[net.periphs] Help with Hp LaserJet printer

nguyen@oakhill.UUCP (Lan Nguyen) (03/31/86)

I am looking for a "troff" postprocessor (or a filter) runing on UNIX for
the HP-LaserJet Printer (model HP 2686a). Does any one use this printer
with troff ?. How does it work?.

Any information is extermely welcome and much appreciated.

lan (...ut-sally!oakhill!nguyen)

hope@gatech.CSNET (Theodore Hope) (03/31/86)

My project and I are currenly looking into software to drive a LaserJet
from a 3b2.  Elan Computer Group (415-948-8193) sells their
(imporoved!) version of the Documenter's Workbench (ditroff, nroff,
pic, eqn, neqn, tbl, mm macros, etc) with their HP LaserJet driver.
Theodore Hope
School of Information & Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	hope@gatech		ARPA:	Hope%GATech.CSNet @ CSNet-Relay.ARPA
uucp:	...!{akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo,ut-sally}!gatech!hope