[comp.text] WordPerfect, Greek and Backwards letters

kl88a@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Kris Lockyear) (06/13/91)

I am currently helping to prepare a book for publication.  The book
was written using WordPerfect.  Normally I would convert this to LaTeX
but as there are large quantities of Greek in it I decided it would be
easier to try and finish it off in WP. 

I am using WP 5.0 and need to present the final document as a
PostScript file.

I have two problems

1)  I need to occaisionally print letters in mirror image.  I have
    managed to work out how to do this in raw PostScript (by working
    out the character width, moving, saving the graphics state,
    setting scale to -1 1, writing the string out, and then restoring
    the graphics state.)  Is there someway that I can utilise this from
    within WP?

2) I need some Greek to come out in bold but when set to bold it
   doesn't.  Presumably the Greek letters come from the postscript
   symbol font of which there isnt a bold version.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kris Lockyear

pshuang@athena.mit.edu (Ping-Shun Huang) (06/20/91)

In article <KL88A.91Jun12190316@manutius.ecs.soton.ac.uk> kl88a@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Kris Lockyear) writes:

 > 1)  I need to occaisionally print letters in mirror image.  I have
 >     managed to work out how to do this in raw PostScript (by working

Wordperfect has an option to send a printer control sequence to the
printer (Format:Other) which may be able to help you somewhat.  But I'm
not positive that it would work for you since the printer codes may end
up being embedded in text and not be recognized for Postscript code.
Another solution might be to use a drawing program to create images (EPS
would be the best, not sure if WP can import that properly) of these
mirror-image letters (you can even use the same font as the rest of your
text if you have the right font support in your drawing program) and
import them as graphics boxes in WP.

 > 2) I need some Greek to come out in bold but when set to bold it
 >    doesn't.  Presumably the Greek letters come from the postscript
 >    symbol font of which there isnt a bold version.

Postscript should always be able to bold a font if it does not already
have the human-crafted bold typeface somewhere.  I do not have direct
experience with bolding the Symbols font, though.

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