[net.news.newsite] AMD joins USENET

pn@sri-unix (11/05/82)

(It seems this didn't make it out the first time, so I am
resending. Sorry if you've seen this already. -pn)

Name of site.	amd70
What the site is all about.
	Advanced Micro Devices' Micro Computer Systems directorate
	is a manufacturer of Multibus-based boards and systems.
	The system products include:
		o A microprogramming development system (Sys 29/10)
		o A real-time OEM computer system (PS/1000)
		o A Z8000 development system (RTE/16)
	Board level products include:
		o Intel compatible board products
		o Intelligent Controllers (disk,serial)
		o Advanced 16-bit CPU boards
	Our research interests are in the areas of distributed real-time
	systems, Unix(tm)-based microcomputer systems, and support for
	Z8000, iAPX86, and bit-slice development.
Name of contact person at site.
Electronic mail address of contact person.
	UUCP/USENET administration:
		Phil Ngai
	System/Software department manager:
		Ken Greenberg
U.S. Mail address of contact person.
	Mail Stop 6
	3340 Scott Blvd.
	Santa Clara, CA 95051
Phone number of contact person.
Systems with whom news articles are exchanged.
Systems with whom mail is exchanged.
	We don't object to passing a small amount of mail on,
	but will restrict it if it gets excessive. A Ventel 212+
	auto-dialing modem is used for all our connections.
	Currently UUCP only knows how to dial a 1200 baud link,
	but our incoming modem is a Racal-Vadic triple sex type.
	All sites are call-on-demand. In addition,

	The following site(s) are polled 6 time(s) daily:
	The following site(s) are polled 4 time(s)daily:
	The following site(s) are polled 1 time(s) daily:
	The following site(s) are polled 0 time(s) daily:

Willingness (or lack thereof) to connect to new sites:
	We expect we can support up to three sites.
	We run uucp only, no arpanet connection.
If you want to publish your L.sys entry, include that info.
	Ask. We expect to be fairly liberal about establishing
	connections, unless(until?) our computer gets overloaded.