[net.news.newsite] NCR now on the net.

jreuter (08/31/82)

Name of site.
What the site is all about.
	Name: ncrday (NCR in Dayton)
	Function: Currently porting Unix system III to NCR hardware.

Name of contact person at site.
Electronic mail address of contact person.
U.S. Mail address of contact person.
Phone number of contact person.
	Administrator currently:
		Jim Reuter (jreuter)
		NCR Corporation
		CSP-5, Main & Caldwell
		Dayton, OH  45479
		(513) 445-6750

	Soon to be:
		Beth Hemmelgarn (beth)
		same address and phone

		Larry Rogers
		same address
		(513) 445-6731

Systems with whom news articles are exchanged.
(what kind of link, who the neighbor(s) are).
	Uucp link to cincy and purdue, maybe cwruecmp.

Systems with whom mail is exchanged.
(what kind of link, who the neighbor(s) are, what frequency
of connection, whether or not you'll pass outside mail along).
	Uucp link to cincy, purdue, cwruecmp with daily calls
	(somewhat irregular--no autodialer yet.)

Willingness (or lack thereof) to connect to new sites that
want to join usenet.  If you run uucp, tell if new sites can
call you, if you will poll them, what your policy is.
If on the arpanet, are you willing to forward news on to new
sites by establishing an arpanet usenet connection?
	We would like to support new sites, but we need
	the hardware (e.g. autodialer) before this can

If you want to publish your uucp phone number, login, and password,
include that info.
	Login: uncr
	Password: Uucp
	Phone #: (513) 445-6701
	Type: 300 baud (Bell 103)