(Hurf Sheldon) (07/29/87)
There will be an in depth 3-day workshop on Berkeley Unix Device Drivers hosted by Cornell University. The course will be held Wed-Fri October 16-18 1987 on the Cornell Campus in Ithaca, N.Y. Dr. Dick Bulterman, a computer engineering professor from Brown University will conduct the workshop. He has extensive experience in the development of device drivers for use in data collection, networking and dma transfer. The fee for this course is $575 per person from academic institutions, and $725 per person from industrial and governmental organizations. Evidence of the necessary source code license will also be required prior to the start of the class. The workshop will be presented by the Institute for Advanced Professional Studies of Cambridge, Ma. This organization has worked with a number of leading universities and industrial organizations to conduct workshops on advanced computer-related topics. Reply to me (via netmail only please)( with: net address and postal address and a daytime phone # I will respond after 7/27-(vacation) To register or to obtain more detailed information call or write to IAPS: Institute for Advanced Professional Studies 55 Wheeler Street Cambridge, Ma. 02138 PH: (617) 497-2075 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hurf Sheldon Computer Facilities Manager Laboratory for Plasma Studies Cornell University bitnet:hurf@CRNLION Ithaca, N.Y. 14853 -- Hurf Sheldon Network: Lab of Plasma Studies Bitnet: hurf@CRNLION 369 Upson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853 ph:607 255 7267 I sold my Elan, got a job in science; Now, no one takes me seriously.