[net.periphs] SMD controller for VME -- replies.

jack@vu44.UUCP (Jack Jansen) (12/28/84)

A few weeks ago, I asked for information regarding SMD controllers
for a VME bus. First, let me thank everyone who answered, and apologize
for not mentioning their names here, since I dropped some of the header
information on the floor.
Here follows all the information I got. Comments from me are
inside [square brackets].
The VME V/SMD 3200 controller from Interphase Corporation.
	- Disk Data rates to 24 Mb/S
	  [Is this mega*bits* or am I so far behind that it seems
	   too fast??]
	- Supports two SMD disk drives
	- 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data transfers
	- 16-, 24-, 32-bit adressing
	- On-board 32 bit ECC
	- "Multitasking Architecture" with on-board 68000
	- Scatter/Gather commands
	- Programmable Interrupt levels (1-7)
	- Selectable bus priority (0-3)
	- Intelligent caching
	- Zero-latency Reads and Writes
[I was also told that this board uses a 12K cache, and that it costs

The latest I have heard is that the controller should be available 
in January.  The address for Interphase is:

Interphase Corporation
2925 Merrell Road 
Dallas, Texas 75229

(214) 350-9000
Someone from Performance Technologies told me that they are working
on a VME SMD controller, but it isn't finished yet. Didn't give
any schedule for it. Anyway, here's their address:

Performance Technologies, Inc
300 Main Street
East Rochester, New York 14445
(716) 586-6727

Peter Ilieve (dice!peter) wrote :
We started this same search over a year ago. The only one we could find at the
time was by Data Sud, the DSSEHDCONT-1. This is a two board set which goes
into one VME slot and contains its own 68000. We eventually received one in
October 83 but it was a very early version and didn't look too good.
It only supported the CDC Lark drive and it was designed to go into a Versados
system, all the commands were the same as some sort of Motorola disk controller
in Exormacs boxes. As the commands were a copy of something else and were
therefore 'well known' there was no programming manual for it! This lack of
information extended even to what VME address it occupied. We sent it back
as soon as we found the next solution described below.
	In fairness to Data Sud we did have a very early board and they might
be much better now.

	To backtrack a bit, we were really looking for an SCSI VME controller
to drive the promised SCSI version of the Fujitsu M2322K 168 Mbyte disk and
were only going to use SMD as a temporary fix. So the next thing we found
was the Xebec S1490 SASI to SMD adapter.
[If anyone knows anything about this and similar beasts I would be
happy to hear it]
This is not a VME board but it
allowed us to use a SASI VME board, of which there are several, and when
the SCSI disks arrived we could junk the Xebec boards. They only cost about
250 pounds so we were not too upset at doing this.
	We have now been using this VME/SASI/SMD combination for several
months and it works well. Because of this we stopped looking seriously
for SMD controllers.

	The other source of information is the VMEbus Compatible Products
Directory which you should be able to get a free copy of from Motorola,
Mostek or Signetics. The summer 84 edition, which is the latest I have,
lists SMD controllers by Data Sud, Dy-4 systems, Sigen, Dual Systems, Stollman,
and Wormald. From past experience with this book however, some of these may
not yet be available.

	Addresses of companies mentioned:

Data Sud Systems s.a.
	22, rue de Claret
	Immeuble Edouard VII
	BP 1067
	34007 Montpellier Cedex
	[ This seems to be in France]
	Phone (67) 27 32 55  Telex 490425

Dual Systems corp.
	2530 San Pablo Avenue
	CA 94702
	Phone (415) 549-3890

Dy-4 Systems inc
	888 Lady Ellen Place
	Canada K1Z 5M1
	Phone (613) 728-3711  Telex 053-4969

Sigen corp.
	1800 Wyatt Drive, suite 6
	Santa Clara
	CA 95054
	Phone (408) 988-2527

Stollman & Co GmbH
	Bornstrasse 14
	2000 Hamburg 13
	West Germany
	Phone +49 40-44-60-81  Telex 214 049

Wormald Data Systems
	Electron House
	Mill Street
	Berkshire SL2 5OO
	Phone +44 753 71626  Telex 849479

Xebec Systems Inc.
	432 Lakeside Drive
	CA 94086
	Phone (408) 735-1340
	Jack Jansen, {seismo|philabs|decvax}!mcvax!vu44!jack
	or				       ...!vu44!htsa!jack
If *this* is my opinion, I wasn't sober at the time.