[comp.unix.wizards] Xenix 386 & ESDI

michael@macom1.UUCP (Michael Mullins) (07/27/87)

I am trying to get SCO Xenix 386 to talk to a Western Digital 
ESDI controler.  The release notes for Xenix 386 include the 
hardware supported by all of SCO's Xenix products.  In the entries
for SCO Xenix 286, the WD ESDI controler is sopported, but under the
386 release, it is not listed as a supported product.  This has
been confirmed by Marti Siegle (thanks Marti) of SCO.  Marti also 
mentioned that there are some people doing things with ESDI and 
Xenix 386.

I would like to hear some experiences on getting this configuration
to run, and also, is there a reason that this controler is not (yet)
supported by Xenix 386 ?

Thanks in advance!
			John Mullins

PS: I would be happy to hear about any ESDI configurations that work, 
    not just Western Digital
John Michael Mullins
CENTEL Business Information Systems, Inc.
5515 Security Lane, Rockville, Maryland, 20852, (301) 984-3636
UUCP:   michael@macom1.UUCP 	or	decuac!macom1!michael