[comp.text] where to find pic

croot@aspect.UUCP (Admin) (12/29/90)

I recently posted an article to this newsgroup asking what pic was and
where I could find it.  Thank you all for your answers; and for those 
of you who asked me to post what I found out:

Pic is a utility that converts your description of a drawing into troff
line drawing commands; so essentially you can use pic as a pre-troff filter
to add drawings to your text.

Pic is a part of AT&T's Documentors Workbench Software; one poster suggested
that I should be able to purchase it from SoftQuad of Canada.

There is, apparently, a "pic-ish" program written in c++ that comes with
groff, that can be uucp'ed from uunet and similar sites.

I haven't looked into either of these alternatives... 

Thanks again,

Ange Hampton                 |My expressed opinions are mine alone.
Aspect Telecommunications    
(408) 441 2200