[comp.unix.wizards] Cutsie prompts

wyle@ethz.UUCP (02/13/87)

Here is the C code of the prompt changer:

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXPROMPT 100
main () {

char prompt[MAXPROMPT];
char *filename = "/usr/wyle/work/prompt/prompt.list";
FILE *myfp;
int c, boundary, i, lim, nl;
  if ((myfp = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL) {
     printf ("Panic, couldn't open file %s\n", filename);
     exit (1);
  while ((c=getc(myfp)) != EOF) if (c == '\n') ++nl;
  fseek (myfp, 0L, 0);
  srandom (time(0));
  boundary=random() % nl-1;
  for (i=0; i<=boundary; i++) fgets(prompt, MAXPROMPT, myfp);
  i=0; while (prompt[i++] != '\n'); prompt[--i]='\0';
  printf (prompt);

and the prompts in the file are:

Like, wuh?
Radical, man >
Really rad, ya know?  fer sure? 
The ERA hasn't passed and you still want me to do what?
Quick, tell me before the bomb drops!
Say what?
No, really?
For sure?
What's up doc? 
How's tricks? 
What do you want? 
Beat me, whip me, make me feel cheap, ok? 
What now?
Yes master?
Your wish master? 
What do you say? 
Your turn: 
Yes honey? 
I won't do it! Do you hear me?
What's up tiger lily?
Oh now what? 
Now what do you want? 
You gonna make me? 
Watch it! ok? 
A self-referencing prompt ->
Yes captain? 
What do you want now? 
Your turn to type: 
What's happening? 
Let's party! 
Surely you must be joking! 
Do it 
Do it to it 
Do it to me 
Party down 
Stroke me: 
Type at me: 

                      M i t c h e l l     F     W y l e

    EEEEE TTTTTT H   H  Eidgenoessische      | wyle%ifi.ethz.chunet@csnet-relay
   E       T    H   H  Technische Hochschule | wyle@ethz.uucp
  EEEE    T    HHHHH  Zuerich                | ...!cernvax!ethz!wyle
 E       T    H   H  Institut fuer Informatik| Telephone: 011 41 1 256 5235 
EEEEE   T    H   H  8092 Zuerich, Switzerland| "Ignore alien orders"