[comp.unix.wizards] Information on SYSLOG

allbery@ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery) (09/10/87)

I'm working on implementing a reasonably complete version of syslog for
System V, based on the debugging syslog posted to comp.sources.unix.  To
do this, I'd like some more information.  In particular, the code posted
didn't know what the two arguments to openlog() were, and doesn't specify
how the various message priorities are routed to various destinations (and
what destinations).

Can someone, without violating their BSD license, mail me a description of
what syslog does under 4.3BSD?  (May as well go for the most current version.)
Please keep in mind that I'm a System V.2 (soon V.3) binary licensee, so I
can't accept copies of syslog.h, etc.  I am looking for the various logging
destinations and how syslog/syslogd chooses between them for various message
priorities, and a list of the priorities supported (I've seen a few that
weren't in Arnold Robbins' posting).  I'd also like to stay as compatible
with the BSD code as possible _at the source level_ (at the interface level,
I'm planning on using FIFOs so I can run it under {USG UNIX,Xenix} 3, if

Thanks in advance.
	    Brandon S. Allbery, moderator of comp.sources.misc
ARPA: necntc!ncoast!allbery@harvard.harvard.edu  Fido: 157/502  MCI: BALLBERY
   <<ncoast Public Access UNIX: +1 216 781 6201 24hrs. 300/1200/2400 baud>>
All opinions in this message are random characters produced when my cat jumped
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