[comp.unix.wizards] Internet membership: a query...

still@usceast.UUCP (Bert Still) (03/17/88)


	I have been asked to determine what I need to do (and/or who I need
to talk to) in order to get information about the Internet. Specifically,
how does a site become a member? Should I contact the ARPAnet managers?
(We already have several CSNet sites that are connected via phone links, and
would like to pursue the idea of "upgrading" to become a site capable of
using ftp, etc. on the Internet...)
	For some strange reason, that is not yet fully clear to me, I have
been asked to find out what the necessary steps are in order to put a
node on the Internet from which we would branch out to our subnets. Having
a very limited understanding of how the Internet works, I turn to the vast
knowledge of the Net People. I am not new to networks: I have been managing
a DECnet (with SNA links, terminal servers, remote line printers, and a
couple of VAXen) system for a year or so, and recently installed CMU-TCP/IP
on our VMS VAXen so as to link with computer sciences (who have graciously
been providing me with access to their BSD4.3 machine for quite awhile),
thus allowing FTP between BSD4.3 and VMS4.4. Well, I now have users that
want Internet access, and administrators who want Internet access. So, I
would greatly appreciate any information that might move me closer to
escaping this sandwich. Information on software and machine considerations
are solicited, as well as information on who to contact about Inetnet
	Another query along the same lines, as long as I'm eating bandwidth:
is a class C network internet address sufficient (ie. we were going to request
a Class C address for the University of South Carolina system of 9 campuses
and subnet from there, can we do that if we become an Internet member, or do
we need a Class A/B address) ??
	I was not sure which newsgroups (if any) would be appropriate for
this query, so I took the liberty of posting to the ones most likely read by
Systems Managers and Administrators. If anyone takes offense, pleas know that
I had no malevolent intent. Many thanks for any and all help.

Bert Still
Assistant Systems Manager
Mathematics and Statistics Computation Center
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208
CSNet: still@cs.scarolina.edu
BITNET: T410119@UNIVSCVM (IBM mainframe-net... warning EBCDIC char set!)

ron@topaz.rutgers.edu (Ron Natalie) (03/18/88)

Being a university in the South East, I would expect that your best bet
is to hookup with the NSFNet regional in your area, which I believe is
SURANet.  I'm not to familiar with those people but I can suggest that
you call the Computer Center at one of the other member schools (such
as Maryland or Tennesee-Knoxville).


mike@BRL.ARPA (Mike Muuss) (03/18/88)

For 9 campuses, you will definitely want a single class B network, subnetted
into 256 sub-networks of 256 hosts each.  Just about right for 9
campuses with a distinct ethernet in each building.

As for InterNet access, your best bet is to join up with the NSFNET
(National Science Foundation).  NSF has helpped cause the creation of
many regional networks, some of which cover your area of the country.
For a good starting point, contact Dr. Steve Wolff, Director of
Networking at the National Science Foundataion.  His E-mail address
is <Steve@note.nsf.gov>.  (If you can't reach that address, he is
also <Steve@BRL.ARPA>).