mfr3@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Matthew F Ringel) (06/06/91)

	Does anybody out there know if there is a spelling corrector
available for UNIX?   Allow me to explain what I mean.  I need
something that will take a document, figure out what will be the best
completion for that word (a.k.a. the "first-choice-word" used in
word-processor spelling-checkers), but automatically replace the word,
such that I could pipe a file into the command "autospell" (or
something like that) and have it come back with what *it* thinks is
the best completion....
	We need this 'cos we have a scanner which has decent OCR
abilities, but it is not perfect, so scanning large amounts of text
WILL probably result in some minor spelling errors.  We want to be
able to run a spelling corrector unattended, for manually correcting
large amounts of text is unwieldy to say the least.
	If anyone has any ideas on how to do this or how it is done
(or what other newsgroups to post this article to), please e-mail me
	Thank you in advance,

Matthew F. Ringel                   {}  Internet:mfr3@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu 
     ...and God saw the light...    {}           ringel@cs.columbia.edu
..and said that it was pretty neat.{}    Columbia University Football #1!