[net.news.newsite] exodus -- CSO, Inc. Applied Research UNIX system

rdsmith@exodus.UUCP (12/08/83)

Name of site.
What the site is all about.
	Applied Research for CSO, Inc.  (Central Services Organization,
	the "Bell Labs" of the new "Bell System").  Exodus is a VAX
	11/780 running various versions of UNIX at various times.
Name of contact person at site.
	Randy D. Smith
Electronic mail address of contact person.
U.S. Mail address of contact person.
	MH 7E-306
	AT&T Bell Laboratories
	600 Mountain Avenue
	Murray Hill, NJ  07974
Phone number of contact person.
	(201) 582-5411
Systems with whom news articles are exchanged.
	Currently, mhtsa is our only netnews feed, but this
	will change in the next couple of weeks.  Mhtsa feeds
	us as the spirit moves it over 1200 baud UUCP lines.
Systems with whom mail is exchanged.
	We exchange mail with NAC subscribers over 1200 baud
	dial-up lines whenever there is mail to exchange.
	We graciously pass on any mail aimed through us,
	with a good probability that it will make it through
	with no problems.
Willingness (or lack thereof) to connect to new sites that
want to join usenet.  If you run uucp, tell if new sites can
call you, if you will poll them, what your policy is.
	I currently have one solid feed, and I'm working on
	two others.  These would fill up our need for "corporate"
	netnews feeds; perhaps a university feed would be useful
	as well.
If you want to publish your uucp phone number, login, and password,
include that info.
	Subscribers to NAC can get it from the NAC administrators.
	Our uucp will drop your stuff on the floor if you try to
	talk to us and we don't know you.  If you aren't in the
	NAC distribution and you want to talk to us, you need to
	give us a call so we can exchange uucp information.