[comp.unix.wizards] rsh with/without password

kumlin@blaca2.UUCP (03/17/87)

	I am trying to set up some type of security (ha,ha) on a fairly
	large network of Sun 3 machines.  What I thought I would do is,
	1) specify allusers the file /etc/netgroup on our YP master machine

			allusers (-,,domainname)

	2) specify trusted users in the same file

			trusted (machine,user,domainname)

	3) make entries in the file /etc/hosts.equiv something like

	I expected that users specified in "trusted" would be able to do an rsh
	to the machine with the hosts.equiv file and not be asked a password.
	That worked, the problem is that all users on "machine" specified in
	"trusted" could do an rsh without being asked for a password?????

	What did I do wrong?

	Thanks in advance.

-- Bob Kumlin 
--        Applicon, a division of Schlumberger Systems, Inc.
--        829 Middlesex Tpk.
--        P.O. box 7004
--        Billerica MA, 01821
--        (617) 671-9774
-- uucp: {allegra|decvax|mit-eddie|utzoo}!linus!raybed2!applicon!kumlin
--       {amd|bbncca|cbosgd|wjh12|ihnp4|yale}!ima!applicon!kumlin
--       {decwrl}!spar!applicon!kumlin