[net.music] New / Extended List Of Classical Composers

svb (06/23/82)

        This is the newest version of our list of classical composers.
        We found it quite useful and it is a good idea to derive an
        alphabetically sorted version from it.

        The original list uses German spelling, but we hope to have
        found all the differences and these are included. Only -
        how do you spell "Skrjabin". The "Enzyklopidia Britannica"
        has been used as the reference book.

        Please report any errors too me - also let me know whether you
        think that the list is useful or not.

        The help of Steve Knight, Pavel .??. (sorry - don't have
        your last name - @ cornell), Rick Nyland and my father
        is appreciated.

                                        Stephan Bechtolsheim

                                        svb @ Purdue

Des Prez                1450 - 1521
Palestrina              1525 - 1594
Lasso, Orlando di       1532 - 1594
Byrd                    1543 - 1623

Morley                  1557 - 1602
Gabrieli, Giovanni      1557 - 1613
Dowland                 1563 - 1626
Monteverdi              1567 - 1643
Schuetz                 1585 - 1672
Ferrari, Benedetto      1597 - 1681
Lully                   1632 - 1687
Buxtehude               1637 - 1707

Pachelbel               1653 - 1706
Corelli                 1653 - 1713
Purcell                 1659 - 1695
Scarlatti, Pietro Aless.1660 - 1725
Couperin                1668 - 1733
Weldon                  1676 - 1736
Vivaldi                 1678 - 1741
Telemann                1681 - 1767
Rameau                  1683 - 1764
Bach, Johann Sebastian  1685 - 1750
Handel                  1685 - 1759
Scarlatti, Domenico     1685 - 1757

Galuppi                 1706 - 1785
Benda                   1709 - 1786
Pergolesi               1710 - 1736
Gluck                   1714 - 1787
Bach, Carl Philipp Em.  1714 - 1788
Stamitz                 1717 - 1757
Cannabich               1731 - 1798
Haydn                   1732 - 1809
Bach, Johann Christian  1735 - 1782
Dittersdorf             1739 - 1799
Paisiello               1740 - 1816
Boccherini              1743 - 1805
Cimarosa                1749 - 1801

Salieri                 1750 - 1825
Clementi                1752 - 1832
Mozart                  1756 - 1791
Cherubini               1760 - 1842
Beethoven               1770 - 1827
Hoffmann, E.T.A.        1776 - 1822
Kreutzer                1780 - 1849
Diabelli                1781 - 1858
Auber                   1782 - 1871
Spohr                   1784 - 1859
Weber, Carl Maria v.    1786 - 1826
Meyerbeer               1791 - 1864
Rossini                 1792 - 1886
Loewe                   1796 - 1869
Schubert                1797 - 1828
Donizetti               1797 - 1848

Bellini                 1801 - 1835
Lortzing                1801 - 1851
Berlioz                 1803 - 1869
Glinka                  1804 - 1857
Mendelssohn - Bartholdy 1809 - 1847
Chopin                  1810 - 1849
Schumann                1810 - 1856
Liszt                   1811 - 1886
Flotow                  1812 - 1883
Verdi                   1813 - 1901
Wagner                  1813 - 1883
Dargomyzhsky            1813 - 1869
Gounod                  1818 - 1893
Offenbach               1819 - 1880
Franck                  1822 - 1890
Smetana                 1824 - 1884
Bruckner                1824 - 1896
Strauss, Johann         1825 - 1899
Rubinstein, Anton       1829 - 1894
Brahms                  1833 - 1897
Borodin                 1833 - 1887
Saint-Saens             1835 - 1921
Cui                     1835 - 1918
Delibes                 1836 - 1891
Balakirev               1836 - 1910
Bizet                   1838 - 1875
Bruch                   1838 - 1920
Mussorksky              1839 - 1881
Tchaikovsky             1840 - 1893
Dvorak                  1841 - 1904
Sullivan                1842 - 1900
Massenet                1842 - 1912
Grieg                   1843 - 1907
Rimsky-Korssakov        1844 - 1908
Faure                   1845 - 1924
Duparc                  1848 - 1933

Humperdinck             1854 - 1921
Janacek                 1854 - 1928
Elgar                   1857 - 1934
Puccini                 1858 - 1924
Leoncavallo             1858 - 1910
Albeniz                 1860 - 1909
Paderewski              1860 - 1941
Wolf                    1860 - 1903
Mahler                  1860 - 1911
Debussy                 1862 - 1918
Mascagni                1863 - 1945
Strauss, Richard        1864 - 1949
d'Albert                1864 - 1932
Sibelius                1865 - 1957
Glazunov                1865 - 1936
Busoni                  1866 - 1924
Satie                   1866 - 1925
Pfitzner                1869 - 1945
Skrjabin                1872 - 1915
Vaughan Williams        1872 - 1958
Rachmaninoff            1873 - 1943
Reger                   1873 - 1916
Schoenberg              1874 - 1951
Ives                    1874 - 1954
Holst                   1874 - 1934
Hahn                    1875 - 1947
Ravel                   1875 - 1937
de Falla                1876 - 1946
Ferrari                 1876 - 1948
Schreker                1878 - 1934
Resphigi                1879 - 1936
Bartok                  1881 - 1945
Knab                    1881 - 1951
Stravinsky              1882 - 1971
Kodaly                  1882 - 1967
Malipiero               1882 - 1973
Webern, Anton v.        1883 - 1945
Berg                    1885 - 1935
Schoeck                 1886 - 1957
Villa - Loboz           1887 - 1959
Prokofiev               1891 - 1953
Honegger                1892 - 1955
Milhaud                 1892 - 1970
Orff                    1895 - 1982
Hindemith               1895 - 1963
Gershwin                1898 - 1937
Auric                   1899 -
Poulenc                 1899 - 1963

Copland                 1900 - 1981
Krenek                  1900 -
Weill                   1900 - 1950
Egk                     1901 -
Radrigo                 1902 -
Blacher                 1903 -
Chatschaturjan          1903 -
Dallapiccola            1904 - 1975
Hartmann                1905 - 1963
Shostakovich            1906 - 1975
Fortner                 1907 -
Distler                 1908 - 1942
Messiaen                1908 -
Barber                  1910 -
Liebermann              1910 -
Sutermeister            1910 -
Menotti                 1911 -
Cage                    1912 -
Gustavino               1912 -
Bresgen                 1913 -
Britten                 1913 - 1976
Bernstein               1918 -
Einem                   1918 -
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois 1918 - 1970
Maderna                 1920 -
Nono                    1924 -
Berio                   1925 -
Boulez                  1925 -
Henze                   1926 -
Stockhausen             1928 -
Penderecki              1933 -