plowman) with analytical tools and textfiles D.M.O. O'Brien, Director STELLA 6 University Gardens Glasgow University Glasgow G12 8QQ tel. 041 339 8855 ext. 4980 FAX: 041 330 4804 Texex: 777070 UNIGLA BITNET: stella@uk.ac.glasgow.vme Harlow, Essex (Longman Group Ltd)/ Longman/Lancaster English Language Corpus Textbank for lexicographic and academic research Della Summers, Director Longman/Lancaster English Language Corpus Longman Group Ltd. Longman House, Burnt Mill, Harlow Essex CM20 2JE Lancaster (Univ)/ UCREL = Unit for Computer Research on the English Language Lancaster (Univ)/ Lancaster-Leeds Treebank [See under Leeds] Lancaster (Univ)/ LOB Treebank Textbank of c. 110,000 written words of written British English Geoffrey Leech Dept. of Linguistics and Modern English Language University of Lancaster Lancaster LA1 4YT England Lancaster (Univ) and Oslo (Univ)/ LOB = Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus Textbank of one million words of written British English Geoffrey Leech Dept. of Linguistics and Modern English Language University of Lancaster Lancaster LA1 4YT Stig Johansson English Department, P.O. Box 1003 University of Oslo Oslo, Norway Lancaster (Univ)/ SEC = Lancaster/IBM Spoken English Corpus Textbank of 52,000 words of spoken standard British English taken from BBC Radio broadcasts Gerry Knowles Dept. of Linguistics and Modern English Language University of Lancaster Lancaster LA1 4YT England Leeds (Univ)/ Lancaster-Leeds Treebank Textbank of c. 45,000 written words in British English Carol Lockhart CCALAS Secretary Dep't of Linguistics and Phonetics University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT England tel. (UK) 0532 333555 (elsewhere) 44 532 333555 Internet: uk%"ccalas@ling.leeds.ac.uk" Leeds (Univ)/ SUSANNE Corpus [under development] Grammatically analyzed Textbank of written American English for syntactic study G.R. Sampson Dep't of Linguistics & Phonetics University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT England Leeds (Univ)/ Corpus of Modern Chinese Literature Textbank of Chinese literature Chinese Department University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT England Leeds (Univ)/ Centre for Computer Analysis of Language and Speech London (Univ)/ School of Oriental and African Studies London (Univ College)/ International Corpus of English One million word sample corpus Sidney Greenbaum, Coordinator Department of English University College London Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT London (Univ College)/ Survey of English Usage (Category I) Textbank for study of written British English R. Quirk University College Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT London (BBC Enterprises)/ Domesday Project 150,000 pages of text on the Community videodisc Domesday Project BBC Enterprises Ltd. Woodlands 80 Wood Lane London W12 0TT United Kingdom London (Islamic Computing Centre)/ al-Hadith and Al-Qur'an Textbank for Islamic studies A. Barkatulla Islamic Computing Centre 72 St. Thomas Road London N4 2QJ tel. 01-359-6233 (Insufficient address -- letter returned) Lund (Univ)/ London-Lund Corpus of Spoken English Textbank for analysis of spoken English Jan Svartik, Director Lund University Lund Oxford (Press)/ Oxford Shakespeare Textbank to facilitate the analysis of the complete works of William Shakespeare Lou Burnard Oxford (Univ)/ OTA = Oxford Text Archive Archive of hundreds of textbanks Lou Burnard Oxford Text Archive 13 Banbury Rd. Oxford OX2 6NN United Kingdom tel. (0865)273238; from N.A. 011-44-865-273238 JANET: archive@uk.ac.ox.vax3 ARPANET: archive%uk.ac.ox.vax3@ucl-cs.arpa Oxford (Oxford University Press)/ Philosophical Electronic Texts Textbank of Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding which will result in a complex textual database Richard Malpas Oxford University Great Britain Surrey (Univ)/ Melbourne-Surrey Corpus Textbank of 100,000 words of written Australian English Jostein Hauge, Director Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities University of Bergen Harald Harfagres gate 31 P.O. Box 53 N-5014 Bergen NORWAY Stig Johansson Editor, ICAME Journal Department of English University of Oslo P.O. Box 1003 Blindern N-0315 Oslo 3 NORWAY G.G. Corbett and Khurshid Ahmad Department of Linguistic and International Studies University of Surrey Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH Swansea(??) Mike Farringdon BITNET: csmike@vax.swansea.ac.uk Warwick (Univ)/Warwick Corpus Textbank of 2.5 million words for research with automatic generation of Braille by computer J.M. Gill University of Warwick Warwick England List of Archives and Projects in Machine-Readable Text Part II: USA Projects Only UNITED STATES: AZ Tucson (Museum)/ Documentary Relations of the Southwest Dr. Charles Polzer Arizona State Museum, Building #26 Tucson, AZ 85721 tel. (602) 621-6278 CA Berkeley (Univ CA)/ Berkeley Corpus Textbank of spoken and written American English Wallace Chafe and Gunnel Tottie CA Berkeley (Univ CA)/ Anthologies of Italian Music and Lyric Poetry of the Renaissance Tony Newcomb Dep't of Music UC Berkeley 94720 tel. (415) 642-2623 CA Berkeley (Univ. of CA at Berkeley)/ The Digital Archive and Thesaurus of Spanish Texts Textbank for study of Medieval Spain Prof. Faulhaber Internet: edu%"faulhaber.Berkeley.edu" CA Davis (Univ CA)/ Project Rhetor Textfiles of approx. 5000 authors and 15,000-18,000 works in 12 languages James J. Murphy, Director Project Rhetor Rhetoric Department University of California at Davis Davis, CA 95616 tel. (916) 752-0813 CA Irvine (Univ CA)/ TLG = Thesaurus Linguae Grecae CA Los Altos (The Packard Humanities Institute and Univ. of Penn. CCAT)/ PHI Demonstration CD-ROM #1 (LBASE/CCAT) Hebrew, Greek concording-linguistic database for biblical research The Packard Humanities Institute 300 Second Street, Suite 201 Los Altos, CA 94022 tel. (415) 948-0150 CA Los Altos (Inst)/ PHI = Packard Humanities Institute Textfiles for scholarly analysis of Roman, early Christian, and Medieval periods Stephen V.F. Waite The Packard Humanities Institute 300 Second Street, Suite 201 Los Altos, CA 94022 tel. (415) 948-0150 BITNET: xb.m07@stanford fax: (415) 948-5793 CA Los Angeles (UCLA)/ OBLAP = Old Babylonian Linguistic Analysis Project 100,000 word databank of parsed Akkadian cuneiform letters University of California, Los Angeles CA Malibu (Undena Publ)/ CAM = Computer-Aided Analysis of Mesopotamian Materials Textbank, dictionary, archaeological materials, database Giorgio Buccellati CAM c/o Undena Publications PO Box 97 Malibu, CA 90265 tel. (818) 366-1744 CA Menlo Park (Center)/ CCARH = Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities Music databases, textbank of musical scores Walter B. Hewlett, Director or Eleanor Selfridge-Field, Executive Director Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities 525 Middlefield Road, Suite 120 Menlo Park, CA 94025 tel. (415) 322-7050 CA Menlo Park (SRI International)/ NYTNS Corpus Textbank of 8 million words of text NYTNS Corpus Artificial Intelligence Center SRI International 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 CA San Diego (Univ CA)/ International Electronic Archive of the Romancero Textbank, general catalogueof the works of the Pan-Hispanic Romancero Diego Catalan, Director International Electronic Archive of the Romancero University of California, San Diego CA San Jose (Beacon Technology Inc.)/ Gems of the Word Textbank of 1000 topically organized passages from the Bible Beacon Technology, Inc. PO Box 9872 Dept GEMS San Jose, CA 95157-0872 Tel.: (408) 723-4884 (800) 777-1841 CA San Jose (Beacon Technology)/ HyperBible Textbank and hypercard study apparatus for biblical study Mr. Rick Van Wieren Beacon Technology, Inc. 5369 Camden Avenue, Suite 320 PO Box 9872 San Jose, CA 95124 tel. (800) 777-1841, (408) 296-4884 CA Santa Barbara (Univ of California)/ Corpus of spoken American English Corpus of spoken American English to complement the London-Lund corpus of spoken British English Wallace Chafe Dep't of Linguistics University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CA Stanford (Univ)/ Nietzsche Corpus Textbank for analysis of the Nietzsche corpus Prof. Malcolm Brown Stanford University Internet: mbb@jessica.Stanford.EDU CA Stanford (Univ)/ Institute of Basic German Prof. Lohnes tel. ( ) 723-0418 CO Boulder? (Univ)/ Siouan Languages Archive CO Boulder (Univ CO)/ CCRH = Center for Computer Research in Humanities CO Salida (Catspaw, Inc.)/ King James Version of the Bible Textfile: full-text version Catspaw, Inc. PO Box 1123 Salida, CO 81201 tel. (719) 539-3884 CT Storrs (Univ of Connecticut)/ Democratic and Republican PartyPlatforms Textbank Prof. Joseph Namenwirth Department of Sociology Manchester Hall, U-68 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06268 CT Tolland (PsyLogic Systems)/ An Electronic Holmes Companion Textbase of 56 stories and 4 novels from 19th century England Robert J. Stek PsyLogic Systems PO Box 315 Tolland, CT 06084 tel. (203) 872-0528 DC Washington (Catholic Univ)/Electronic edition of Prudentius Textbase, database, and bibliography for study of Prudentius Prof. William J. McCarthy Department of Greek and Latin Catholic University Washington, D.C. 20064 tel. (202) 635-5216 BITNET: MCCARTHY@CUA DC Washington (Georgetown Univ)/ Center for Text and Technology Textfiles for literary and philosophical analysis Michael Neuman, Director Georgetown Electronic Text Repository Academic Computer Center Reiss Science Building, Room 238 Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 tel. (202) 687-6096 BITNET: neuman@guvax Internet: neuman@guvax.georgetown.edu FL Orlando (Medina Software, Inc.)/ MacGospel Textfile for Biblical study Medina Software, Inc. 2008 Las Palmas Circle Orlando, Florida 32822 tel. (305) 281-1577 HI Manoa (Univ HI)/ Salish Lexicography IA Cedar Rapids (Parson's Technology)/ QuickVerse Textbank to facilitate Biblical study Parson's Technology 375 Collins Road NE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402 tel. 1-800-223-6925 ID Greenleaf (Biblesoft Company)/ KJV Hypertext Bible Practical Bible for use in Biblical study Biblesoft Company Greenleaf, Idaho IL Champaign/Urbana (Duncan Research)/ Project Gutenberg: 100 Great Books Planned Textbank of 100 Great Books with indices and concordances Project Gutenberg Duncan Research PO Box 2782 Sta A Champaign, IL 61825 tel. (217) 344-5009 Michael S. Hart 405 West Elm St. Urbana, IL 61801 BITNET: hart@uiucvme IL Chicago (Univ)/ ARTFL = American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language Textbase of 150 million words from 1700 works in 2000 texts (classic literature to non-fiction prose and technical writing) The ARTFL Project Prof. Robert Morrissey, Director Department of Romance Languages and Literatures University of Chicago 1050 E. 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637 tel. (312) 702-8488 BITNET: xrtmjm9@uchimvs1 or artfl@artfl.uchicago.edu ARPA/Internet: MJM9@SPHINX.UCHICAGO.EDU or Institut National de la Langue Francaise Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 52 Boulevard de Magenta 75010 Paris France IL Chicago (Univ/ Ethiopic Etymological Database Gene Gragg Internet: gbgg@tank.uchicago.edu IL Deerfield (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)/ GramCord = The GramCord New Testament Greek Grammatical Concordance System Textbank and scholarly tools for Biblical study Paul A. Miller The GramCord Institute Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 2065 Half Day Road Deerfield, IL 60015 tel. (312) 223-3242; (312) 945-8800 (TEDS) IL DeKalb (N IL Univ)/ Tai Dam Dictionary and Text on Computer IN (The American Musicological Society at Indiana University)/ Database of Medieval and Late-Antique Music Theory Texts Data base for analysis of medieval and late-antique music theory texts Prof. Tom Mathlesen Director of AMS Indiana University Indiana MA Boston (Boston College)/ Modern Greek Texts Dia Philippides BITNET: philippd@bcvms MA Cambridge (Harvard Univ)/ Boston Dainas Project MA Cambridge (Harvard Univ, Boston Univ)/ Perseus Project Textbank with hypermedia database and tools for research and teaching Gregory Crane, Editor-in-Chief;Elli Mylonas, Managing Ed. Perseus Project Department of Classics Harvard University Cambridge, MA BITNET: elli@harvunxw.bitnet MD Baltimore (Johns Hopkins Univ)/ CAL = Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon MD Jefferson (Common Knowledge)/ Universal Index Database containing copyright-free, public domain information Ms. Kathy Roewer, Executive Director Common Knowledge Box 211 Jefferson, MD 21755 tel. (301) 695-3100 ME Brookline (Software Tool & Die, Purveyors to the Trade)/ Open Book Initiative Textbank to create a publicly accessible repository of freely redistributable collections of information Software Tool & Die, Purveyors to the Trade 1330 Beacon St Brookline, MA 02146 tel. (617) 739-0202 E-mail: obi@world.std.com bzs@world.std.com MI Grand Rapids (Zondervan Electronic Publishing)/ NIVPC = New International Version of the Bible for Personal Computers Textbank for Biblical study Mark Hunt, General Manager Zondervan Electronic Publishing 1415 Lake Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 tel. 1-800-727-7759 MI Grand Rapids (Zondervan Electronic Publishing House)/ MACBIBLE Textbank; electronic Bible concording program Mark Hunt, General Manager Zondervan Electronic Publishing 1415 Lake Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 tel. 1-800-727-7759 MI Grand Rapids (Baker Book House)/ Analytical Concordance of the Greek New Testament Database; concordance for research of the Greek New Testament Baker Book House P.O. Box 6287 Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287 Tel. 1-800-877-2665 MI Grand Rapids (Baker Book House)/ Analytical Lexicon of New Testament Greek Online lexicon of the Greek New Testament Baker Book House P.O. Box 6287 Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287 Tel. 1-800-877-2665 MI Ann Arbor (Univ MI)/ MPCABS = Michigan Project for Computer- Assisted Biblical Studies [dormant] Textbank for Biblical study MPCABS c/o Dr. H. Van Dyke Parunak 1027 Ferdon Road Ann Arbor, MI 48104 tel. (313) 996-1384 BITNET: van@iti.org Distribution: Michigan-Claremont Old Testament on Tape Dr. Richard Whitaker 300 Broadway Pella, IA 50219 tel. (515) 628-4360 MS Hattiesburg (S MS Univ)/ Faulkner Concordance Project Transcriptions of Faulkner texts divided into grammatical sense units Prof. Noel Polk (for textual research Department of English Southern Mississippi State University Southern Station 5037 Hattiesburg, MS 39406 tel. (601) 266-4326 (Polk), 266-4319 (department) Lt. Col. John D. Hart (for computer work) Faulkner Concordance Research Officer Department of English United States Military Academy West Point, NY 10996-1791 tel. (914) 938-2484 MS Mississippi State (Univ)/ The Thackeray Project Text comparison of various editions of Thackeray's works Dr. Peter L. Shillingsburg, Director The Thackeray Project English Department Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS 39762 NC Ayden (Encycloware)/ MacBible Textbank of 25 diskettes for Biblical study Encycloware 712-15 Washington St. Ayden, NC 28513 tel. (919) 746-3589 NC Chapel Hill (Univ. of NC at Chapel Hill/ Oxford University Press)/ Philosophical Electronic Texts Textbank for philosophical analysis Oxford Electronic Publishing Division of Oxford University Press Prof. Geoffrey Sayre-McCord University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC Chapel Hill (UNC)/ DBAGI = Data Bank for Ancient Greek Inscriptions Textbank of 784 inscriptions of Athenian public decrees William C. West, Director DBAGI Department of Classics University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 212 Murphey Hall (030A) Chapel Hill, NC 27514 tel. (919) 962-7191 NC Durham (Duke Univ)/ DDBDP = Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri Textbank of 6 million words form documents written on papyrus, parchment, ostraca, wooden or waxed tablets William H. Willis and John Oates, Co-directors DDBDP Duke University Room 201B, Perkins Library PO Box 4762 Duke Station Durham, NC 27706 tel. (919) 684-5753 NC Durham (Duke Univ)/ DHDB = Duke Humanities Data Base NC Durham (Duke Univ)/ COLOE = Computerization of Language Oriented Enterprises Textbank for study of literature and language and Biblical study Frank L. Borchardt and Jeffrey William Gillette German Department Duke University Durham, NC 27706 tel. (919) 684-3886 NC Pittsboro (InteLex Corporation)/ Electronic texts in Philosophy Textbank of the works of John Locke, George Berkeley, and David Hume InteLex Corporation Rt. 2 Box 383 Pittsboro, NC 27312 tel. (919) 542-4411 Internet: rooks@cs.unc.edu NH Hanover (Dartmouth College, Princeton Univ)/ Dartmouth Dante Project Textbank created to combine over 600 years of commentary on Dante's Divine Comedy with computer technology Janet Stephens, Database Administrator Dartmouth Dante Project 301 Bartlett Hall HB 6087 Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 tel. (603) 646-2633 BITNET: dante@eleazar.dartmouth.edu NJ Hoboken (Stevens Institute of Technology)/ Galileo Database Textbank of 8 books by or about Galileo (approx. 2700 pages) for teaching and research Prof. James E. McClellan III Department of Humanities Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ 07030 NJ Morristown (Bell Communications Research)/ Bellcore Corpora Textbases supporting computational linguistic, knowledge- based artificaial intelligence and information science research, as well as corpus linguistics and computational lexicography research Donald E. Walker Artificial Intelligence and Information Science Research Group Bellcore, MRE 2A-379 445 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960-1910 NJ New Brunswick (Rutgers Univ, RLG)/ Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank Database of 13,254 currency exchange quotations MEMDB Rudolph M. Bell and Martha C. Howell, Directors Department of History Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 tel. (201) 932-8335 BITNET: bb.mxc@rlg Leiden Prof. Willem P. Blockmans Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden Brussels Prof. Eddy Van Cauwenberghe Universitaire Faculteiten Sint-Aloysius NJ Princeton (Inst Advanced Studies)/ Epigraphic Project for Greek Inscriptions from Asia Minor Textbank for Greek and Latin inscriptions from Ionia and eastern part of the Roman empire Donald F. McCabe IASEP The Institute for Advanced Study School of Historical Study Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 tel. (609) 734-8000 [When completed, the inscriptions will be included in the TLG data base.] NJ Princeton (Princeton University Press)/ Philosophical Electronic Texts Textbank of Hume's works for philosophical analysis David Norton Tom Beauchamp Sandy Stewart NJ Princeton (Univ)/ Princeton Chinese Linguistics Project Textbank of 1 million Chinese characters from modern literature NJ Princeton (Univ)/ American Founding Fathers Project, Founding Fathers Consortium [under development] Textbank of the works of Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Franklin, and Adams John Catanzariti, General Editor The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Firestone Library Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 tel. (609) 452-3162 BITNET: jcat@princ NM Las Cruces (NMSU)/ Indic Script Textbases Textbank of Indic characters for construction of usage pattern or database for machine translation, discourse analysis and generation, user interfaces Sylvia Candelaria de Ram Natural Language Group Computing Research Laboratory Box 3CF, UPB New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003 tel. (505) 646-6216/522-2978 BITNET: sylvia@nmsu.edu, sylvia@nmsu.bitnet NY Brooklyn (Mikrah Computer Research Systems)/ Compu-Bible and Compucord Textbank for Biblical study Mikrah Computer Research Systems 583 King's Highway Brooklyn, NY 11223 (718) 375-2505 NY Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo)/ WNY-ARCH = Western New York Archaeology Databank of English and French names of sites and descriptions Prof. Ezra Zubrow Department of Anthropology Director, Anthro. GIS Laboratory Millard Fillmore Academic Core 360 Ellicott Complex SUNY/ Buffalo Buffalo, NY 14261 BITNET: apyezra@ubvms Internet: edu%"apyezra@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu" NY Clinton Corners (Shakespeare on Disk)/ Shakespeare on Disk Textbank for literary analysis Shakespeare on Disk Hollow Road, P.O. Box 299 Clinton Corners, NY 12514 tel. (914) 266-5705 NY Ithaca (Cornell Univ)/ Center for Computerization of Greek Inscriptions from Attica Textbank and database of Attic inscriptions from Insciptiones Graecae Kevin Clinton, Director CCCGI Cornell University Department of Classics Goldwin Smith Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-3201 tel. (607) 255-3354, 255-8259 NY Ithaca (Cornell Univ)/ Cornell Blake Concordance Texts NY Ithaca (Cornell Univ)/ Freud Corpus John Ruffing tel. (607) 272-8857 BITNET: omgy@vax5.cit.cornell.edu or omgy@crnlvax5 NY New York (Columbia Univ)/ Buddhist Canon Project Robert Thurman NY New York (NYU)/ The Verdi Archive NY New York (American Bible Society) AGNT = Analytical Greek New Testament Morphologically and syntactically tagged database of the Greek New Testament American Bible Society/ United Bible Societies Translation Dep't of the Wycliffe Bible Translators c/o Harold Scanlin 1865 Broadway New York, NY 10023 Timothy and Barbara Friberg Summer Institute of Linguistics Kotak Pos 164, Ujung Pandang 90001 Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia OH Cleveland (Cleveland State Univ)/ Augustan Prose Sample Textbank of 80,000 words, 52 selections (average 1522 words) from 51 authors from the Augustan period Louis T. Milic Department of English Cleveland State University Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Oxford Text Archive OH Dayton (Mead Data Central, Inc.)/ LEXIS/NEXIS LEXIS database on legal systems and NEXIS full textbase on current events Mead Data Central, Inc. 9393 Springsboro Pike P.O. Box 933 Dayton, OH 45401 (513) 865-6800 OH New Knoxville (The Way International)/ ACP = Aramaic Computer Project Textbase, concordance, dictionary, and database for study of the New Testament Mrs. Bernita Jess, Project Director Aramaic Computer Project The Way International PO Box 328 New Knoxville, OH 45871 tel. (419) 753-2523 OK Edmond (Ellis Enterprises Inc. of Edmond)/ The Bible Library Textbank for biblical analysis that includes many versions of the Bible with multiple reference works Ellis Enterprises Inc. of Edmond Oklahoma PA Fort Washington (Tri Star Publishing and Oxford University Press)/ The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Lexical studies of English and its relationship to Greek/Hebrew-to-English translation Tri Star Publishing 475 Virginia Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 Tel. (800) 872-2828 or (215) 641-6000 PA Fort Washington (Tri Star Publishing)/ Master Search Bible Comprehensive biblical reference library of classic and contemporary works Tri Star Publishing 475 Virginia Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 Tel. (800) 872-2828 or (215) 641-6000 PA Philadelphia (Drexel Univ)/ The Latin Writings of Milton Eva Thury BITNET: thury@duvm PA Philadelphia (Univ PA)/ CCAT = Center for Computer Analysis of Texts PA Philadelphia (Univ PA)/ CATSS = Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies Textbank and database with text-critical, lexical, grammatical, translational, conceptual, and bibliographical tools Dr. Robert A. Kraft, Co-director CATSS Department of Religious Studies Box 36 College Hall University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6303 tel. (215) 898-5827 BITNET: kraft@penndrls PA Philadelphia (Univ PA)/ Language Analysis Project PA Philadelphia (Univ PA)/ Cyrillic Text Archive Textbank for linguistic and content analysis of political speech Elliott Mossman, Director Cyrillic Text Archive Center for Soviet Studies 636 Williams Hall/ 6305 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104 tel. (215) 898-7358 Internet: elliott@apollo.lap.upenn.edu PA Philadelphia (Westminster Theological Seminary)/ WCP = Westminster Computer Project Textbank of Michigan-Claremont Old Testament J. Alan Groves, Director WCP Westminster Theological Seminary PO Box 27009 Chestnut Hill, PA 19118 tel. (215) 887-5511 PA Pittsburgh (Carnegie Mellon Univ)/ Childes Database Database of 40 sets of corpora of parent-child and child- child interactions from children speaking Brian MacWhinney Department of Psychology Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 BITNET: brian@andrew Internet: edu%"brian@andrew.cmu.edu" PA Villanova (Villanova Univ)/ Augustine Concordance Project Textbank of 5 million words of the history of early Christian life and thought Fr. Allan Fitzgerald, O.S.A. Department of Religious Studies Villanova University Villanova, PA 19085 tel. (215) 645-7903 BITNET: fitzgeral@vuvaxcom RI Providence (Brown Univ)/ WWP = Women Writers Project Textbank, database, and scholarly tools of published and unpublished writing by women Susanne Woods, Director; Elaine Brennan, Project Mgr. Brown Univ Box 1841 Providence, RI 02912 tel.(401) 863-3619 BITNET: womwrite@brownvm Internet: womwrite@brownvm.brown.edu RI Providence (Brown Univ)/ Romanian Love Incantations Prof. Sanda Golopentia-Eretescu French Studies Department Brown University Providence, RI 02912 Dr. Allen Renear Computing Information Services Brown University Providence, RI 02912 Tel. (401) 863-7312 (401) 421-3898 BITNET: allen@brownvm Internet: allen@brownvm.brown.edu RI Providence (Brown Univ)/ Isocrates Project Textbank of Greek literature Paul Kahn, Director Isocrates Project Institute for Research in Information Scholarship Brown University Box 1946 Providence, RI 02912 tel. (401) 863-2001 RI Providence (Brown)/ Brown Corpus Textbank of one million words of written American English W. Nelson Francis and Henry Kucera Brown University Providence, Rhode Island TX Austin (University of Texas)/ Thesaurus Linguae Sanskritae Prof. R. Lariviere University of Texas Austin, Texas TX Austin (Bible Research Systems)/ THE WORD Processor: King James Version and New International Bible Textbank for Biblical study THE WORD processor Bible Research Systems 2013 Wells Branch Parkway Suite 304 Austin, TX 78728 tel. (512) 251-7541 TX Dallas (CDWord Library, Inc.)/ CDWord Textbank which provides an Interactive Bible Library CDWord Library, Inc. Two Lincoln Centre 5420 LBJ Freeway LB7 Dallas, Texas 75240 TX Dallas (International Linguistics Center)/ Analytical Greek New Testament Project Textbank for Biblical studies Timothy and Barbara Friberg, Directors c/o Analytical Greek New Testament Project Translation Department International Linguistics Center 7500 West Camp Wisdom Road Dallas, TX 75236 or Vendor: American Bible Society/United Bible Societies c/o Harold Scanlin 1865 Boradway New York, NY 10023 tel. (212) 581-7400 TX Dallas (Summer Institute of Linguistics) Textbank of minority language groups S.I.L. Inc. 7500 West Camp Wisdom Road Dallas, Texas 75236 TX Dallas (Theol Seminary)/ Biblical Data Bank (CD-ROM) Robin Cover BITNET: zrcc1001@smuvm1 TX Dallas (Theol Seminary)/ ETP = Exegetical Toolkit Project Textbank for Biblical studies Jon M. Boring, Director; Robin C. Cover, Design Director Exegetical Toolkit Project Dallas Theological Seminary 3909 Swiss Avenue Dallas, TX 75204 (214) 824-3094 TX Edinburg (Pan American Univ)/ RGFA + Rio Grande Folklore Archive Mark Glazer BITNET: mg6be8@panam TX Lubbock (National Software Systems Co.)/ CompuBIBLE Textbank for Biblical study Jimmy D. Hammock National Software Systems Co. PO Box 65600-222 Lubbock, Texas 79464 UT Provo (Brigham Young Univ)/ HRC = Humanities Research Center Randall L. Jones Humanities Research Center Brigham Young University 3060 JKHB Provo, UT 84602 UT Provo (Brigham Young Univ - BSO)/ BYU-HRC/BSO Textbase Database for lexical transfer, development of translation system, bi-lingual concordances, and technical glossaries Randall L. Jones Humanities Research Center Brigham Young University 3060 JKHB Provo, UT 84602 BSO Utrecht The Netherlands UT Provo (Electronic Text Corp)/ ETC Computerized Bookshelf Mr. Greg T. Johnson Director of Marketing/Academia 778 South 400 East Orem, Utah 84058 tel. (801) 226-0616 FAX (801) 226-4278 UT Provo (Brigham Young University ???????)/ Pfeffer Spoken German Corpus Transcribed interviews in the Federal Republic of Germany for analysis of demographic statistics and linguistics Randall L. Jones Dep't of German 4096 JKHB Brigham Young University Provo, Utah 84602 Tel. 801-378-3513 E-mail Jones@byuvm WA Edmonds (Linguist's Software Inc.)/ MacGreek and MacHebrew New and Old Testaments Textfiles for Biblical study Philip Payne Linguists' Software P.O. Box 580 Edmonds, WA 98020-0580 tel. (206) 775-1130 WA Kelso (Zion Christian College)/ Syriac Research Center Textbank of approx. 40 Peshitta manuscripts Dr. Dale A. Johnson, Director Syriac Research Center Zion Christian College 1209 Minor Rd. Kelso, WA 98626 tel. (206) 577-0620 WA Seattle (Hermeneutika Computer-Aided Bible Research)/ Bible Word Program Textbank for Biblical study Mark Rice, President Hermeneutika Computer-Aided Bible Research Hypertext Software, Consulting, Systems Development P.O. Box 98563 Seattle, WA 98198 tel. (206) 824-3927 WA Seattle (Hermeneutika Computer-Aided Bible Research)/ PC Study Bible Textbank for Biblical study Mark Rice, President Hermeneutika Computer-Aided Bible Research Hypertext Software, Consulting, Systems Development P.O. Box 98563 Seattle, WA 98198 tel. (206) 824-3927 WA Seattle (Hermeneutika Computer-Aided Bible Research)/ On-Line Bible & Concordance Textbank for Biblical study Mark Rice, President Hermeneutika Computer-Aided Bible Research Hypertext Software, Consulting, Systems Development P.O. Box 98563 Seattle, WA 98198 tel. (206) 824-3927 WA Seattle (Hermeneutika Computer-Aided Bible Research)/ FRB (Foundation for Advanced Biblical Studies' Reference Bible) Textbank for Biblical study Hermeneutika Computer-Aided Bible Research P.O. Box 98563 Seattle, WA 98198 Tel. 1-800-55BIBLE WI Milwaukee (Marquette Univ)/ Works of Karl Rahner Project Textbank of Rahner's Hearers of the Word (1st ed., trans. by Joseph Donceel, S.J.) Lee Rice, Managing Editor Philosophy and Theology Department of Philosophy Marquette University Milwaukee, WI 53233 Prof. Andy Tallon Department of Philosophy Marquette University Milwaukee, WI 53233 tel. (414) 224-7232 BITNET: 6035tall@mucsd Compiled and Maintained by The Georgetown Center for Text and Technology 238 Reiss Science Building Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-6096 neuman@guvax.bitnet neuman@guvax.georgetown.edu