[net.news.newsite] new site -- cadif780

jq@cadif780.UUCP (J Q Johnson) (12/04/83)


Name:  cadif780
Contact:  J.Q. Johnson
Phone:  (607) 256-8250
Postal-Address:  163 Hollister Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-address:  cadif780!jq@cornell (arpa), \
News:  cornell
Mail:  cornell

	What the site is all about.
Computer Aided Design Instructional Facility -- provides support for 
courses in the Cornell College of Engineering which wish to use computer
graphics.  The facility comprises a VAX/780 and a 750, both running VMS,
with Eunice, plus various flavors of vector and color raster displays and

	Systems with whom news articles are exchanged.
cornell via uucp (fa.all and a subset of other newsgroups).

	Systems with whom mail is exchanged.
1200 baud uucp dialup link to cornell.  They poll us several times a day.
We will forward mail.

	Willingness (or lack thereof) to connect to new sites.
We will accept calls and will perform uucp mail forwarding (but not news
forwarding) for anyone who wishes to call us.  However, nonlocal sites will
generally find that contacting cornell (C.S.D.) makes more sense.

	If you want to publish your uucp phone number...
Contact JQ Johnson for this information.