james@sri-unix (09/13/82)
Tektronix Logic analyzers Unix systems are undergoing a slight reconfiguration. As of this Thursday 8:00 a.m. 9/16/82, the system will look like this. Please set up local mail addresses or uusends or mail aliasing accordingly. We have the b news system in with net.all etc up on all four local machines. tekmdp | | | dadla | ------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | dadla-a dadla-b dadla-d Site administrator: Jim Binkley Tektronix DAD Logic Analyzers uucp Electronic mail address: (decvax || ucbvax)!teklabs!tekmdp!dadla!dadla-b!james US Mail Address: J. Binkley Tektronix Box 500 MS 92-725 Beaverton, Oregon 97007