leah@smith.chi.il.us (L.A.Z. Smith) (06/02/91)
The voting period for misc.writing has ended. The totals were: 193 yes votes to 11 no votes This is well over the minimum criteria for creation (100 more yes votes than no votes with the yeses constituting at least two-thirds of the total votes). So the group passes, pending a five-day wait while any problems that may exist regarding the voting are resolved. I would like to congratulate everyone connected with the creation of this group for their fine, calm, reasoned and dignified approach to the whole matter. In particular, I would like to thank Peter Franks and Joseph Chew for their willingness to let their separate and specific ideas be absorbed into this single more inclusive one. Following my signature is the group's charter and the list of voters. Looking forward to seeing all of you in the upcoming discussions in misc.writing... --- L.A.Z. Smith leah@smith.uucp leah@smith.chi.il.us Wheeling, Illinois leah%smith@ast.dsd.northrop.com ======================================================================= MISC.WRITING CHARTER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Misc.writing is a forum for discussion of writing in all its forms -- scholarly, technical, journalistic, artistic and mere day-to-day communication. It is a venue for professional writers, would-be professionals and all those who write to communicate. Misc.writing is primarily about writing in English. As such, it includes consideration of linguistics, grammar and style as they relate to composition. It is not, however, limited to discussion of writing for print -- topics may include a variety of other media and means of communication. In addition to discussion about the process of writing, misc.writing also addresses writing as a trade, including (but not limited to) reviews of books about writing; notices of workshops and writers' group meetings; and information about marketing and publishing. Tools for writing may be a topic, as well. Questions about how to write, writing problems and how to improve one's writing are welcome, but long excerpts of written works should not be posted. However, the group may serve as a meeting place for those who wish to exchange works to critique via e-mail. Although the group is general in nature, misc.writing welcomes discussions about specific forms of writing; contributors are encouraged to identify their topic by including explicit tags such as "TECHNICAL:" or "JOURNALISM:" in subject lines. Such guidelines shall be enforced by peer pressure only. Misc.writing is an unmoderated newsgroup. ======================================================================== NO VOTERS ^^^^^^^^^ Kim DeVaughn, kim@lust.pswd.amdahl.com Dell H. Ellison, ellisond@maize Terry Laskodi, terryl@sail.labs.tek.com Audrey C. Mack, wiggy@audrey.b23b.ingr.com Jay W. Noh, jnoh@ddsw1.mcs.com Mike Palmer, palmer@hsi.com Carl Rigney, cdr@amd.com Jim Roche, roche@cs.rochester.edu James F. Small, small@seas.ucla.edu Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner, charleen@ads.com Maurizio Vitale, Maurizio.Vitale@dist.dist.unige.it YES VOTERS ^^^^^^^^^^ Jeff Abbott, Jeff.Abbott@hub.dsg.ti.com Dell Adams, dadams@eagle.wesleyan.edu Ad Aerts, aerts@media03.UUCP Carl Alexander, cjeff@ghoti.lcs.mit.edu Lynn Alford, groper.jcu.edu.au!cplma Steve Anderson, prodnet.la.locus.com!stevea Patrick M. Benson, pbenson@cac.washington.edu Cindy Bentson, bentson@sumax.seattleu.edu Tony Bible, bible@iastate.edu Greg Black, gjb@void.oz.au Jamie Blustein, jamie@uwo.CA Earl Boebert, sctc.com!boebert Carol Botteron, botteron@bu-it.bu.edu Daniel F. Boyd, consp04@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu Coni Britten, conib@peri.gvg.tek.com Roger H. Brown, brownr@turing.cs.rpi.edu Predrag Bundalo, syspredrag@iitvax Peter Burton, dcs.qmw.ac.uk!peter Mark Cappel, mark@east.sunworld.com Ed Casas, edc@augean.ua.oz.au Kenneth Chang, kchang@ncsa.uiuc.edu Melinda Chen, mchen@csrd.uiuc.edu Roy Chester, roy@mlacus Joe Chew, JTCHEW@lbl.gov David Claytor, dlc@ais.org Stessa Cohen, stessa@ropes.OPCR.ICL.COM Michael Coleman, coleman@cs.ucla.edu Dean Collins, collin861@snake.cs.uidaho.edu Steve Coltrin, spcoltri@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu Chris Conn, sascmc@unx.sas.com Jeff Cook, Jeff.Cook@FtCollins.NCR.com Louie Crew, lcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu Michael DeLong, mad5c@virginia.edu Kelly DeYoe, kdeyoe@tjhsst.vak12ed.edu Kenneth Demster, dcrtg2.dcrt.dla.mil!aad4262 Kent Paul Dolan, xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG Chris Dollin, kers@hplb.hpl.hp.com Scott Duncan, duncan@ctt.bellcore.com Dick Dunn, rcd@ico.isc.com Andrew Eichstaedt, AEichsta@Athena.MIT.Edu. Dark Elf, 9029699@ul.ie Herbert B. Enderton, hbe@math.ucla.edu Lynda Felder, lsf@calmasd.prime.com Andrzej Filinski, andrzej@cs.cmu.edu Leonore Findsen, fax0357@uoft02.utoledo.edu Patrick Fitzgerald, pat@fitz.b17c.ingr.com Dan Flak, flak%mcgp@nwnexus Stewart Fleming, sfleming@cs.hw.ac.uk Richard Flood, bellcore.bellcore.com!pyuxf!rhf Mary Ellen Foley, mef@netcom.com Peter Franks, pete@indep1.mcs.com Sam Gassel, samg@midway.uchicago.edu Charles Geyer, geyer@galton.uchicago.edu Margaret D. Gibbs, gibbsm@ll.mit.edu Thomas Gillen, tom@math.ufl.edu Anne Louise Gockel, cs.cornell.edu!alg Osvaldo Gold, osvaldo@sos.com Dana Goldblatt, chaos.cs.brandeis.edu!dana Joshua Goldman, josh@osf.org Larry Gorbet, lgorbet@hydra.unm.edu Ron Graham, venus.lerc.nasa.gov!ECAXRON Dorian Gray, 8718288@ul.ie Kate Gregory, gregory@csri.toronto.edu Andrew Hackard, andy@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu Larry Hammer, LNH@albert.physics.arizona.edu Michael Hand, e343mh@tamuts.tamu.edu Carson Harding, harding@acs.ucalgary.ca Ken Hardy, racerx!ken@relay1.uu.net Robert Craig Harman, phoenix.princeton.edu!rcharman Lonnie D. Harvel, ldh@eedsp.gatech.edu Brian Hayes, hayes@concert.net Dennis Heffernan, dfrancis@tronsbox.xei.com Michael Ho, ho@hoss.unl.edu Grant Hogarth, cgh@frame.com Charlotte Hollister, hollist@bbn.com Will Hyde, why@kpc.com Jim Inscore, jinscore@next.com Linda Jacobson, linda@frcs.UUCP Munish K. Jain, mcs213k.cs.umr.edu!mjain Cal Jewell, jewell@Data-IO.COM Helen Kastner, helen@maspar.com Timothy Klein, timk@meaddata.com Lisa Klopfer, cs.unc.edu!klopfer Fred Korz, korz@bach.cs.columbia.edu Shantanu Kothavale, skothavale@twg.com Barbara J. Kratz, psuvm.psu.edu!BJK111 Mike Kretzer, tanith@csd4.csd.uwm.edu Richard Kretzer, max@csd4.csd.uwm.edu Steve Lamont, network.ucsd.edu!slamont Roar Larsen, rlifk@termix.termo.unit.no Mary Soon Lee, mary@ai.mit.edu Joel B. Levin, levin@bbn.com Jonathan Levine, jono@netcom.com Kristin J. Levine, kristin.levine@mac.dartmouth.edu Bruce Lilly, blilly!balilly!bruce@sonyd1.Broadcast.Sony.COM Hong Lip Lim, lim@cs.su.oz.au Nigel Ling, pucc.PRINCETON.EDU!mapd1%syma.sussex.ac.uk John Locke, jxxl@taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil Bob London, blondon@teknowledge.com John Machin, sjm@rand.mel.cocam.oz.au Tom Maddox, tmaddox@milton.u.washington.edu Laurie Mann, lmann%jjmhome@m2c.m2c.org Michele Marques, michele@apex.yorku.ca Barney McCartney, barney@emx.utexas.edu Bob McCormick, bobmcc@tcs.com Ellen McDonald, hpcvxemm.cv.hp.com!ellen Mark McGlothlin, mcgloth@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu Don McMinds, dlm@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com Jan Mikkelsen, janm@dramba.neis.oz.au David Neal Miller, miller.3@osu.edu Ethan Miller, elm@cs.berkeley.edu Gary Miller, gmiller@NeXT.com Ken Mohnkern, kem@cs.cmu.edu Andrew Moore, awm@ai.mit.edu Peter Moylan, eepjm@wombat.newcastle.edu.au Kathleen Much, kathleen@casbs.stanford.edu David J. Murphy, djmurphy@wam.umd.edu Miriam Nadel, nadel@aerospace.aero.org Erik Naggum, enag@ifi.uio.no Ash Nallawalla, ash@mlacus Joe Navratil, am349@cleveland.Freenet.Edu Ron Newman, rnewman@bbn.com Binh Nguyen, gatech!airmics!bnguyen Cyndi Norman, cnorman@ucsd.edu Steffan O'Sullivan, sos@oz.plymouth.edu Ed Oliveri, eo@cbnewsb.att.com Ruth Onn, ruth@ee.cornell.edu John Oughton, john@ldc.uucp Benno Overeinder, overeind@fwi.uva.nl Diane Patterson, diane@apple.com Bob Pendleton, bpendlet@dsd.es.com Doug Philips, dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us Henry Polard, MasPar.COM!henry Jeff Porten, sjporte@asc.upenn.edu Lutz Prechelt, prechelt@ira.uka.de Josh Putnam, Josh_Putnam@happym.wa.com Raven, bfwong@ocf.berkeley.edu George V. Reilly, gvr@cs.brown.edu Robert Reimann, rmr@sgi.com Ehud Reiter, e.reiter@edinburgh.ac.uk Charly Rhoades, crhoades@eddie.Altos.COM David Ritchie, ritchie@hpdmd48.boi.hp.com Jenny Robertson, jennyr@informix.com David Roller, dr@ducvax.auburn.edu Daniel M. Romanchik, danr@irie.ais.org Michael Sean Rooney, oxy.edu!rooney Audrey Rosen, a_rosen@casbah.acns.nwu.edu Michael Rothstein, rothstei@cs.kent.edu Doug Rudoff, mdisea!rudoff Nicholas Russon, nrusson@sco.COM SCHMOLECHNER, JOLECHNER@vaxsar.vassar.edu SIGAR, ifi.uio.no!sigar Brian Salter-Duke, B_DUKE@DARWIN.NTU.EDU.AU Linden Salter-Duke, SALTER_DUKE@darwin.ntu.edu.au Curt Sampson, curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca N. V. Sastry, Sastry.Nanduri@ec.bull.fr Sue Scheck, gdsnet.grumman.com!sue William J. Schmidt, schmidt@kickapoo.cs.iastate.edu John R. Schwab, fsjrs@oz.lerc.nasa.gov Steven Schwartz, ses3@midway.uchicago.edu Ellen Keyne Seebacher, elle@midway.uchicago.edu Larry Setlow, pjt@cpac.washington.edu Dorai Sitaram, tone.rice.edu!dorai Darrell Skinner, skinner@poly.polytechnique.fr Cameron Smith, cameron@midd.cc.middlebury.edu Jim Smith, jos@vitelloni.cray.com L.A.Z. Smith, leah@smith.uucp Stephen R. Smoot, smoot@cs.berkeley.edu Catherine Smotherman, birdy@prc.unisys.com Dan Stegner, dans@clmqt.marquette.Mi.US Ilana Stern, bierstadt.scd.ucar.edu!ilana Richard Stevens, rstevens@noao.edu Scott Stratmoen, scott%freedm@ast.dsd.northrop.com Steve Summit, scs@adam.mit.edu Matthias Theil, mtheil@quink.in-berlin.de Andrew Trapp, act31797@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu Barrie Trinkle, bkt@Hydra.jpl.nasa.gov Douglas Tucker, dhtucker@digi.lonestar.org Rodrigo Vanegas, cs.brown.edu!cs012148 Tom Wachtel, wachtel@canon.co.uk Kathy Walrath, kathy_walrath@next.com Craig E. Ward, cew@venera.isi.edu Karen Ward, wardk@cse.ogi.edu Barbara Watson, bw@mips.com Mark H. Weber, mhw@Schuylkill.Canal.Org James Weiss, ukelele!jweiss Richard White, caad.edinburgh.ac.uk!richard Richard White, rpwhite@gemini.cs.navy.mil Anthony Williams, tonyw@runx.oz.au Cliff Winnig, win2@midway.uchicago.edu Conrad Wong, cwong@cory.berkeley.edu Gregory G. Woodbury, ggw@cds.duke.edu Brian Yamauchi, yamauchi@cs.rochester.edu VOTES RECEIVED TOO LATE (all were yes) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jamie Blustein, jamie@uwo.CA David R. Conrad, dave@michigan.com Lee Daniel Crocker, lee@mport.com Naomi Diesendruck, naomi@Stardent.COM Ron Lev, rlev@engin.umich.edu John McMullen, jhm@snitor.UUCP Jean-Philippe Richard, jp@cassis.cnet.pab.fr