don@brillig.umd.EDU (Don Hopkins) (12/02/87)
There is a mailing list about Sun's NeWS window system, called "". (Administrative requests such as "add me!" go to "", of couse.) It is gatewayed to the USENET news group "". To avoid any confusion, when speaking the name of the NeWS window system, pronounce it like it's capitalized: just say "Nee-wis!" (Which, according to a completely unsubstantiated rumor, means "Neat Window System".) -Don (
don@BRILLIG.UMD.EDU (12/04/87)
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 87 20:30:00 EST From: (Barry Shein) >To avoid any >confusion, when speaking the name of the NeWS window system, pronounce >it like it's capitalized: just say "Nee-wis!" (Which, according to a >completely unsubstantiated rumor, means "Neat Window System".) > > -Don > ( Does that mean, by extrapolation, that I should pronounce Steve Jobs' new company "NeXT" as "Knee-Zit"? Just wondering. -Barry Shein, Boston University You don't think a StUdLY cAPiTaLisT like Steve Jobs would want people to think he was going to come out with another XT clone, do you? c(-; (Chanting "m-x load studlycaps" in Unipress Emacs, or "m-x load-library studly" in Gnu Emacs may help to elucidate.) -Don