[net.news.newsite] CVL joins usenet

joe (03/30/83)

Name of site: cvl
What the site is all about:
	the University of Maryland's Computer Vision Lab,
	a facility doing research into image processing and computer vision

Name of contact person at site: Robert Kirby
Electronic mail address of contact person: ...rlgvax!cvl!kirby
	OR: cvl!usenet (preferred)
U.S. Mail address of contact person: Computer Vision Lab
				     Computer Science Center
				     University of Maryland
				     College Park, MD  20742
Phone number of contact person: (301) 454-4526

Systems with whom news articles are exchanged: rlgvax
	umcp-cs will be joining usenet shortly (pending arrival of their
		new disk drive)

Systems with whom mail is exchanged: 
	umcp-cs	(uucp)	U. of Md. Computer Science Department
	rlgvax (uucp)	RLG Corp.
	bsos (uucp)	U. of Md. Behav. & Soc. Sciences
	umd6 (uucp)	U. of Md. Computer Science Center
	eneevax (uucp)	U. of Md. EE Dept.
	dbl (uucp)	U. of Md. Database Lab

We are willing to be called, or make local calls, for both uucp and
usenet (subject to changes in disk space availability)

Send mail to cvl!staff for uucp info.