[net.music] Can you identify this song?

laurir (06/27/82)

I've been trying for years to track down this song.  I heard it at a ski lodge
circa 1974-76, as the score on a ski movie.  At the time I recalled having
heard it on mainstream rock radio stations, but I haven't heard it since.
The sound of the group is very much like the recent work of Cheap Trick.
The only lyric fragment that I can recall is "you'd better go for it", embedded
in the following melody fragment:


      @   O                   @   O

                  @                       @

                               ... you'd bet-ter go  for  it ...

(Treble cleff, key of C major, "@" is quarter note, "O" is half note [too
hard to draw the staves!]).  Chords are C until G beginning with the note
for the word "go".

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  -- Andrew Klossner