[comp.unix.wizards] RDP and BBNNET 4.3BSD

larry@utecfb.Toronto.Edu (Larry Philps) (03/13/87)

Has anyone tried to run either BBNNET or RDP in the 4.3 distribution?
I am curious to find out some more about RDP.  Just how is it
"reliable" as opposed to UDP?  Is delivery guaranteed, is order?  If
someone has tried it and it does actually work, how does it compare
speed wise with either UDP or TCP?

Larry Philps	Engineering Computing Facility	University of Toronto
NEW PATH:   larry@ecf.toronto.edu
USENET:     {linus, ihnp4, allegra, decvax, floyd}!utcsri!ecfb!larry
CSNET:      larry@Toronto
ARPA:       larry%Toronto@CSNet-Relay
BITNET:     larry@ecf.utoronto.BITNET