root (11/17/82)
Site: Delft University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering Contact userid: news Contact name: Henk Hesselink Address: Vakgroep Schakeltechniek Address: Gebouw voor Elektrotechniek Address: Mekelweg 4 Address: 2628 CD Delft Address: The Netherlands Usenet partners: mcvax Regular uucp: mcvax Irregular uucp: Voice phone: 015-783502 Dial in: 015-781571 Stock Control SCI 8003 (300 baud) Subscribes to: eunet.all,nlnet.all Willingness: Anyone can call, but we can't call you. (Hope to, soon, though) Location: 52.00 N 4.20 E Comment: Our hardware consists of the following: Comment: processor: VAX750, 2 Mbyte, 40 terminal lines Comment: disk: two CDC 9400 300Mbyte drives with removable packs Comment: tape: Kennedy 8800 800/1600 bpi Comment: We run Spice (CAD) and Ingres, and are experimenting with Comment: graphics. The VAX is also used a lot for document preparation