[comp.text] FrameMaker Intro

framer@drd.com (Framers List) (03/21/91)

The following is a short introduction to the 'framers' mailing list.  If
you wish to subscribe, send your request along with a valid domain-style
address to the Administrative Contact address.

    'framers' is a users forum for sharing of experiences and
    information about the FrameMaker desktop publishing package from
    Frame Technologies.

    Submissions: framers@DRD.Com
    Administrative Contact:     
      <or>       your friendly neighbourhood postmaster

'framers' is a reflecting type of mailing list.  What that means is
that any e-mail sent to 'framers@DRD.Com' is re-distributed without any
intervention on my part to everybody else.  That's about 1500 people on
5 continents (we have subscribers in USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, New
Zealand, Israel and all over Europe).  

When you have anything of an administrative nature (like address change,
address deletion, request for help in reaching someone; that kind of
thing), please e-mail to 'framers-request@DRD.Com'.  This is somewhat of
a convention on the Internet/Usenet -- administrative addresses are the
name of the mailing list suffixed with '-request'.  You'll see it

   Above all, please DO NOT mail "please add me" or "please remove me" 
   requests to the Submissions address!  Your hair will fall out and 
   you will contract athelete's foot if you do.  

Messages sent to this list are NOT archived (volunteers with anonymous
ftp/uucp capability welcome).

Regional Groups

The Frame Users' Network (FUN), an organization in the San Francisco
Bay Area which holds monthly meetings.  You can find out about FUN from
its president:

  dirk@Eng.Sun.Com (Dirk van Nouhuys)

The Frame Users' Network New England (FUNNE) is forming!!!
A users group for FrameMaker enthusiasts is being formed.  The group
will have meetings focusing on the various technical issues involved 
in learning and using FrameMaker.

Depending on Response, meetings can be set up throughout New England
which will focus on new FrameMaker features and specialized uses of the
product. It will also serve as a catalyst for user input back to Frame.

In addition, a quarterly newsletter (available to users outside of NE
as well) will focus on using FrameMaker and new products etc.

Those people interested in joining the group, coordinating events 
or contributing to the newsletter should send the following:

	Email address 
	Ideas on the group 
	If you would like to help in managing the group.

Send this info to funne@srbci.mv.com
or call (603) 894-4500


Dan York
SRB Consulting, Inc.

FUN Tape

FUN tape files and FusionGraphics demo ClipArt are available via anonymous 
FTP from:

procyon.cis.ksu.edu  [], cd pub/FUN 
(thanks to Harvard Townsend and Kansas State University at Manhattan,
Kansas, USA)

sunbane.engrg.uwo.ca [], cd pub/fun 
(thanks to Dan Corrin and the University of Western Ontario at London,
Ontario, Canada)

irisa.irisa.fr [], cd FrameMaker
(thanks to Bertrand Decouty and the Institut de Recherche en Informatique 
et Systemes Aleatoires, Rennes, France)
Also all FIB's and 3 filters [refer2mml, la2mml, wordtomif]

FrameMaker Table handling software demos are available from Frank
Stearns: 71047.1274@CompuServe.COM or (206)892-3970

OpenMaker software (for connecting frame up to Open Windows) available
from trantor.harris-atd.com in /pub/frame/openmaker/openmaker.shar
(thanks to chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com (Chuck Musciano))

    Mark Lawrence
    Framers Maintenance