[net.news.newsite] New site "rlgvax"

rjf (02/07/83)

Name of site.


What the site is all about.

	rlgvax is the main machine for RLG Corp.  We are a UNIX*
	software house doing product development in ATE and Office
	Automation Systems.  We are a subsidiary of Computer Consoles,

Name of contact person at site.

	Bob Fabrizio

Electronic mail address of contact person.


U.S. Mail address of contact person.

	Bob Fabrizio
	RLG Corporation
	1760 Reston Ave., Suite 508
	Reston, VA 22090

Phone number of contact person.

	(703) 471-6860

Systems with whom news articles are exchanged.
(what kind of link, who the neighbor(s) are).

	mcnc (phone)

Systems with whom mail is exchanged.
(what kind of link, who the neighbor(s) are, what frequency
of connection, whether or not you'll pass outside mail along).

		mcnc        3/day
		we13        1/day
		brl-bmd     1/day
		umcp-cs     1/day

	We will pass outside mail along to these sites.

Willingness (or lack thereof) to connect to new sites that
want to join usenet.  If you run uucp, tell if new sites can
call you, if you will poll them, what your policy is.
If on the arpanet, are you willing to forward news on to new
sites by establishing an arpanet usenet connection?

	We are willing to have other sites poll us.
	We can handle forwarding news to one more site.

If you want to publish your uucp phone number, login, and password,
include that info.

	Contact us for this information.